I just had one of those days at work where you really need to remind yourself to remain calm at all times…anyway, today is celebrated as International women’s day! To commemorate I want to shout out the powerful women that are beside, in front and behind me at all times. My Big Sister Ron, my superwoman mom Elaine, my life partner and mother of my children Felecia and most of all my phenomenal daughters, my inspirations, my everything Haley and Isabel.
This is for the superwomen who inspire me all day every day.
Happy Women’s Day!
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Len Wein and Dave Cockrum
1st appearance: Giant-Size X-Men #1 (May 1975)
Ororo Monroe/Storm is a mutant with the ability to perceive and manipulate the forces and elements that govern weather. She’s a mainstay and veteran member of the X-Men, tactical field leader, Avenger, African Goddess, Thief, former member of the Fantastic Four, Headmistress of the Jean Grey School, and the former Queen of Wakanda.

She is a mouthful! On top of all that she is easily the most recognizable and famous black
Publisher: DC Comics
Created by: Gerry Conway and Bob Oksner
1st appearance: Action Comics #521, (July 1981)
The African born Vixen carries a magical Tantu totem that augments her animal mimicking abilities. She has been a JLA and Suicide Squad member, a model and successful business woman. She enjoys mainstream popularity through appearances on the Justice League animated series. Recently it was announced that she will headline her own animated series on the CW network set in the same timeline as Arrow and Flash.
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Reggie Hudlin and John Romita Jr.
1st appearance: Black Panther #2, 2005
Younger Sister to T’challa the Deadliest man Alive, daughter to T’chaka the Great, often called the deadliest of the special and the current reigning Queen of Wakanda. Shuri was born to the greatest and prestigious dynasty in the marvel universe. Born to be queen Shuri is a fierce loyalist to her people who unlike T’challa believes in the old ways.
- Rosalyn
Created by: Todd Johnson and Larry Stroman

Rosalyn was a voluptuous beauty and a member of the superhero movement called ‘Tribe’. Blindspot recalled that he met her by chance on the street. He stumbled for words hoping compliments would sweep her off her feet. He struck out but they became friends and allies over the years. She was training with Short Order when they were contacted by Blindspot. She’s always a topic of fan debate and easily the most popular character from TRIBE. Rosalyn is theorized to be the most powerful member of Tribe.
- Kendra
Created by: Joss Whedon
1st appearance: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 1997
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Ring of Fire (1st comic book appearance), 2000
Kendra Young was a Slayer born on the Caribbean island of Jamaica. Unlike Buffy, she was identified as a “potential slayer” at an early age and was taken in and trained by Sam Zabuto in weapons and martial art. Kendra was the modeled slayer in training mastering the “slayer handbook” and carrying out orders to the letter. Before she received her powers she carved a stake she affectionately called “Mr. Pointy”. When Buffy Summers suffered a temporary death the slayer line and powers were activated in Kendra in 1997.

Investigating a supposedly “slayer-less” Hellmouth she fought Buffy and later allied with the Scooby Gang in battling the vampires, Spike and Drusilla. After Angel was reverted to “Angelus” she returns to sunny dale to aid her friends but is killed in battle with Drusilla in 1998. after only a year-long tenure as Slayer. Her death activated “Faith”.
- Thunder (Anissa Pierce)
Publisher: DC Comics
Created by Judd Winick and Tom Raney
1st appearance: Outsiders vol. 3 #1, August 2003

Anissa Pierce is the first daughter of Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning and his wife. She has the ability to control her density. At the age of twenty-two, she graduated from pre-med from Tulane University. She was recruited by Arsenal and Nightwing into the Outsiders; they noted “she’ good, but she has allot to learn”. She eventually started a relationship with the Amazon Grace Choi and is also made her debut on the CW’s Black Lightning!!
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Tony Isabella and Arvell Jones
1st appearance: (unnamed) Marvel Team-Up (1st series) #1 (March 1972), (name revealed) Marvel Premiere #20 (January, 1975)

Misty knight is the super bad, super foxy 70’s style kung fu bionic detective. Misty is well known for dating Iron Fist Danny Rand and being partners with red haired samurai Colleen Wing. Recently she joined the “Fearless Defenders” partnered with Valkyrie after restarting the “Heroes for Hire” business under the alias of control. After the “Fearless Defenders” disbanded she uncovered a global Hydra plot to infiltrate everything. While undercover she confides this secret to Samuel Wilson/All New Captain America before they prepare for the coming war.
- Monica Rambeau
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Roger Stern and John Romita, Jr.
1st appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #16, (1982)
Monica Rambeau was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. She enlisted into her local police department and quickly rose through the ranks, positioning herself as lieutenant of its Harbor division. While off-duty, she helped a scientist track down an international dictator, who wanted to use a powerful energy machine to take over the United States. After thwarting his plans, she attempted to destroy the machine and was bombarded by extra-dimensional energy.

After this, Lt. Monica Rambeau gained the ability to manipulate all energies of the electromagnetic spectrum. She has gone by many code-names over the years whilst utilizing these abilities as a crime fighter. Monica has served alongside the Avengers in various incarnations and operated as their leader for a time.
- Livewire
Publisher: Valiant Entertainment
Created by: Joshua Dysart and Khari Evans
1st appearance: Harbinger #3, 2012
Brief Summary
I’m going to fight the urge to scream like a raving

In the aftermath of Armour Hunters there is no doubt that is the woman to watch right now from Valiant, forget Dr. Mirage or Geomancer Livewire is the Wonderwoman/Storm of the
Publisher: Milestone Comics
Created by: Dwayne McDuffie and Denys Cowan
1st appearance: Icon #1, May 1993
Raquel Ervin is an outspoken young black woman who is the first teenage mother in comics, the woman who inspired Augustus Freeman into becoming Icon and later becomes his partner.

As the superhero Rocket, Raquel uses an inertia belt which allows her to fly, re-channel kinetic energy and even form shields. Rocket made waves recently on the Young Justice animated series. Rocket is super popular and deserves to be in any Milestone 2.0 project related to DC Comics!
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Scott Lobdell and artist Chris Bachalo
1st appearance: Uncanny X-Men #316, September 1994
Monet St. Croix, also simply known as M, is one of the more powerful new mutants of her generation with powers eerily reminiscent of

She was involved with the now-c
- Jakita Wagner
Created by:Warren Ellis
1st appearance: Planetary #1 (1999)
In 1934 Jakita was born in Opak-re a highly advanced African city in which breeding with outsiders was forbidden. Her mother was Anaykah a native there who was lovers with both her father Lord Blackstock (a metahuman) and Elijah Snow, future leader of the Planetary group.

She was left for dead by the citizens of Opak-re after her birth because of their traditions. Given to Elijah Snow she was given to a German family, the Wagners who gave her a normal life. When her metahuman abilities manifested she was taken in by Snow and trained as a field operative for the planetary group.
On a trip to Earth Prime she fought Batman of the Justice League to a near standstill.
Aisha met the power rangers after saving her teachers child and then was captured by lord Zedd after she and her friends won a ninja competition. Once the original black, red and yellow rangers were chosen to join the peace conference she received the power of the Yellow Ranger and replaced Trini on the team.

She used the yellow Lion thunderzord and later the bear and Yellow shogun zord as well as the yellow ninja powers for a time. When reduced to childhood and in search of the zeo crystal she ended up in Africa where she decided that her veterinary skills would be best used their so she entrusted the zeo crystal and her place on the team to Tanya. She was portrayed by Karan Ashley and was the first African-American female to portray a yellow Ranger or power ranger, period.
- Ninja G
Created by: Matt Kindt and Christos Gage
1st appearance: Ninjak (V3) #1 (March, 2015)
Publisher: Valiant Entertainment

NINJA-G was a member of the super secret british intelligence unit MI6 during the mid 1970s-early 1980s. A badass black woman, the first female Ninja agent, and one of the best. Seeing that her trajectory was leading nowhere good, she faked her death and started a new life. She’s still around and still deadly. If Cleopatra Jones or Foxy Brown was a ninja she would be Ninja G!
Publisher: Xmoor Studious
Created by: Robert Garett and N. Steven Harris
1st appearance: Ajala: A series of Adventures #1
Brief Summary
The Story Revolves around the coming of age sci-fi Adventures of AJALA STORM a twelve-year-old junior agent for a C.S.C., a covert group who operate out of franchise of community centers across the United States. The C.S.C. has been safeguarding communities for so long, and the C.S.C. currently finds themselves in a new sort of conflict. For several decades a long struggle has been waged against a group called The Quo who is determined to hold back the evolution of the urban communities through vices, crime and ignorance.

AJALA is introduced to the covert world of the C.S.C. when she uncovers her mother’s past and discovers when she was once a junior agent. AJALA is plunged into the C.S.C. as an agent in training that is sent out to ensure community safety. Through her lessons as a junior agent and her everyday life as a normal school student, AJALA will be leading a new life of adventure and discovery, and helping to protect her community from ruin. N. Steven Harris is good people. Of all the people I have interviewed since our inception Steven is one of the realest. Ajala meanwhile has been enjoying qua bit of proper buz as she is characterized and illustrated just as beautifully as ever.
- Jet
Publisher: DC Comics
Created by: Steve Englehart and Joe Staton
1st appearance: Millennium #2 (1988)
Nationality: Jamaican
Celia Winward was a Jamaican living in Great Britain when the guardians of the universe (creators of the Green Lantern) decided to recruit and empower ten earthlings to be their successors as the “new guardians”. Celia was the fifth person empowered by them. Over the course of her adventures Jet apparently contracted a celestial class disease and sacrificed her life to save the earth.

Years later she returned to life since she had been granted Immortality by the Guardians. Celia also became the leader of the new Guardians now with additional members called the “global guardians”. Fellow black superhero Freedom beast of Africa also joined their ranks. The team was then mind controlled into fighting Green Lantern Hal Jordon. Once freed they continued to police the globe and assisted Checkmate in stopping an impending apocalypse.
Publisher: Aspen MLT
Created by: Michael Turner and J. T Krul
1st appearance: World of Aspen (FCBD) 2006
Brief Summary
Miya is a 10,000 year old faye that has made it her life’s mission to destroy the Samusara and his evil wherever it may be. As a child she started a rebellion against an evil Kaaz.

She was one of the founders of the Faye kingdom/Rahtumi revered as the “Saoteria” or “savior”. In modern times when the living embodiment of the Samusara’s darkness manifested she fought it off in Africa with her warriors. Journeying to America to seek out the new Samusara (Malikai); she and her warriors ambushed and almost killed him before he escaped. Returning to the Faye city she had helped found centuries before she demanded the location of the Samusara so she could kill him. Opposed by Grace they had to make an uneasy alliance to fend of Onyx and later the manifestation of the Samusara’s darkness itself. In the end she realized that the latest Samusara, Malikai was not like the evil Kaaz when he sacrificed his life to destroy the manifestation of evil and killed himself in the process.
- Shard
Created by: Scott Lobdell and John Romita, Jr.
1st appearance: Uncanny X-Men Annual #17 (December, 1993)
Shard was the younger sister of the time-traveling mutant X-man, Bishop. Shard’s power allows her to absorb ambient light particles and convert it for a variety of effects.

She can fire concussive blasts, combust portals opened by Trevor Fitzroy and fire photonic energy from her hands. After her death at the hands of an Emplate Horde she was reborn as an As a Photon based life form which gave her the added ability to phase through solid objects and possess others though the latter was underdeveloped. She also had no need to eat or sleep.
Picked by Aisha as her replacement after she rescued her from a lion Tanya became the second female African-American yellow ranger and third African-American power ranger ever.

She is a capable fighter who trained with fellow ranger Adam. She is described as intelligent and athletic. She has a beautiful singing voice and also loves music. After graduating from Angel Grove High she picked Ashley as her successor and was never heard from again. Tanya was portrayed by Nakia Burrise.
- Domino Swift
Publisher: Image Comics
Created by: Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, and Babs Tarr
1st appearance: Motor Crush #1, 2016

Domino Swift competes for fame and fortune in a worldwide motorcycle racing league. By night, she cracks heads of rival gangs in brutal bike wars to gain possession of a rare, valuable contraband: an engine-boosting “machine narcotic” known as Crush. Unique physiology allows her to ingest the “machine narcotic” known as Crush which kills a normal human but instead grants her superhuman speed.
Publisher: DC Comics
Created by: Grant Morrison based on the original created by Robert Kanigher and Don Heck
1st appearance: Final Crisis #7 (March, 2009)

Nubia was created from black clay by the queen of the Amazons Hipolyta as a sister for Dianna who was created from white clay. This version of Nubia went beyond being princess of the amazons and rose to the rank of Queen. Partnered with President Superman she was present during Final Crisis and in a latter appearance seems to be the a huge moral guide for President Superman whose ideas of keeping the world safe blur the line between hero and villain.
Publisher: Image Comics
Created by: Robert Kirkman
1st appearance: The Walking Dead #19, 2005
The now infamous sword slinging zombie killer started out as a child who took an interest in the art of fencing. In college she continued to study this martial arts form at which she excelled. After she graduated from Law school she settled into the life of a lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia where she fell in love and had two children.

She would later divorce. When the dead started returning to life and walked the streets, a chance visit with a neighbor lead her to take up the sword once more. Her boyfriend and his best friend where later infected and reanimated thus she cut off their jaws and arms to prevent them from attacking her. She carried them around on chains explaining their presence decreased the chance of other zombies attacking. She later joins the other survivors at “the prison” and became the ass kicking Zombie killer we all know and love!
Publisher: Archaia Comics
Created by: Brandon Thomas
1st appearance: The Many Adventures of Miranda Mercury #1, year Unknown
Brief Summary
Miranda is part of the famous Mercury family and saved a planet at the age of ten. Over time she grew into quite the hero of the galaxy along with her sidekick Jack. At some undisclosed time in the past Miranda was infected with an incurable virus.

Over the course of her adventures she is betrayed by a lifelong friend, fights Time Raiders, is framed for murder, tortured, and has to deal with the death of her grandfather, the great James Mercury. Throughout it all Miranda maintains her will of iron and maintains her sanity and save the universe all over again.
Publisher:Milestone Media INC.
Created by: Dwayne McDuffie and Denys Cowan
1st appearance: Shadow Cabinet #7, 1994
Brief Biography: Stella was a girl who always had an aptitude for mathematics, to this end upon graduating from High School she enrolled in a college level degree of said subject. It was here that she witnessed her college professor using an experimental Tachyon telescope for a teleportational experiment. It went horribly wrong and he was being bombarded by cosmic rays.

Fearing for his life she pushed him out-of-the-way and took the full brunt of the cosmic rays and radiation. She was transformed into a human pulsar. She was found by Hardware who used his technology to help stabilize her powers and help her control them. Why she’s here: I’ve always like her design and all of her appearances after her debut suggest she was going to be a major player in Dakota. With her power set she’s a female Static, easy!
The warm and Open Katie traveled to the past with her friends to save the future. She has inhuman strength and a very warm and inviting personality.

She is very protective of her friends and would do anything for them. When her mission ended she returned to the future. She is last seen traveling to the past once more to battle the Mut-Orgs. She was portrayed by actress Deborah Estelle Phillips. Katie is the third African-American Yellow Ranger.
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Created by: Frank Miller
1st appearance: Give Me Liberty #1, 1990
Brief Summary
Born in the housing complex called “The Green” on March 11, 1995. She lived with her mother and two older male siblings. While still quite young and in school she showed genius level talents in regards to computer programming and hacking. As tragedies mounted in her youth she was traumatized and institutionalized before escaping and joining the PAX Peace Force (the US army).

Here she would save the South American rain forest (During the second American Civil War) and thwart a global disaster. Over the course of her long life she thwarts an alien invasion, gets stranded in space and engages in many wars that shape the course of American and world history. She eventually marries Native American Wasserstean and had three sons. Martha eventually dies of old age after giving a rousing speech to gathered soldiers and friends inspiring them to continue fighting on for a better world.
Publisher: DC Comics
Created by: Bob Rozakis and Irv Novick
1st appearance: Teen Titans #45, December 1976
Karen Beecher was a scientist with a normal life until she met Mal Duncan a member of the Teen Titans.

With her scientific skills she created a power suit which granted her flight, super strength, energy blasts and the ability to shrink in size. She later joined the Teen Titans and is most popular for appearing on the cartoon network “Teen Titans animated series. Karen Beecher is also DC Comics first female black superhero.
- Persephone
Publisher: Image Comics
Created by: Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
First Appearance: The Wicked+The Divine #1,2014
Born to a black father and White mother in London, England, Laura was a teenager who always knew she was meant for so much more. When the Pantheon make their debut she is instantly smitten and becomes their “fangirl”.

Laura Wilson, currently known as Persephone, the Greek Goddess of springtime, vegetation, flowers, fertility, death, rebirth and the underworld, is a teenage girl who became embroiled in the Recurrence when she befriended the god Lucifer. Obsessed with the Pantheon, she eventually achieved her dream of becoming a god herself. She also appeared in the 1920’s Recurrence, and presumably in all Recurrences, although unseen. Persephone is the God that Ananke’s sister claim would appear last during each Recurrence.
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Chris Claremont and Sean Chen
1st appearance: X-Men: The End: Book 1: Dreamers & Demons #1, 2004

Aliyah Bishop is the daughter of the X-Man Bishop and Sh’iar Royal Deathbird. Aliyah was an instrumental part of the battle on her world to defeat the mumudrai Cassandra Nova and doomed all existence. After the climactic battle she becomes the Majestrix Sh’iar, being the only surviving member of the Neramani family, with her father as imperial chancellor.
Publisher: Valiant Entertainment
Created by: Joshua Dystart and Clayton Henry
First Appearance: Harbinger Wars #1, April 2013
Brief Summary
Age 12, She was a prisoner of the PRS (Project Rising Spirit) who were being groomed as living weapons. They escaped from the facility during the Harbinger wars. She was with the group that escaped with Cronus and landed in Vegas.

Along the way she has to kill a few humans to protect her friends. When Harada arrived she was taken down by his ‘Hyper Psychics’ who took her into custody. Her mind and powers prove tricky and she is contained separately and sedated. Strangely while her conscious mind is sedated her unconscious mind projects three of her favorite characters capable of independent thought. The constructs kill her jailers and plan to wake the creator.
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Jonothan Hickman
1st appearance: Avengers (2013) #1,
The latest host of the Uni-Power if Tamara Devoux a woman of African descent who got pregnant for a man who wanted nothing to do with her or her child. As a single mother she grew her child as best she could.

One day while in the car a mysterious event took place, leaving her in the hospital for ten years. The uni-power chose her as it’s newest host because like it she was broken and dying. With her godlike powers, she serves the global Avengers initiative. Despite her nigh omnipotence, she does go through bouts of inactivity. During Infinity she was a major player in stopping the threat.
Publisher: Milestone Media INC.
Created by: Dwayne McDuffie and Denys Cowan
1st appearance: Hardware #9, 1993
Brief Biography: Tiffany was always a brilliant woman so when she chose to become a cyberneticist it was no shock. After achieving her doctorate her skills caught the attention of Edwin Alva. She was given her own staff to put an end to Hardware. She made fast friends with Kurt Metcalf who assisted her as the head of the “Anti-Hardware ” team.

It was her idea to use a female pilot for their own version of a power suit since the female pilot would be lighter making the armor more maneuverable. Upon the armors completion it was named “Technique”. Why she’s here: In the Dakota Hardware was quite possibly the smartest man on earth. Technique was a woman who could go toe to toe with him, intellectually and physically. She was the yin to Hardware’s Yang in every sense of the word. It also doesn’t hurt that Mcduffie planned for her to be Hardware’s successor as chronicled in ‘Milestone Forever’. Don’t sweat the Technique!
- Voodoo (clone)
Publisher: Wildstorm Comics
Created by: Ron Marz and Sami Basri based on the original created by Jim Lee and Brandon Choi
1st appearance: Voodoo #1, 2011
Brief Biography
Cloned from the cells of Priscilla Kitaen a human Daemonite hybrid who had been experimented on but escaped, she was implanted with training, memories and an inherent almost fanatical belief in the Daemonite prophecy. Sent to earth after her programming had been checked she became a sleeper agent to gather information on earth’s heroes.

She started out as a stripper located next to a military base but eventually went rouge. When her true nature as a clone was revealed to her she confronted her Daemonite handlers and after killing all who opposed her she was granted the rank of “Commander of Earth’s Hybrids”. Returning to Earth she confronted her template. On Saturn she rose to the rank of leader of the abandoned Daemonites and was now hellbent on destroying all who opposed her claim as the new leader of the Daemonites; Hellspont, Priscilla and the Daemonite lords. She was classified as a black bi-sexual superhero by DC Comics.
- Cecilia Reyes
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Scott Lobdell and Carlos Pacheco
1st appearance: X-Men #65, June 1997
Cecilia grew up in a poor community while in her native Puerto Rico. She was the second child of her family after older brother Miguel. One day she witnessed her father’s death outside the house and unable to save him he died in her arms. This traumatic event left the young Cecelia a very motivated young woman who dedicated her life to the study of medicine.

This ambition and single-minded drive allowed her to leave her life in Puerto Rico and pursue her dreams in the United States. During Operation Zero Tolerance she was ousted as a mutant and lost her job but became a member of the renegade X-men. Even after she left the team she remained a close ally always ready to join the battle and aid her adopted family either as a Doctor or warrior. Cecelia also shared a romance with the X-men’s Beast.
- Virtue
Publisher: DC Comics
Created by: Gail Simone and Freddie E. Williams
1st appearance: The Movement #1, July 2013
She is a metahuman with the power to ride one’s emotions. She can use this to see the emotional connections that one has with those around them. She can also use these connections to astral project herself into their vicinity. She can also sense the emotional state of others and shift into a state related to emotions in this state she is intangible and can fly.

She can also induce emotional states in others and even enhance them so they can be used as an effective weapon. Born into an unnamed family with the ability to access the emotional spectrum, the same accessed by the Lantern corps of the universe. When her powers manifested she accidentally put her father in a hospital He did not recover for weeks. Her mother in fear sent her away to her aunt and told her father she was dead. She would eventually create the Movement and battle Batgirl as an openly Gay woman.
Publisher: Graphic Illusions Comics
Created by: Loeri & Reaper and Richardson & Correa
1st appearance: Shonen Double Feature #1
Brief Biography
The Brooklyn Blur is a speed-based paranormal with various speed related powers. The exact limits of her speed are as yet unknown. However, Blur has been known to easily break the sound barrier.

Additionally, by vibrating at super speeds, Blur has demonstrated seismic/vibration related abilities which have been showcased in a variety of ways. She can also create wind vortexes comparable to tornadoes. It is believed that she can create after images of herself, giving the appearance that she is in several places at once. Brooklyn Blur also has an enhanced metabolic rate and healing factor.
- Threnody
Created by: Fabian Nicieza
1st appearance: X-Men #27, 1993
Driven almost crazy by her manifested mutant abilities she took to living on the streets during the height of the legacy virus. There she came into contact with a small band of X-men who tried to recruit her to their team. When sinister offered her a more sure way of controlling her powers she left with him.

Over the next few years with her power under control she worked for sinister monitoring mutants for him. When Nate grey arrived on earth she escaped from sinister and joined the boy to ensure her freedom. In time they fell in love and adventured together. When she came face to face with Madelyn Pryor however she was seemingly killed after her power inhibitors were removed. She did not die however and for months followed Nate and Maddie while she advanced through pregnancy and finally gave birth. She then confronted Nate who had lost control of his power and said a tearful goodbye before returning for her child. Her current whereabouts are unknown as she retained her powers after M-day.
- Sakhmet
Publisher: Image Comics
Created by: Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
1st appearance: The Wicked + The Divine #1, December 17, 2014
Sakhmet is the Egyptian Goddess of the sun, wrath, war, destruction, plagues, sex, healing, protection and kingship, and is one of the gods of the Recurrence and is symbolized by the head of a lioness. She appeared as part of the 2010s Recurrence.

On 13 January 2010, a pre-godhood Sakhmet went on a school trip to the British Museum. A classmate accused her of crying, which she flatly denied. They both viewed a statue of the Egyptian goddess Sakhmet, and when her classmate observed that she looked sad, she responded that she was made of stone and therefore didn’t feel anything. It is implied that her father was abusive and she had some kind of trauma in her past. Sakhmet’s incarnation was in 2013 and she was the second god to emerge. Sakhmet’s design is based primarily upon Rihanna and she is bisexual.
Publisher:Milestone Media INC.
Created by: Dwayne McDuffie and Denys Cowan
1st appearance: Blood Syndicate #1, April 1993
Brief Biography: At the Big Bang Flashback was one of only a handful of people to survive the massacre. After the incident, she gained superhuman powers and joined the Blood Syndicate. For awhile she dated teammate and then-leader Holocaust. Because of the nature of her power she was used as a fail-safe for her teammates when in hectic situations.

If anyone was mortally wounded she would travel back in time and prevent them from dyeing. Over time however, this took a toll on her psyche since she had memories of all her friends being horrifically killed. To compensate for the nightmares which haunted her she turned to cocaine use. Why she’s here: As a kid I thought all junkies or drug users were just bad people. Sara put a different spin on things, humanizing drug use and the reason we do it. Plus by overcoming her addiction she serves as inspiration for those trying to recover.
- Frenzy
Created by: Bob Layton and Keith Pollard
1st appearance: X-Factor #4, 1986
Nothing is known of her youth except she has a younger brother whose name is Gareth. She became a mercenary early on and had a brief fling with the x-man Gambit. She came to be recruited by Apocalypse into his alliance f evil and clashed with the original X-factor.

They were defeated numerous times until they were abandoned by Apocalypse and the group separated. She then joined with Nightshade in the femizons but when their leader was killed they disbanded. Under Magneto however she found her true calling, fighting for mutant rights before later joining he X-men.
Publisher:Milestone Media INC.
Created by: Dwayne McDuffie and Denys Cowan
1st appearance: Icon #4, 1993
Brief Biography: Darnice grew up with Raquel in Dakota since they were young children. They eventually became best friends. Darnice was the only person to whom Raquel confided that she was Rocket and that she was pregnant. When the original Rocket was close to giving birth she had no choice but to stop being a superhero temporarily. To this end Darnice was given the mantle of Rocket and the powers.

Raquel trained her in the proper use of the powers and she was teamed with Buck Wild who became a temporary Icon.Why she’s here: Honestly there was no greater friendship for me than Darnice and Raquel. They were really down for each other and trust me the conversation they had about sex in Icon #4 makes me chuckle even today! Darnice proved that you don’t need superpowers to be a superhero when she convinced Buckwild to accept death and move on.
- Aneka
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Jonathan Maberry and Will Conrad
1st appearance: Black Panther Vol.5 #8, 2005
Her childhood is shrouded in mystery.
Aneka was one of the Captains of the Dora Milaje who trained young recruits at Upanga under the watchful eyes of Mistress Zola [Black Panther- World of Wakanda #1, 2016]. Aneka was an integral part of the Dora Milaje during the reign of Queen Shuri after T’challa abdicated the throne. She was also instrumental in training the Dora Milaje when Dr. Doom allied with the Desturi and staged a major coup. She was tasked by T’challa to create a new fighting style to combat Doom’s Doombots.

After the battle she remained loyal to the crown despite the doubts that lingered in her mind. It was during this recuperation time that she met a young recruit named Ayo who reminded her of herself and who she was drawn to. The young woman would test her boundaries and skills constantly but she resisted yielding to their attraction. They eventually rebel against the crown as she and Ayo, became lovers.
- Aizan
Publisher: Pyroglyphics Studios/Street Team Studios
Created by: Shawn Alleyne
1st appearance: Aizan Mixtape Sketchbook
Nationality: Barbadian
Hela St. August, also known as Aizan, is a self-taught practitioner of parkour and break dancing, making her extremely agile and coordinated. Through a special ceremony of the Aizan Clan, some of her mentor’s abilities were passed to her, allowing her to absorb some of his martial arts abilities. Aizan is now skilled in the clan’s martial arts system “Anansea Vita Saana.” With all of these elements, she has created a new hybrid, unorthodox fighting style all her own.

It is thought that Aizan is able to cast a psychic aura or “web” that allows her to perceive parallel realities. This allows her to see through illusions, to the “truth” of reality. Aizan can “read” body movements and actions, giving her the ability to anticipate attacks or even tell when someone is lying.
- Tempo
Created by: Louise Simonson and Rob Liefeld
1st appearance: New Mutants # 86, 1990
Nothing is known of her past before she became a member of the Mutant Liberation Front and fought X-force. Despite being a member of this terrorist team she saved many lives by betraying her team and having X-force save a building full of people.

During the “X-ecutioner’s song” storyline she was defeated and imprisoned along with her MLF teammates. Reignfire broke them out to form a new MLF and they tried to kill Henry Peter Gyrich. Again they fought X-force; again she tried to thwart her team’s evil plans by saving his life and was kicked out. She declined an offer to join X-force at Cable’s behest and went back to school to lead a normal life. When Legion warped time she was killed in “Age of X”.
Publisher:Milestone Media INC.
Created by: Dwayne McDuffie and Denys Cowan
1st appearance: Icon #13, 1996
Brief Biography: The self-styled arch nemesis of BuckWild, Mercenary Man. She developed a unique but effective fighting style from viewing countless hours of cheesy martial-arts films. After a similar marathon session of viewing a series of ‘Blaxploitation’ films, she decided to become the “Black Queen of Crime” (or ‘Queen of Black Crime, she’s still deciding which).

In addition to her criminal genius, she is a talented choreographer. She met Buckwild at some undisclosed point in the past. He tried to thwart her latest plan by taking out her gang but she escaped after ensnaring him with her ‘P-whip’. Why she’s here: I had two other characters in mind but could not pass up on Ms. Jones. Like Buckwild she’s a combination of Blaxploitation jokes, Wonder Woman’s lasso of truth and a dose of reality. She controls men with her P-whip. Get it? Black dudes be getting pu**y whipped all the time and this vixen is its symbolic manifestation!
- Calypso
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Dennis O’Neil and Alan Weiss
1st appearance: Amazing Spider-man #209, 1980
Born and raised on the Caribbean island of Haiti, she showed an affinity for magic from an early stage. Her family itself had a strong magical lineage, her sister also wielded magic. She was a natural with Voodoo and reveled in the dark arts. When Kraven the hunter came to her land after he had given up the hunt, it was she who’s lust and thrill of the hunt reignited his fire. As his lover she got him to resume his hunt of Spider-man.

After Kraven’s suicide, she fell deeper into the dark magics and truly became evil. Returning to Haiti she increased her powers by sacrificing her sister, the sorceress Mambo and added her considerable powers to her own. To avenge her fallen love she used her powers to enthrall the Lizard and had him attack Spider-man. She spent the next few years as an adversary of Spider-Man and Daredevil before being killed. Having placed her soul inside a talisman she resurrected herself. Calypso is a powerful magic based villain to whom death means nothing.
Publisher: DC Comics
Created by: James Robinson and Nicola Scott
1st appearance: Earth 2 #2 2012

Meet the Hawkgril of Earth 2, Kendra Munoz-Saunders who made her debut during the new 52 event. Kendra was an archeologist /hunter/ tomb raider who came to the military’s attention after an adventure in Egypt gave her wings around the same time a new Dr. Fate was empowered. As a ‘wonder’ on her world she was present during the battle with Grundy and was instrumental in guiding the Flash into his heroic future. She will also be a founding member of the JSA.
- Bling
Created by: Peter Milligan and Salvador Larroca
1st appearance: X-Men, vol. 2 #171
The celebrity daughter of hip hop stars Roy “Daddy Libido” Washington and Angel “Sexy Mutha” Depres, Roxy was dancing in her parents music videos from an early age.

During puberty her powers manifested and she turned her back on the music industry to enroll in the Xavier’s institute. She was assigned to Gambit’s squad where she was taught hand to hand combat and became team leader. When Mystique in the disguise of new mutant “Foxx” infiltrated the team she revealed an attraction to her. On M-day she retained her powers and went on to join the X-men in many adventures.
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Chris Claremont
1st appearance: Genext #1, 2008
Becka is the daughter of the X-men’s longtime leader Storm/Ororo Munroe.

Curiously she has both weather control powers like her mother and a lupine feral nature and abilities which suggest she was conceived when the X-men traveled to the Savage Land and were under the control of Brainchild. Birthed in a jungle she was taken in by the Rasputin clan which sprung up there.
- xs
Publisher: DC Comics
Created by: Tom McCraw and Jeff Moy
Jenni was born into the heroic Allen bloodline home to many super heroic speedsters dating back to the golden age. Her mother was Dawn Allen one half of the tornado twins duo, children of Barry Allen/Flash. Along with her cousin Impulse/Bart Allen she grew up with her parents in the future after her family fled from the present after being pursued by “Professor Zoom”.

Soon after her mom and uncle were killed in battle, this prompted her grandmother to take Impulse back to the past leaving Jenni alone in the future with her biological dad. Unlike the other members of her family her speed powers did not manifest during childhood or pubescence instead they emerged after she was captured by the “Dominators”. With her newly emerged powers she joined the Legion of Superheroes and became an asset to the team, saving them multiple times.
NB: International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on the 8th of March every year around the world. Commemoration of International Women’s Day today ranges from being a public holiday in some countries to being largely ignored elsewhere. In some places, it is a day of protest; in others, it is a day that celebrates womanhood