March 29, 2025
11 11 11 AM
BLEED (Character)
Absolver (Character)
Tribal Tuesday: 10 reasons why Larry Stroman and Todd Johnson’s Tribe is iconic!
Columbia: The Spirit of America (Character)
10 ways in which Milestone Media’s Icon is Different from Superman
The Black Perspective: Black Panther’s Bast and Colonial Undertones
Tribal Tuesday: Ten reasons why Larry Stroman is an artistic icon
23 In 2023-Black Superhero Edition
Black Glory (Character)
22 Comics To Read in 2022: Black Superhero Edition
Assemble! The Black Avengers Listing
X-Men: 14 Greatest Black Members, Ranked
Nkosazana (Character)
List of Haitian Superheroes!
Obeah Man (Character)
Papa Midnite (Character)
Hunter’s Moon (Character)
Bratgirl (Character)
Kimura (Character)
Ghost (Character)
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BLEED (Character) Absolver (Character) Tribal Tuesday: 10 reasons why Larry Stroman and Todd Johnson’s Tribe is iconic! Columbia: The Spirit of America (Character) 10 ways in which Milestone Media’s Icon is Different from Superman The Black Perspective: Black Panther’s Bast and Colonial Undertones Tribal Tuesday: Ten reasons why Larry Stroman is an artistic icon 23 In 2023-Black Superhero Edition Black Glory (Character) 22 Comics To Read in 2022: Black Superhero Edition Assemble! The Black Avengers Listing X-Men: 14 Greatest Black Members, Ranked Nkosazana (Character) List of Haitian Superheroes! Obeah Man (Character) Papa Midnite (Character) Hunter’s Moon (Character) Bratgirl (Character) Kimura (Character) Ghost (Character)

House of X: The Black Mutant/X-men Listing

Hickman’s X-Men is white-hot right now. House of X, Swords of X, Reign of X, and now the upcoming Hellfire Gala have me thinking how dirty they keep doing the black mutants. Storm and Monet are front and center. No black member on Excalibur, Cecilia was casually killed in X-force despite her force field never being penetrated in the history of the character. Maggott is all but fetish-ised in the god-awful Children of the Atom, Goblyn, Astrid Bloom, Tag, Threnody, etc have not even been seen.

This list was initially made years ago but was lost when they broke into my house and stole my laptop. Now finally I can share with you this comprehensive listing for black mutants. I was appreciating just how powerful black people as a race are, inside and outside of comics. Some are still missing but I will update as things change…

X-men writers take notes…

  1. Greystone

Created by: Howard Mackie and Jaime Mendoza

1st appearance: X-Factor #140, 1997


Devlin Greystone was another mutant from Bishop‘s timeline (earth 1191). Just like Bishop and Shard he grew up in a mutant concentration camp. Unlike the others however he developed his powers while undergoing the branding exercise. As a result his face was only partially branded. He had the power to increase his strength and mass exponentially by way of making himself bigger. There was no recorded limit to how much strength and mass he could take on, making him potentially as strong as or stronger than powerhouses such as Hulk and Thor. The only drawback was that his face became more grotesque the larger he became.


  1. Goblyn

Created by: Bill Mantlo and Jim Lee

1st appearance: Alpha Flight #48 (Dec 1987)


Goblyn was almost born into the mutant hating Dean Family, unfortunately for her while still in the womb her parents discovered that she had an obvious mutation. Afraid of having a mutant child they subjected her mother’s womb to experimental radiation to kill Gobyln but hopefully leave her sister alive. In the middle of the procedure Goblyn disappeared from the womb and her parents thought the procedure had been successful. Unknown to all Laura had used her powers to subconsciously send her sister to “live world” an alternate dimension in which she grew up feral and free from prejudice.

When Laura was sent to battle Alpha Flight she switched places with Goblyn causing everyone to think they were the same person who could simply change form. Over the course of her adventures, the team came to realize she was the unborn twin sister of Laura who her parents had tried to kill in the womb. When Beta Flight was reformed they joined and stayed with the team until the very end. Goblyn and her sister have not been seen or referenced in years.


  1. Triage

Created by: Brian Michael Bendis

1st appearance: All New X-men #1, 2012

Christopher’s mutant power is the ability to summon and freely manipulate the life forces of himself and other living creatures at will. One of the new mutants who were activated after the events of Avengers Vs X-men. In this new world he finds himself the target of anti mutant hysteria after he apparently brought a man back to life during Avengers Vs X-men. Taken to a local police station where he was rescued by Cyclops, Magneto, Magik and Emma Frost. He was later taken to their new base of operations, the now defunct Weapon-X facility.

He remained with Cyclops’s X-Men through the incident in Limbo flirting with several female members then later assisted in the battle against the Blockbuster Sentinel by healing the civilians caught in the crossfire. Later, he was forcibly administered the X-gene cure, which led to his death. He was later resurrected by the Five in Krakoa and joined the mutant nation.


  1. Storm/Ororo Munroe

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Created by: Len Wein and Dave Cockrum

1st appearance: Giant-Size X-Men #1 (May 1975)

Ororo Monroe/Storm is a mutant with the ability to perceive and manipulate the forces and elements that govern weather. She’s a mainstay and veteran member of the X-Men, tactical field leader, Avenger, African Goddess, Thief, former member of the Fantastic Four, Headmistress of the Jean Grey School, and the former Queen of Wakanda. She is a mouthful! On top of all that she is easily the most recognizable and famous black superhero thanks to appearances is multiple video games, every X-men cartoon to date and being portrayed by Halle Berry in the live action X-men series. Storm is a pop culture phenomenon and marvel’s answer to DC Comics Wonder Woman!


  1. Charm

Created by:  Warren Ellis and Terry Dodson

1st appearance: Storm #3, 1996


Charm grew up in the alternate dimension of the “Hill” which was ruled by Mikail Rasputin brother of the X-men Peter Rasputin-Colossus and Illyana Rasputin-Magik of the New Mutants. Here the young of the sewer dwelling morlocks were subjected to a darwinistic way of life of, survival of the fittest. Charm was one of the finest fighters of the next generation of morlocks now called Gene Nation. His skill was such that he became one of the personal guards to Mikail himself. When Storm leader of the X-men “killed’ Marrow and returned to the sewers to perform the ceremony of light she was taken to the “Hill” where Charm and his team battled her. Upon defeat they were taken back to the earth dimension and sent to a remote African village to live peacefully. It’s unknown what became of him after Humanities last stand attacked the village and M-day stripped most mutants of their powers.


  1. Anarchist

Created by: Peter Milligan and Mike Allred

1st appearance: X-Force # 116, 2001

Tike exudes acidic sweat, which he could throw like a highly charged energy blast. It usually vaporized targets once it made contact. Adopted by a white couple living in Alaska. As he grew older he developed OCD which involved washing his hands constantly to try and look more like his parents since he didn’t understand why they looked different. His powers soon manifested as well. He later joined the new media friendly X-force. After most of the team was killed he was considered for leadership though he lost to Orphan. New teammate Spike also caused tension when he perceived Tike as an “Oreo” because of his upbringing. A later battle saw  two more teammates dead though he did finally gain leadership and started a relationship with teammate Deadgirl.


  1. Bishop

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Created by: John Byrne, Jim Lee, and Whilce Portacio

1st appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #282, 1991

Lucas Bishop is a mutant from the 22nd century that traveled into the past, becoming a temporary member of the X-Men. He has the power to channel kinetic energy, releasing it generally through beams of energy. In recent years Bishop betrayed the X-men to kill the mutant messiah Hope Summers and was left stranded in the future. In 2013 he returned to the present in the pages of Uncanny X-force first as a foe and later as an ally. Since then however he has been left in comic book limbo.


  1. M/Monet St. Croix

Created by: Scott Lobdell and artist Chris Bachalo

1st appearance: Uncanny X-Men #316, September 1994


Monet St. Croix, also simply known as M, is one of the more powerful new mutants of her generation with powers eerily reminiscent of Kryptionians under a yellow sun. Monet also has the distinction of coming from a family filled with mutants, from older brother black supervillain Emplate/Marius St. Croix and twin sisters Claudette and Nicole. She was involved with the now cancelled X-Factor Investigations and was a former member of Generation-X. Recently she has become a member of the all female X-men squad alongside Storm, Rachel Summers, Cecelia Reyes and Psylocke, served as the White Queen for the Hellfire club, dated Sabretooth and merged with her brother Emplate and is the Villain in the current Generation X series.


  1. Puff Adder

Created by:  Mark Gruenwald and Tom Morgan

1st appearance: Captain America # 337, 1988

Brief Biography

A long time member of the Serpent Society with a mutated X-gene granting him the power to alter his size and secrete acidic gas or liquid from his mouth. His size altering powers grants him superhuman strength and the acid his body produces is strong enough to melt through various metals. Nothing is known of his past before is mutant powers manifested and he took to a life of crime. He was one of the original members of the serpent society who fought Captain America numerous times.  In modern times he has clashed with Marcus Johnson and the mutant messiah Hope Summers.


  1. Darwin 

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Created by: Ed Brubaker and artist Pete Woods

1st appearance: X-Men: Deadly Genesis #2 (February, 2006)

The half-black, half-latino Darwin/Armando Edi Munoz is a mutant with the power of reactive evolution literally allowing him to survive anything, though it is completely involuntary. As a member of Professor Xavier’s failed X-men team lead by Vulcan he was presumed dead for years. Upon returning he rejoined the X-men and later X-Factor Investigations. With X-factor he battled Hela the Asgardian mistress of death in Las Vegas. After trying to cope with his newly acquired powers and leaving the team he came back to kill Wolfsbane’s son. After the dissolution of the team his current whereabouts are unknown.


  1. Astrid Bloom

Created by:  Karl Bollers and Carlo Pagulayan

1st appearance: Emma Frost #14, 2004


Astrid was born in England and had a happy life with both parents. Her life changed when her father died and her mother remarried and gave birth to her little sister. Immediately she became the outcast, her room was converted to a baby nursery and her parents pampered and spoiled her sister while she was always in the wrong. When her powers manifested she had enough and using her powers she cruelly took control of sister and had her kill her parents. Using her powers she made a life for herself and eventually arrived in New York for college. Here she met Emma Frost a fellow telepath, Astrid saw Emma as a student, someone to mould and manipulate to her anti-human way of thinking.

When Emma realized she was being manipulated the two fought and Emma the more powerful telepath prevailed. The strain left Astrid Catatonic. She is still in the hospital to this day.


  1. Synch

Created by Scott Lobdell and Chris Bachalo

1st appearance: X-Men #36, 1995


Everett Thomas was born into the Thomas family and lived in St. Louis. He is described as Calm, Over Confident and a portrait of synchronicity [Generation X #1]. Everett always worked hard and dreamed of going to college and of majoring in political science…he wanted to reach out to people—to make a difference [Generation X #15]. Little else is know about his past before he manifested his mutant abilities. During the Phalanx Covenant he accidentally channeled the powers of the X-man Banshee, resulting in shattered glasses and traumatized citizens. The police was called in and they held him at gun point for reckless endangerment, vandalism and negligent assault.


  1. Frenzy

Created by:  Bob Layton and Keith Pollard

1st appearance: X-Factor #4, 1986


Nothing is known of her youth except she has a younger brother whose name is Gareth. She became a mercenary early on and had a brief fling with the x-man Gambit. She came to be recruited by Apocalypse into his alliance f evil and clashed with the original X-factor. They were defeated numerous times until they were abandoned by Apocalypse and the group separated. She then joined with Nightshade in the femizons but when their leader was killed they disbanded. Under Magneto however she found her true calling, fighting for mutant rights before later joining he X-men.


  1. Venus Dee milo

Created by: Mike Allred and Peter Milligan

1st appearance: X-Statix #1, 2002


Born Dee Milo in a normal human family of African American descent, her world changed at age eleven while visiting her grandparents. When her powers manifested she was converted into a being of pure energy and destroyed her grandparent’s home killing her grandparents, two older brothers and her parents. Deeply traumatized by these events she was found by Professor Xavier founder of the X-men who made a containment suit which allowed her to maintain a humanoid appearance. Due to the traumatic manifestation of her powers she suffered bipolar disorders, suicidal tendencies and had trouble sleeping.


  1. Tag

Created by: Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir & Carlo Barberi

1st appearance: New Mutants #10, 2004


Tag’s powers first manifested in his home town of San Juan, Puerto Rico. His parents enrolled him in the Xavier Institute for higher learning during the mutant boom of the twenty first century. Once at school he became fast friends with Hellion his roommate and became his official right hand man. When the students where placed in squads he became one of Emma Frost’s Hellions. On M-day when most mutants lost their powers Tag was one of them. Without his powers him and Hellion grew distant and he was forced to leave the campus and his friends on a bus which was blown up while him and many other students where inside. The last thing he saw before dieing was his best friend trying to save his life before a secondary explosion took his life. He was buried on the school grounds, his death haunts his best friend to this day.


  1. Namor

Created by: Chris Claremont

1st appearance: New Exiles #1, 2008

Born in a world where his father was African American as opposed to Caucasian he has the same past as 616 Namor except he became king of Atlantis at an earlier stage. He rescued Susan Storm from certain death after her spaceship had been bombarded by cosmic rays and battered by asteroids and all her crew mates were killed. This event marked the death of 3 billion people as the asteroids smashed the south Americas into islands, destroyed the Caribbean, destroyed Japan and destroyed England. The other meteors that didn’t make land fall created a series of Tsunami’s which further remade the world. Africa was left the only real super power which was divided by Storm and the Villainous Black Panther.


  1. Lightbright

Created by:  Gregory Wright and Steven Butler

1st appearance: Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #16, 1993


Born in poverty-stricken Somalia in Africa she had a very hard life, made even harder once her mutant abilities manifested. Directionless in life she became involved with the “Bio-Genes” a group of Somalia mutants who planned to rid the region of the United States influence and seize control of their government. They were confronted by the Wild Pack after they attacked a U.S marine base outside Mogadishu. When Baron Strucker and Hydra emerged to conquer the region she and her team joined forces with Wild Pack. During the battle her life was saved by Battlestar. She returned to the United States with the team and started a relationship with Battlestar.


  1. Deluge

Created by:  John Byrne

1st appearance: X-men: Hidden years #6, 2000

Brief Biography

Born in an African village around many years ago, he was ostracized immediately for being an Albino. When he discovered that some American scientist had been monitoring the village he was forced to live with them since they did not want him to reveal their plans to the village people. As his powers manifested he became the scientists’ personal guinea pig and grew to resent them and the villagers for treating him as sub human when he was more than them. Killing the scientists he cut through his village with his unearthly powers. When he heard of a goddess in Kenya he ventured there to wrest control of her weather powers from her. He defeated Storm and grew her simple torrential downpour into a storm the likes of which the world had never seen. It easily enveloped the other rims of Africa and parts of the savage land. He clashed with the teenaged x-men and recognized Cyclops as a more powerful energy source. Cyclops power proved his undoing as he absorbed more raw energy from Scott than his body could handle and dissipated from the overload.


  1. Maggott

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Created by: Scott Lobdell & Joe Madureira

1st appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #345, 1997

Born Japheth in south Africa he was the sickly second child of his family who was a burden on their resources. At the age of ten he tried to commit suicide as he lay dieing of thirst he were saved by Magneto, master of Magnetism who used his powers to help the boy activate his own. Two giant slugs erupted from his abdomen. Years later he tracked Magneto’s clone to New York and briefly joined the X-men along with Marrow and Cecelia Reyes. He was eventually sent by Beast to join Generation-X. Upon joining the team he was enamoured with teammate Husk, and became fast friends with Synch. He left the team to track down this hunter and wound up captured by a new Weapon-X program and was sent to a concentration camp. At the camp he was sentenced to death under Sinister’s watch. He later reappeared during Necrosha as part of Selene’s resurrected mutant army.


  1. Shard

Created by: Scott Lobdell and John Romita, Jr.

1st appearance:  Uncanny X-Men Annual #17 (December, 1993)


Shard was the younger sister of the time travelling mutant X-man, Bishop. Shard’s power allows her to absorb ambient light particles and convert it for a variety of effects. She can fire concussive blasts, combust portals opened by Trevor Fitzroy and fire photonic energy from her hands. After her death at the hands of an Emplate Horde she was reborn as a As a Photon based life form which gave her the added ability to phase through solid objects and possess others though the latter was under developed. She also had no need to eat or sleep.


  1. Hairbag

Created by:  Peter David and Larry Stroman

1st appearance: X-Factor # 75, 1992


His early life in Jamaica is unknown but he came to the attention of Mr. Sinister who quickly recruited him into his second team of operatives called the Nasty Boys. This team mainly fought the government-sponsored X-factor lead by Havok. In most clashes, he fought fellow feral mutant Wolfsbane. In a final showdown with X-factor, his team was defeated and jailed. They were freed by Black SupervillainReignfire’s Mutant Liberation Front and later returned o the nasty boys. He fought the X-men’s wolverine soon after and survived but hasn’t been seen since though he has been confirmed as retaining his powers after M-day.


  1. Threnody

Created by:  Fabian Nicieza

1st appearance: X-Men #27, 1993


Driven almost crazy by her manifested mutant abilities she took to living on the streets during the height of the legacy virus. There she came into contact with a small band of X-men who tried to recruit her to their team. When sinister offered her a more sure way of controlling her powers she left with him. Over the next few years with her power under control she worked for sinister monitoring mutants for him. When Nate grey arrived on earth she escaped from sinister and joined the boy to ensure her freedom. In time they fell in love and adventured together. When she came face to face with Madelyn Pryor however she was seemingly killed after her power inhibitors were removed. She did not die however and for months followed Nate and Maddie while she advanced through pregnancy and finally gave birth. She then confronted Nate who had lost control of his power and said a tearful goodbye before returning for her child. Her current whereabouts are unknown as she retained her powers after M-day.


  1. Windshear

Created by:  Fabian Nicieza and Michael Bair

1st appearance: Alpha Flight #87, 1990


Colin was born in Canada but moved to England with his mother and her diplomat husband. At puberty he manifested his mutant power of Hard Air (HA). He later got a job with Roxxon Oil’s UK branch. With his suit he was a major asset to their business. When their computers malfunctioned he was sent in to deal with the situation but failed. He contacted Alpha Flight and Diamond Lil and Madison Jeffries tried to help but also failed. It was only when Forge of the X-men stepped in that they successfully exercised the spirit of James Hudson from the system and he returned to Canada and joined Alpha Flight. He was de-powered on M-Day and is now a normal human.


  1. Medea

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Created by:?

1st appearance: X-Men: Millennial Visions #1, 1992


In the year 2035 most of the X-men are dead and the children of the X-men now lead by Wolverine and an elder Kitty Pryde. Her world is one of cinder and ash where the thieves Gambit and Storm fell in love.  Teammates in her timeline are Gull (daughter of Archangel), Salamander (son of Nightcrawler), Metallique (daughter of Colossus), Wolverine, and Lockheed (large and in charge). Their mission is to defeat the Morlocks of their time who have decided to finally surface and ravage the planet. Medea’s power is that of rapid-fire chain lightning in a manner similar to her father’s energy blast ability.


  1. Derek Morgan

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Created by: Jeph Loeb, and  Arthur Adams

1st appearance: Ultimate X #3, (August, 2010)


After Derek’s father died in the line of duty. His brother took up the responsibility of taking care of him. After High school his brother joined the police force while his mutant powers manifested and he too to the skies as the winged vigilante to fight crime. While fighting crime he also took money from the many burglars he fought. This made his brother very suspicious of where eh was getting money from as he had no job. One night while out on patrol he was seen by his brother’s partner who reported that he was a mutant to the authorities. He was saved by Karen Grant, Jean Grey in disguise while his brother was saved by the police. With his old life gone he decides to follow Karen and Wolverine’s son Jimmy.


  1. Prodigy

Created by: Christina Weir and Nunzio DeFilippis

1st appearance: New Mutants vol.2 #4, 2003


David Alleyne is a former student of the Xavier’s school for the gifted. While a student’s he lead the reformed New Mutant squad and had a rivalry with Hellion. After being de-powered on M-Day he had all the knowledge and skills he had ever accessed, activated. Now one of the most brilliant minds on earth he sides with Cyclops during Schism. After Avengers vs. X-men he defected from the X-men and joined the Young Avengers where it was revealed he was bi-sexual.


  1. Angel Salvadore

Created by:Grant Morrison and Ethan Van Sciver

1st appearance: New X-Men #118, 2001


Angel salvadore grew up in an abusive home with her father mother and younger sister. When her powers manifested her father kicked her out and she was almost dissected by the U-men, who planned to harvest her mutant organs. She was saved by wolverine and taken back to the Xavier institute during the big mutant boom after genoshas destruction. There she clashed with Emma Frost, was instrumental in defeating Cassandra Nova, and fell in love and mated with fellow mutant Beak. They lived with their children at a cabin in the woods on the Xavier estate up until M-day when she and her family were de-powered, all except one of her children. She would go on to become Tempest in a failed re-hash of the new warrior’s group post-civil war.


  1. Gentle

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Created by: Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost

1st appearance: New X-Men #23,


A wakandan born mutant to a German father. He was ostracized even before his powers manifested for being a “half breed”. When his powers manifested he was quickly contained by the tattoos and sent to the Xavier School for the gifted. He remained there never using his powers until his team was sucked into hell by the reborn Illyana Rasputin. After this ordeal he fought again during the messiah Complex crossover and later moved to San Francisco to the X-men’s new home base. He remains there still.


  1. Bandit/Night Thrasher 2

Created by: Fabian Nicieza and Ken Lashley

1st appearance: Night Thrasher #3 (1993)

Donyell Taylor is the half brother of the original Night Thrasher of the New Warriors, a product of a one night stand that Dwayne’s father had. 

Originally he took the name Bandit and worked to take down old foes of Dwayne to prove he was the superior brother.  He was also a mutant with the power to discharge electric energy through his hands.  During a mission where the original New Warriors were sent back in time, Bandit led a new team of Warriors to rescue them.  Following this mission, the brothers were able to reach an understanding, but Bandit left the team along with Silhouette.  It is not known exactly how things ended between then but he is known to have dated Gambit’s ex-wife Belladonna Boudreaux of the Assassin’s Guild and leading the New Warriors as the New Night Thrasher.


  1. Rem ram

Created by:  Fabian Nicieza, Alan Davis w/ Lee Weeks

1st appearance: The Magneto War #1, 1999


Marcus has the ability to link his mind with others while they sleep. In their dreams, he is able to influence their minds, sift through their memories, modify and influence their emotions. If he tries to use his power on some whose awake he will experience great pain. Marcus Andrews was born with a mutated x-gene which granted him superhuman powers once he began puberty. He was requited into the Acolytes by Fabian Cortez and was used by him to enter the dreams of the X-men. Untrained in his abilities he was detected by Prof-X and battled the X-men. When he refused to use his powers in battle he was branded a traitor by Cortez who turns on him.

After the battle, he begs for asylum from the X-men but is denied by Xavier. He departs with his fellow Acolytes.


  1. Sunspot

Created by: Chris Claremont and Bob McLeod

1st appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel #4, 1982

Brazilian born Roberto is a mutant with the power to absorb Solar energy and use it in a variety of ways. When he uses his powers his body becomes pitch black with a glowing corona and dark globes of energy floating around him. Roberto can use the stored solar energy to augment his strength to lift about 50 tons. Unlike most superheroes who have super strength Roberto is not invulnerable and only possesses enhanced durability.

He has been a member of the X-Men, Hellfire Club, New Mutants, Fallen Angels, X-Force, Mutant Liberation Front, X-Corporation, Avengers and A.I.M.


  1. Christian Cord

Created by: Grant Morrison

1st appearance: New X-men #134 (2003)


When his powers manifested his parents sent him and his sister to Xavier’s school for the gifted to learn how to control his powers. Once their they got addicted to the mutant power enhancing drug Kick and joined the Omega Gang who terrorized humans who were anti-mutant. He was also responsible for the capture and submission of Prof-X before they were defeated by the teaching staff. He had his leg broken by Cyclops.

He was sent to prison and after losing his powers he was recruited into a post civil war New Warriors along with his sister. Over the course of his adventures his sister was killed and he was severely traumatized. Soon after the team disbanded.


  1. Kidogo

Created by: Christina Weir and Michael Ryan

1st appearance: New X-men #12, 2005


Lazaro is a micromorph capable of displacing his mass to an unknown dimension allowing him to shrink to a minimum of four inches.

Hailing from the Massai tribe Lazaro was a new mutant before M-Day who was one of the tallest students at the his school. Placed under Northstar as his advisor Kidogo was a member of the “Alpha Squadron”. When Northstar was killed by Wolverine his advisor became Karma. During the decimation event he was one of millions of mutants who lost his powers. As a human he was sent away from the school along with the other depowered mutants. Unfortunately for Kidogo he was killed by the Stryker who bombed the bus before it could leave the school grounds.

It’s unknown if he was buried on the school grounds or his parents buried his body in his own country since many parents did not want their children’s “mutant bodies”.


  1. Punchout

Created by:  Chris Claremont and Rick Leonardi

1st appearance:  Uncanny X-Men #235, 1988


Punchout is a super-humanly strong mutant who lived in Genosha. Nothing else is known of her past but she joined the Genoshan Magistrates and the Press Gang. Here she fought the X-men and Cable multiple times in Genosha’s defence. She later helped defeat Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four and took him to Genosha.  Later when the island fell into civil war she remained with her Press Gang friends to fight against the rebels. When Magneto rose to power in Genosha she seemingly disappeared and has not been seen since. It is unknown if she retained her powers after M-Day.


  1. Fatale

Created by:  Scott Lobdell and Brandon Peterson (Pamela Greenwood); John Francis Moore and Jeff Matsuda (Fatale)

1st appearance: Uncanny X-Men #299, 1993


Fatale was a mutant who became one of Europe’s most noted assassins. In America she was employed by Dark Beats who used her to gather information on the X-men, particularly Bishop. When her master got into information he needed to infiltrate the team she faked her death and escaped. When Dark Beast became interested in Havok brother to the X-men’s Cyclops she joined with the Tatsuo clan to secure him. Here she ran into Storm’s long time friend Yukio and she fled.

She then joined Onslaught’s army along with Dark Beast and was captured and jailed. They were later freed by Havok who recruited them into his rendition of the “Brotherhood”.


  1. Tempest

Created by:Terry Austin and Mike Vosburg

First Appearance: Mutant Misadventures of Cloak and Dagger #10, 1990


He has the power to intensify already present atmospheric conditions and elements such as earth fire wind and water. Eg. He could transform water from a ruptured water main into a full torrential downpour from the skies. Of take electricity from a power line and create intense lightning storms. As results of his mutation he sleeps 65% of the day. When awake he is volatile, irritable, aggressive and raging.

After a series of debacle’s with the governments freedom force a team of scientist known as M-branch decided to create their own super team under a project designated X-force. The experiments yielded good results after they handpicked military operatives to undergo the treatment. Over time however the gamma and beta rays which had granted the team their powers started to kill them. Faced with certain death they rebelled against their handlers and clashed with Cloak and Dagger who eventually saved the remaining members of their team.


  1. Cecilia Reyes

Created by: Scott Lobdell and Carlos Pacheco

1st appearance: X-Men #65, June 1997


Cecilia grew up in a poor community while in her native Puerto Rico. She was the second child of her family after older brother Miguel. One day she witnessed her father’s death outside the house and unable to save him he died in her arms. This traumatic event left the young Cecelia a very motivated young woman who dedicated her life to the study of medicine.

This ambition and single-minded drive allowed her to leave her life in Puerto Rico and pursue her dreams in the United States. During Operation Zero Tolerance she was ousted as a mutant and lost her job but became a member of the renegade X-men. Even after she left the team she remained a close ally always ready to join the battle and aid her adopted family either as a Doctor or warrior. Cecelia also shared a romance with the X-men’s Beast.


  1. Jesse Bedlam

Created by: John Francis Moore and Jim Cheung

1st appearance: Factor X #1 (Age of Apocalypse, 1995), X-Force vol. 1 #82
(Mainstream marvel comics, 1998)


Jesse was the second child and son born to Nina and Kyle Aaronson after Brother Christopher. At age five he became an orphan after his parents died in a mysterious accident. Placed in foster care he rebelled and was eventually sent to a mental institution.  Here his powers manifested and his life changed. He was taken in by members of the Mutant Underground support engine (MUSE). They trained him in the use of his powers, martial arts, hacking and agent protocols.  He remained here using their resources to try and locate his brother Christopher.


  1. Cipher

Created by: Marc Guggenheim and Rafa Sandoval

1st appearance: Young X-men #8, 2009


She has the powers of invisibility and intangibility.  Like Shadowcat she can use her phasing to give the impression of flight, she can also disrupt the central nervous system and electronics when she phases through them causing a burst of electrical energy. Like Susan Storm of the Fantastic four she can render herself invisible but unlike sue she can also make herself undetectable to telepaths and eve hide her heat signature.
Cipher is on the run from a mysterious assailant and infiltrated the Xavier institute while Jean Grey was still alive. Inexperienced with her powers Jean detected her and trusting that her remaining hidden would be of use to the Xavier institute she and her husband Cyclops personally trained the young woman in the use of her powers in secret. She only revealed herself to teammate Blind Fold who she aided on many occasions.


  1. Midnight’s Fire

Created by: Fabian Nicieza and Mark Bagley

1st appearance: The New Warriors #2 (May 1990)


Aaron is a descendant of the Dragon’s breath cult, a centuries old people who tried to master the “well of all things”, an inter-dimensional breach in Cambodia which held fantastic power. After his father married his mother and took her to America he was born with his twin sister Silhouette. His mother feared that their grandmother would sacrifice them to the well so she could gain greater power so she faked her own death and abandoned them in China Town New York. He and his sister were orphans who developed peak human physical traits and studied a variety of martial arts. During the 90’s he was both friend and foe to the New Warriors and Nightthrasher. In a more diverse Marvel Universe you would think they would have brought him back by now!


  1. Christine Chord

First Appearance: New X-men #126, 2002

Created By: Grant Morrison


As tattoo she had chameleon skin, which could change color and pattern at will. Her thoughts were often projected onto her skin, like temporary word tattoos. She could also phase portions of her body through solid matter; this ability’s full extent was unrevealed.

While a student at Charles Xavier’s institute for mutants, Christine Cord went by the alias of Tattoo met dated supposedly handsome and charismatic fellow student Slick, and was present when the school was attacked by Cassandra Nova. However, after Quentin Quire disrupted the illusion hiding slick’s true misshapen appearance, Tattoo broke up with him and joined Quire’s Omega Gang. Her frustrations led her to become hooked on Mutant-enhancing drug, kick. The Omegas as they were now called worked to foster fear of mutants through a vigilante assault on a human gang that had killed mutant celebrity Jumbo Carnation and rebelling against Xavier’s peaceful teachings. The Omegans kidnapped Prof. X and started a riot on campus but Tattoo was incapacitated by Emma Frost.


  1. King Bedlam

Created by:  John Francis Moore and Steve Epting

1st appearance: Factor X #1, 1995 (Age of Apocalypse)

X-force #83, 1998 (Mainstream marvel comics)


Chris was the first of two children born to a middle American family.  As his power manifested he became difficult especially when his parents spoke of sending him away to boarding school. In a testament to his cruelty even at this early stage he used his powers on his parents driving them mad and caused them to crash their car. His parents were killed in the accident but his younger brother Jessie survived. They were separated and sent to different orphanages. From this stage he decided to never allow anyone to use him for their own personal gain. When his powers came to the attention of the orphanage he was separated and recruited into a secret government operation where he was trained for a few years. He eventually rebelled and drove his handlers mad. For the next few years he maintained a low profile and gathering together a band of mutants who shared his goal of mutant supremacy.


  1. Spike

Created by:  Peter Milligan and Mike Allred

1st appearance: X-Force #121, 2001


Darian Elliot could generate razor sharp bone spikes from his body and fire them with deadly accuracy. Spike was brought onto the X-force team to add racial diversity. Immediately him and team leader Anarchist, going so far as calling him “‘Captain Coconut’  – black on the outside and white on the inside” at a press conference. He later died in battle.


  1. Bling

Created by: Peter Milligan and Salvador Larroca

1st appearance: X-Men, vol. 2 #171


The celebrity daughter of hip hop stars Roy “Daddy Libido” Washington and Angel “Sexy Mutha” Depres, Roxy was dancing in her parents music videos from an early age. During puberty her powers manifested and she turned her back on the music industry to enroll in the Xavier’s institute. She was assigned to Gambit’s squad where she was taught hand to hand combat and became team leader. When Mystique in the disguise of new mutant “Foxx” infiltrated the team she revealed an attraction to her. On M-day she retained her powers and went on to join the X-men in many adventures.


  1. Gateway

Created by: Chris Claremont and Marc Silvestri

1st appearance: Uncanny X-Men #229 (1988)


The man who would come to be known only as Gateway has a past shrouded in complete mystery. He appears to be in his 60’s or 70’s but because of his ability to travel through time and space he may well be an ageless immortal. As a member of the Aborigine people of Australia he is an elder and shaman. After being blackmailed by the Cyborg villains known as the Reavers who threatened to destroy land his people deemed sacred he agreed to work with them. Rescued by the X-men he became their ally for years, mentoring the M-Twins, rescuing Monet when she was imprisoned in the Hollow form by her brother Emplate and is also the grandfather of the X-men’s Bishop.


  1. Murmur

Created by: Steven T. Seagle & Scott Clark

1st appearance: Alpha Flight #1 August 1997


Born to a black maid and a white French movie director named Francois Truffaut Murmur was left with Hull House in Canada after her birth. Hull House was run by Department-H and after puberty when her mutant abilities kicked in she was recruited into the Canadian super hero team Alpha Flight. Vain and conceited she often flirted with her male teammates though she actively participated in battles against Mesmero and the X-men, facing down Maggott by herself.

Injured in battle with Zodiac she was sidelined and revealed she really did enjoy being a superhero. Upon the return of the original Alpha Flight she and her junior teammates were demoted to Beta Flight. She was De-powered on M-Day.


  1. Pathway

Created by: Bill Mantlo and Jim Lee

1st appearance: Alpha Flight #53 (Dec 1987)


Born into the Dean family who suffered from terrible mutant-Phobia, Laura and her twin sister who would later be known as Goblyn had a harsh life even before birth. Goblyn had an obvious mutation and as a result their parents tried to kill her. Laura subconsciously sent her sister to another dimension with her powers. Years later she saved her sister from another dimension and joined the Beta Flight team the junior Canadian super team.

The team at first thought the sisters were the same person until venturing into “Live world” the dimension in which Goblyn lived. When Alpha flight disbanded they lived with teammate Persuasion and later sought out North Star for Talisman. They were later mortally wounded in battle when Wildchild lost control. When Alpha Flight and Beta Flight were disbanded Laura and her sister disappeared.


  1. Kadee Bishop

Created by:  Duane Swierczynski and Larry Stroman

First Appearance: X-men the Life and Times of Lucas Bishop #1, 2009


Kadee was a woman living in Australia who fell in love with fellow mutant Burnum. They fell in love and got married. When Australia was bombed they escaped to America but were sent to a concentration camp and subjected to branding. She was a cold and distant woman to her children despite loving them. She grew bitter while at the camp blaming Hope Summers for everything that had happened. It is suggested she was more active in mutant rights than her husband while at the camps. During the Summer’s rebellion she is crushed by a sentinel in front of her son Lucas Bishop.


  1. Slick

Created by: Grant Morisson

1st appearance: New X-men #126, (2002)

Illusion casting and enhanced Charisma. He has used this power to create an illusion solid self-image. Slick was a shy black mutant boy, pug-nosed, pointy-eared, diminutive, and with webbed feet. He was a complete recluse those he enjoyed playing his guitar. Once his powers matured he got over his reclusive behavior by building for himself an illusion of his ideal self, Tall, handsome and trim much like Mastermind had done when a member of the hellfire club. This new image coupled with his burgeoning charismatic powers made him one of the most popular students at the Xavier Institute. He even landed the mutant Tattoo/Christine Chord as his girlfriend. When his ego outgrew his powers however his illusion was shattered by Quentin Quire/Kid Omega. Embarrassed and ousted in front of the whole school he lost his popularity and his girlfriend. He was later de-powered on M-Day.


  1. Darkveil

Created by:  Sina Grace, Nathan Stockman

1st appearance: Iceman Vol 4 #4(February, 2019)

Darnell Wade, grew up in Brooklyn, New York and was passed around in the foster-care system for all his young life. Shade’s real ambition was to be the star of a drag queen competition show. Unfortunately, when her friend Spillin’ Tea-yana Taylor gets selected as a drag competition contestant, she snubs Shade on national television ending their friendship and leaving Shade with nothing but an apartment with the electricity turned off and a desire to disappear.

It was at that moment, that Darnel’s mutant powers manifest allowing for control over Darkforce energy to teleport herself and others.


  1. Major-X

Created by: Rob Liefeld

1st appearance: Major X #1, 2019

The full mutant abilities of Alexander are unclear, as he tends to rely on an arsenal of weaponry like his father; however, he is capable of absorbing and manipulate energy forms like electricity, similar to his mother.

Alexander Nathaniel Summers was the son of Cable and Ororo Munroe. Not much is known about his early life, except that his mother died at a very young age, leaving his father to raise him alone. He lived in the X-Istence, a realm where Mutants and Atlanteans lived together after the Catalyst began to destroy all of Mutantkind.


  1. Tempo

Created by:  Louise Simonson and Rob Liefeld

1st appearance: New Mutants # 86, 1990


Nothing is known of her past before she became a member of the Mutant Liberation Front and fought X-force. Despite being a member of this terrorist team she saved many lives by betraying her team and having X-force save a building full of people. During the “X-ecutioner’s song” storyline she was defeated and imprisoned along with her MLF teammates. Reignfire broke them out to form a new MLF and they tried to kill Henry Peter Gyrich. Again they fought X-force; again she tried to thwart her team’s evil plans by saving his life and was kicked out. She declined an offer to join X-force at Cable’s behest and went back to school to lead a normal life. When Legion warped time she was killed in “Age of X”.


  1. Emplate

Created by:  Scott Lobdell and Chris Bachalo

1st appearance: Generation-X #1, 1994


Born into the wealthy house of St. Croix Marius was the first of three siblings and the outcast as soon of everyone laid eyes on his perfect little sister Monet. His jealously grew even further when Nicole and Claudette were born. When he hit puberty his powers manifested one day when his father and the girls were away from the house. He killed his mother by feeding on her. His father kicked him out of the house soon after without realizing he was the one who had committed the crime. He would further destroy his family when he imprisoned Monet in the Penance shell. Feeding on her for years he got his cruel revenge until she was rescued by Gateway. He was the main villain for the young mutants of Generation X, even creating a team of Hellions and terrorizing all his siblings and infecting Synch with his form of Vampirism.


  1. Aliyah Bishop

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Created by: Chris Claremont and Sean Chen

1st appearance: X-Men: The End: Book 1: Dreamers & Demons #1, 2004

Aliyah Bishop is the daughter of the X-Man Bishop and Sh’iar Royal Deathbird. Aliyah was an instrumental part of the battle on her world to defeat the mumudrai Cassandra Nova and doomed all existence. After the climactic battle she becomes the Majestrix Sh’iar, being the only surviving member of the Neramani family, with her father as imperial chancellor.


  1. Hub

Created by: Chris Claremont and Aaron Lopresti

1st appearance: Excalibur #2 (2004)


Hub was born with a mutated X-gene making her a mutant. Her powers were that of teleportation but unlike other teleporters she could go to destination she had never been to before and her power ensured that she would not materialize into solid objects. She used her abilities mostly to gather information since she could easily teleport across the Atlantic and back with minimal strain to herself.

A Genoshan by birth she survived the massacre of her country and then joined Unus when he created a gang to control the wasteland of Genosha. Unknown to all though she was really a double agent gathering information on Unus for Chimere. On M-Day she lost all her powers and became human. When Quicksilver arrived on Genosha with the terrigen crystals she was re-empowered but her abilities were far more than she could control. She fought the Inhumans and was defeated.

Without the Terrigen crystals her powers faded and returned to normal.  


  1. Neurotap

Created by: Fabian Nicieza and Jae Lee

1st appearance: X-Force Annual #2, 1993

Neurotap can send bio-pulses through the ocular cavity resulting in the scrambling of synaptic relays and the nervous system. These bio pulses can render one unconscious, disoriented or cause death. Michelle Balters life changed irrevocably when her powers manifested two years her family had incurred major debt because of her terrible headaches and coma’s due to the onset of her powers. When they realized she was a mutant she ran away from home because she realized how unhappy she had made her family. Landing a job with the “Strong Foundation” where she met and fell in love with “Adam-X”. When she discovered the ant-mutant agenda of the company she fled and brought X-force.  With Strong in jail she still continued to work for the company in hopes of being cured. She retained her powers after “M-Day” and was a potential recruit for the Avengers Initiative.


  1. Askari

Created by: Chris Claremont and Aaron Lopresti

1st appearance: Excalibur (3rd series) #11,


Jono Baraka was born on the island nation of Zanzibar, in the United Republic of Tanzania. Born with a mutated x-gene he developed superhuman powers at the onset of puberty. He became a superhero and became famous in his land. After his retirement as a superhero he was elected President of Zanzibar. He also became a member of the “Mutantes Sans Frontiéres”, mutants without Borders, which was a global mutant outreach organization established by Warren Worthington III/Angel/Archangel. He battled supervillain Viper while she was a member of the Hellfire Club alongside Husk/Paige Guthrie and Angel.


  1. Pirouette

Created by: Peter David and Mark Pacella

1st appearance: X-Factor #83, 1992

Pirouette was a young woman who was born and raised in Genosha with the mutant power to spin at hurricane speeds, allowing her to fly short distances or create whirlwinds. Under the regime at the time she experienced great anti mutant sentiment and abuse. During the “Executioner’s song” during the 90’s she allied with the X-factor team and found refuge in America. There she became quite close to Guido/Strong Guy and their were hints of attraction on both sides. Once her grandmother was located she retired from heroics and settled into a normal life.


  1. Shola Inkosi

Created by:  Mekanix #1,2002

1st appearance: Chris Claremont  

He possesses the power of telekinesis able to move objects with his mind. Born and raised in Genosha he witnessed the very worst that the human race could do to mutants. He luckily managed to avoid being enslaved under the Genoshan magistrates or becoming a soldier in Magneto’s war when he was granted sovereignty over the nation. In Chicago while attending college he met and befriended the X-men’s Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat. While here Genosha was massacred and he was haunted by visions of his family’s demise. He later returned to the derelict Genosha to assist Prof-X and Magneto in rebuilding. While there he served on the “New Excalibur” team consisting of Wicked, Freakshow and Callisto. They were all de-powered on M-Day thanks to the Scarlet Witch.


  1. M-Twins

Created by: Scott Lobdell and artist Chris Bachalo

1st appearance: Uncanny X-Men #316, September 1994 (as Monet)

Generation-x #31, (as twins)


They can perceive mutant auras, open doorways to other dimensions and merge into a single being with the following powers: As Monet they had Superhuman strength, speed, agility, dexterity, reflexes, coordination, balance, vision, hearing, and endurance, Genius level intellect, Accelerated healing factor, Flight and Telepathy. They can open portals to other dimensions. The twins and their siblings also have the ability to merge into different forms with powers a combination of them.

Born to a mother of royal Algerian lineage and a wealthy Afro-European ambassador named Cartier St. Croix. They were the favourite children of their mother. Claudette was the autistic child and no treatment seemed to help. Nicole meanwhile was full of energy and life. They impersonated their sister Monet and were founding members of Generation-X. They later freed their sister and recently were seen frolicking on Krakoa now able to access their own Penance forms.


  1. Kymera

Created by: Jason Aaron and Giuseppe Camuncoli

1st appearance: Wolverine and the X-men #36 (2013)


During the Battle of the Atom story line she was a member of the X-men stationed at the Jean Grey Institute met by Magik, young Iceman and Young Beast when they went into the future [Wolverine and the X-men #36, 2013]. It’s obvious that her mother is Storm but her feline like eyes and the Cat like creature she’s seen which suggests that Black Panther could be her father or perhaps Wolverine due to his feral mutation.


  1. Stigmata

Publisher: Marvel Comics

First Appearance: Venom: Sign of the Boss #1, 1997

Created By: Ivan Velez Jr. and Tom Dorenick


Stigmata can activate various mutant powers by vocally calling upon various saints; St. Joseph for flight, St. Barbera for superhuman strength (able to lift a ton) and St. Gabriel transforms her into an intangible angelic form with energy powers.

When the young mutant Ana Schwartz exhibited Stigmata (marks resembling wounds on the crucified Jesus Christ) and other seemingly supernatural powers, her grandmother sold her to the Catholic orphanage. The Vatican soon recognized her potential and recruited her into the Holy guard, who protected the Vatican and its wealthy patrons, but she eventually left to join the altruistic Jesuit Sect “Holy Fire”.


  1. Ptonomy Wallace

Created by:  Noah Hawley

1st appearance: Legion ‘Episode 1’ (February 8, 2017)


Ptonomy Wallace is a Mutant with perfect Eidetic memory. He is described as a “memory artist” who has photographic memory and the power to read other people’s memories. Ptonomy also has an unspecified power of being able to put someone to sleep.

A former child prodigy who is “stand-offish and sardonic”, and one of Bird’s specialists. Personality-wise, Ptonomy is a very practical man. “He’s straightforward,”. “He doesn’t like to beat around the bush. He likes to say things and get things done in the most efficient ways possible.


  1. Shatter

Created by: Geoff Johns and Shawn Martinbrough

1st appearance:  Morlocks #1, (June, 2002)


His entire body was composed of a blue-black, diamond-hard, crystalline substance, which rendered him invulnerable to most conventional attacks. He could regenerate lost limbs, and possessed the ability to crystallize any liquid substance he came into contact with, such as water, oil, and presumably blood.

The mutant Shatter was apparently just a normal teenager, living at home with his father until he evolved. Knowing what people thought of mutants and what they did to them, he decided to kill himself. He took his father’s gun and shot himself in the head, not realizing that his new body made him virtually invulnerable. The bullet left a massive, cracked depression on the side of his head, but failed to do any mortal damage. Shatter then ran away from home, and at some point joined up with the Postman’s Morlocks.


  1. Manfred

Created by: David Hine

1st appearance: District X #2 (August, 2004)

Manfred was the manager of a tenement building in Mutant Town located on McCarthy Avenue.

Among his tenants were the Falcone Family, whose family father, Arturo had the power to hatch creatures with a form influenced by his state of mind. As he was unemployed and alcoholic, his hatches were gruesome and those creatures were “vermins”, causing the neighborhood to protest against Manfred for letting the Falcones live there.

As the protest was seen by NYPD agent Izzy Ortega and his partner Bishop, they went to take information on the subject, but after a talk with Mrs. Falcone, the pair denied any action to Manfred against the family, as this wasn’t a police subject, and told him to contact municipal services.


  1. Burnum Bishop

Created by:  Duane Swierczynski and Larry Stroman

First Appearance: X-men the Life and Times of Lucas Bishop #1, 2009


Barnum was a mutant born to the mutant Gateway and his mutant wife in Australia. He grew up and developed mutant abilities as well and married fellow mutant Kadee. Sometime after Hope Summers killed a million humans Australia was bombed in a nuclear blast so he fled to America with his wife Kadee who was pregnant with their first child Lucas Bishop. Upon arriving in America they were attacked by Sentinels and sent to a mutant concentration Camp. Here his wife gave birth to his son. His relationship with his wife Kadee strained as she integrated with her fellow prisoners while he took care of his son. His mother soon joined them at the camp and helped him tend to his family which now included baby girl Shard. When the branding of mutants started his head was shaved and he prepared his children to be brave when they were subjected to it. When the summer’s rebellion began he was vaporized while protecting his son.


  1. Martin Henry Strong

Created by: Fabian Nicieza and Tony Daniel

1st appearance: X-Force Annual #2 (October, 1993)


Martin Henry Strong, the owner of Strong Industries, is a deformed mutant. He has fins for hands and feet. To hide his form he constructed a bio-body with extreme strength. He was bent on finding a cure for his mutant curse and applied his vast wealth for any shred of hope that he could have a regular form.

As part of his operations, Strong hires Neurotap and Adam X (X-Treme) to hunt down mutants so as to do experiments on them. His power over Neurotap is centered on his promise to help her family out financially. For Adam X, he simply promises to tell the boy where he is from and what he is doing on earth. In the meantime, they were to continue hunting mutants. X-Force gets wind of Strong’s operations and joins with Adam X to take him down. They destroy Strong’s bio-body to find the finned man inside.


  1. Upercut

Created by: Dennis Hopeless and Mark Bagley

1st appearance:  All New X-men #1, December 2015


A student at the Algar University outside Chicago. She was one of many new mutants who received their powers after the Avengers Vs. X-men event. As a mutant who saw how Cyclops saved their race and brought about it’s reemergence she watched his revolution intently. After the events of INFINITY where the Terrigen cloud was released and Secret Wars she watched Cyclops “death” and his branding as the “most hated mutant” after he tried to take the fight to the Inhumans for the fact that their Terrigen cloud was killing and sterilizing his race.

She joined Thirst and a handful of new mutants who branded themselves the “Ghosts of Cyclops” and terrorized and robbed humans.


  1. Quill

Created by: Mark Gruenwald & Kieron Dwyer

1st appearance:  Captain America, vol. 1 #343, 1988


Quill was born with a mutated X-gene making him a mutant. When his powers manifested his entire body was covered in sharp needles which he could fire as projectile weapons. These needles were razor-sharp and self-generating.

Born in Clevland, Ohio he came to the attention of the authorities when he refused to comply with the mutant registration act. Due to his powers, the police were unable to secure him and thus Battlestar and the New Captain America were called in. He managed to injure Battlestar as he tried to make his escape but was ultimately cornered and defeated. While he was being carted off in handcuffs he pleaded that he was not a mutant though those pleas fell on deaf ears. He was later rescued by the Resistants and became a member. Quill was one of many mutants who were de-powered during M-Day.


  1. Emery Arcenaux

Created by: John Layman and Georges Jeanty

1st Appearance: Gambit Vol. 4 #7 2005


Emery was a mutant living in the Bayou in Louisiana with his aunt Antoinelle. Tired of being poor and living under his aunt’s strict rules, Emery decided to use his mutant power to start a life of crime that make it big. He started doing small robberies and gained confidence each time. In the process of hiding some recently stolen cash, Emery’s aunt walked in and saw him in his villain costume. She struck him and condemned his activities, but he refused to listen to her and grabbed a bag, and moved out. Emery then attempted to rob a bank. Gambit and New Orleans police detective Noreen Tanaka showed up to halt the robbery. Gambit and Emery battled to a standstill, with Gambit able to dodge Emery’s attacks. Gambit was able to talk to Emery and get him to reconsider his path. Just as Emery let his force field down, Det. Tanaka shot him in the back and killed him.


  1. Fantomelle

Created by: Ray Fawkes and Alisson Borges

First Appearance: Wolverines #2, 2015


Fantomelle was created by the Weapon-X program “Paradise” project to be the world’s greatest thief. As her name suggest she was modeled after Fantomex which was created by “The World”.  She escaped before the reformed program was destroyed by a dying Wolverine. Making her way to Spain she began making a reputation for herself by stealing are and exotic items though she refused to steal anything that could be used as a weapon.

She has a healing factor which allows her to quickly recover and repair damaged tissue. She can also project illusions into the minds of others. She also has enhanced reflexes. Lastly she has a fox that travels with her; the two share a telepathic connection.


  1. Centennial

Created by:  Scott Lobdell and Clayton Henry

1st appearance: Alpha Flight #1, 2004


Centennial possessed superhuman strength and durability. He could fly and had the ability to project a highly concentrated beam of heat from his eyes.

Rutherford Princeton began his life of crime-fighting as a police officer in Canada. During prohibition, he was loaned out to the Chicago force. At some point, his lover, Amelia Weatherly, disappeared and he believed her to be dead, erecting a gravestone for her. Easing into civilian life, the former policeman and army officer living many years before slipping into a coma roughly twenty years ago. In need of superhumans, the hero Sasquatch became aware of Princeton’s latent mutant powers and managed to revive the 96-year-old. The now elderly Princeton initially declined Sasquatch’s offer to join Alpha Flight but eventually accepted. The newly formed group helped rescue the original Alpha Flight, fought Big Hero 6, and later stopped the machinations of the criminal manimator.


  1. Double Trouble

Created by: Fabian Nicieza, Greg Capullo

1st appearance:    X-Force #22 (May, 1993)


Double Trouble are mutant, twin sisters that share a symbiotic link that allows them to produce plasma charges when in close contact with one another. The twins can fire these plasmablasts for range attacks or use the plasma link between them to strike enemies. They are also able to use their psionic link to fly and communicate with one another. If they are separated, their powers are nullified.

Nothing is known about the unnamed twin mutant sisters called Double Trouble prior to them joining Department K, and it’s covert Canadian super-human group known as Weapon P.R.I.M.E. Despite not seeing action the twins were apart of the team during Grizzly’s brief time with Weapon P.R.I.M.E.


  1. Debrii

Created by: Zeb Wells and Skottie Young

1st appearance: New Warriors #4 (2005)


She is a low-level telekinetic magnet. This allows her to levitate above the ground and move around small things in her environment. By moving many objects around at once she can create debris storms or assemble a “body” which can break through concrete walls.

Nothing is known of Debrii’s past before she was recruited to join the “New Warriors Reality Tv show”. She was added so the team could have some conflict. She made her debut as the team faced Terrax. Her resulting attack incapacitated her teammates and allowed the villain to flee. Night Thrasher had her and Microbe remain behind as they ventured after the villain but she followed. She made for herself a humanoid armor and defeated all the villains only to hear that the show was not picked up by any network. Out of work she hitched a ride back home with Nova.


  1. Oya

Created by: Matt Fraction

1st appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #528, 2010


Idie is a 14-year-old Nigerian mutant with the power of Thermo-Kinesis. Idie is a high level thermo-kinetic mutant able to generate both heat and cold from her body. Not only can she generate Ice and fire but also control their shape and intensity she is also immune to temperature extremes.

When her powers first manifested she burnt her village to the ground [Uncanny X-men #528, 2010]. Branded a witch by locals she witnessed her family killed for trying to protect her. Taking refuge in a church and believing herself a ‘devil’ for the chaos she caused Idie is rescued by Storm and Hope Summers, the mutant messiah returned from the future [Uncanny X-men #528]. Hope stabilizes her powers and Idie is revealed as one of ‘five lights’ which signify the mutant race is not dieing. After being rescued by Storm she joined the X-men.


  1. John Wraith

Created by: Larry Hama and Marc Silvestri

1st appearance: Wolverine #48, (1991)


John was an agent of the Weapon X project and a member of team-x, a secret covert operations unit formed in conjunction with the CIA. The team eventually disbanded but was reformed by John when he realized that weapon x was targeting past members for termination. Tracking a lead to a remote island, he discovered that Dr. Aldo Ferro had implanted them with false memories during their time with the project. Ferro was killed in the battle and when john refused to join a revived Weapon x program he was killed by sabretooth at the director’s behest. He has the ability to instantaneously teleport himself from one location to another.


  1. Nekra

Created by: Steve Gerber, Ross Andru

1st appearance: Shanna, The She-Devil #5 (August, 1973)


Decades ago, Gemma Sinclair was an African-American cleaning lady at Los Alamos National Laboratory. While she was pregnant, an exploding lab experiment bombarded Gemma with radiation, causing her unborn child to mutate. Nekra was born albino-like with vampiric features. Nekra is able to grant herself various superhuman physical attributes by harnessing violent emotions within her, especially the emotion of hate. The precise nature of how she’s able to do this isn’t known, but it is possible this ability is partially psionic.


  1. Kabar Brashir

Created by: Frank Tieri, Clayton Henry

1st appearance: X-Men: Apocalypse vs. Dracula #2 (May, 2006)

Kabar was born into the Clan Akkaba. He was a member of the inner council because he possessed a high dosage of Apocalypse blood due to his molecule rearrangement powers. According to him, he met Apocalypse as a boy when the Clan summoned him and it was 36 years before the second summoning when Dracula started turning the Clan members into vampires.


  1. Powerhouse

Created by: Erik Larsen

1st appearance: Spider-Man #15 (October, 1991)

Powerhouse has the ability to drain the energy of other living things to increase her own power. She can absorb energy through physical contact with a victim, even brief contact like a punch. At some point, under uncertain circumstances, Powerhouse developed mutant powers and a strong hatred for humanity.

Beast was giving a lecture at ESU on genetics and Powerhouse decided to show up and send her anti-human message there. Simultaneously, a mutant hater called Masterblaster decided to make his presence and opinions felt at the same lecture. Though it is unclear whether one of them influenced the other’s actions at the lecture, Masterblaster came to attack Beast, and Powerhouse attacked humans there and the Beast came to their aid and fought Powerhouse. They fought back and forth, with Powerhouse having the upper hand until Spider-Man showed up.


  1. Mukus

Created by: Scott Aukerman, André Lima Araújo

1st appearance: X-Men: Black – Mojo #1 (December, 2018)


Mukus was a young mutant at the Jean Grey school when they were attacked by a sentinel. He aided X-23 and Rockslide in the battle though he was not very helpful. He is able to release a slippery aqueous secretion from his mouth. This can be used to stick or to immobilize a target.


  1. lucid

Created by: Jeff Lemire, Eric Koda

1st appearance: Extraordinary X-Men #17 (February, 2017)

Maya Jackson was a mutant whose powers developed faster compared to most people of her species. By the age of ten, she already possessed the ability to see through solid objects. Ever since she was little, Maya loved superheroes, and always wanted to be one. She was especially a big fan of Storm, to the point she collected any kind of pictures of Storm, and closely followed her personal life. When the M-Pox crisis broke out she died.


  1. Persephone

Created by: Charles Soule, Mike Hawthorne

1st appearance:  Hunt for Wolverine #1 (June, 2018) 

Persephone can revive the dead in either a fully-revived form or in zombie form, she can also mentally control and direct the activities of those she reanimates. Persephone is the mysterious mutant leader of Soteira. Through Soteira, she began amassing powers and influence from behind the scenes. She also had Soteira steal the body of Wolverine and somehow resurrected him to commit atrocities for unknown reasons.


  1. Knight

Created by:  Bryan Edward Hill, Juan Ferreyra

1st appearance:  Killmonger #1 (February 2019)


Patricia Jackson was a mutant mercenary with superhuman strength in the service of Kingpin under the alias of “Knight.” She was part of a crew alongside King and Rook. When their boss was doing business with Klaw, Knight and the rest of the team intercepted an assassination attempt on Klaw by Erik Killmonger.


  1. Manifold

Created by: Jonathan Hickman, Brian Michael Bendis and Stefano Caselli

1st appearance: Secret Warriors #4, 2009

Eden Fesi, also known as Manifold, is an Aboriginal Australian mutant with the ability to bend time and space, connecting one piece to another and allowing him to teleport. Under the tutelage of the X-Men ally Gateway. Eden was selected as one of the many unregistered superhumans, handpicked by Nick Fury as part of his Secret Warriors. Fesi joined the Avengers as a part of the Marvel NOW! relaunch. When the Avengers fell under S.H.I.E.L.D. authority, Manifold was one of the members who left and joined A.I.M., now under the leadership of Bobby Da Costa. He ended up in Wakanda where he assisted the Black Panther in stopping the revolts within the country by teleporting T’Challa and his Hatut Zeraze to strategic areas where the revolts were taking place.


  1. Scott Summers (Earth-70213)

Created by: Greg Pak, Stephen Segovia

1st appearance: X-Treme X-Men Vol 2 #7 (January, 2013)

Scott Summers was raised as a slave and was beaten regularly every week regardless of his actions. This continued until after Scott’s mother died, and his mutant powers activated. He was later recruited by Colonel Fury and Doctor Xavier who trained him to use his powers. He served in the Union Army and obtained the rank of Corporal. Corporal Scott Summers was an officer in the Union Army until he was recruited by Disembodied Xavier Head to join his X-Treme X-Force.


  1. D-cell

Created by: Fabian Nicieza, Ron Garney

1st appearance: Juggernaut #1 (sept, 2020)

She fought Juggernaut after he began working with Damage control. Despite having the power to generate and direct a deceleration field which slows kinetic motion she overexerted herself and collapsed during the battle. Juggernaut suggested she was a mutant but she denied it. Juggernaut remained at her bedside while she recovered. She has a Roxtube channel and upon realizing she was a mutant she went to Krakoa.


  1. Isca

Created by: Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz

1st appearance: X-Men Vol 5 #12 (October, 1991)

A mutant with the power of Tychokinesis [the power to always win, no matter how]. She was one of the many mutants who resided in Okkara. To celebrate the birth of her sister’s four children, Isca forged the Scarab, a mighty sword in four parts, and gifted it to her brother by marriage, Apocalypse. The Scarab was seen as a symbol of the Genesis line of Okkara. When the mutants of Okkara warred with the Amenthi Daemons, Isca, seeing that Okkara’s fate was doomed, betrayed her kind and joined Annihilation’s army.


  1. Reeva Payge

Created by: Ian Edgington and Gene Ha

1st appearance:   X-Men Annual Vol 2 #3, (October, 1994)

Reeva is a mutant that can generate a high note from her vocal cords that directly affects the brain’s neurochemistry.

A smart, charming, authoritative, elegant, beautiful woman who is ruthless in her efforts to fight for her people. She leads an elite band of followers and has a soft spot for her new recruits but is still capable of extreme violence in defense of her vision.


  1. MjNari

1st appearance: X-men The Animated Series S2 Ep.3, November 6 1993

When he was born in the shadow of Killamanjo he was not breathing. His mother thought him dead until a young Ororo Munroe breathed life into him through CPR. Storm was then branded his godmother years before she became an X-man. As a teen, he developed superhuman powers allowing him to move and react with superhuman speed. He typically runs at superhuman speeds and appears to teleport from one point to another. Apparently, he also has the power to perceive dimensional tears in the fabric of reality. He could see a tear in the astral plane to earth when the shadow king.


  1. Miguel McCoy

Created by: Chris Claremont and Sean Chen

First Appearance: X-Men: The End: Book 3: Men and X-men #3, 2006

The third child born to Hank McCoy AKA Beast and Cecilia Reyes on earth 41001. Taking after his father Young Miguel is the only “Obvious” mutant in his family. He has superhuman strength, agility, endurance, and speed all to an unspecified degree. He also has razor-sharp claws on his hands and his feet and a thick blue fur all over his body. His sense of sight, touch, and taste may also be enhanced but this too would be to an unspecified degree. It is unknown if he will undergo secondary mutation or develop powers similar to his mother.


  1. Gambit

Created by: Chris Claremont and Tom Grummett

1st appearance: New Exiles #2, 2008

On his world designated Earth 6706, Namor McKenzie was a dark skinned human/atlantean hybrid of African descent. His father wed Sue Storm at some point and he was the first born child of the couple while they ruled as King and Queen of Atlantis .  His name was given in honor of his fathers fallen friend and ally Remy Lebeau the mutant Gambit. Biologically 1/3 Atlantean and half human with a mutant X-Gene. He has all the natural abilities of both species, though due to his hybrid/mutant nature many of his natural abilities are far greater then any average Altantean or human.


  1. Lost

First Appearance: Way of X #1(April, 2021)

Creators Si Spurrier, Bob Quinn

Lost was a mutant with the ability to nullify gravity around herself. As a side effect of her power, her body greatly changed from the norm. When she lost her power during Decimation she retained the physical changes. Years later, when Krakoa nation was established, she came there for help in the hope to regain her power and finally alleviate the pain she constantly felt. She was resurrected by the Five and happily regained her powers of Gravity Destabilization.


  1. Torrent

Created by Jay Faerber and Gregg Schigiel

1st appearance: What If…? #114, 1994

Kendall Logan is the first of two children born to Wolverine and Storm on earth 9811.  In her world, the heroes never returned from the secret war. She was trained in the use of her powers by Prof-X who was now using the Iron Man armor for mobility and life support. Her Mother and Father trained her in unarmed combat. When Dr. Doom’s son decided to conquer their world she joined with the children of the other Avengers to defeat him. She has her father’s and mother’s powers. Enhanced senses and healing factors as well as baseline feral traits along with her mother’s control of the weather for flight, electricity and wind projection, etc.


  1. Francesca McCoy

Created by: Chris Claremont and Sean Chen

First Appearance: X-Men: The End: Book 3: Men and X-men #3, 2006

Second born child of Hank McCoy AKA Beast and Cecilia Reyes in the world of Earth 41001 otherwise known as “X-men The End world”. It is unknown what mutations she will possess if any, since two mutant parents don’t guarantee a mutant child.


  1. Valeria Fen Mckenzie

Created by: Chris Claremont

1st appearance:  New Exiles #4, 2008

Born the second child of Namor Mckenzie and the invisible woman Susan Storm. She unlike her older brother had the conventional skin coloration of a pure-blooded Atlantean making her very popular among the undersea residents. She and Remy were close growing up but he had an adventurers spirit and often went where the wind blew him. While he was often out getting into all kinds of trouble she grew into a responsible woman who her father could always count on in matters of urgency. Biologically 1/3 Atlantean and half human with a mutant X-Gene. She all the natural abilities of both species, though due to her hybrid/mutant nature many of her natural abilities are far greater than any average Altantean or human.


  1. Ciaran McCoy

Created by: Chris Claremont and Sean Chen

First Appearance: X-Men: The End: Book 3: Men and X-men #3, 2006

Ciaran is the firstborn child of Hank McCoy AKA Beast and Cecilia Reyes. He has a throwback Simian/feline anatomy granting him enhanced senses, strength, agility, and regenerative abilities. It is unknown what other mutations he will possess since his mother has a life force generated Force field and his father a Mammalian throwback/ feline enhanced physiology.


  1. Azari

Created by: Christopher Yost

1st appearance: (video) Next Avengers,2008 (Comic) The Avengers #1, 2010

Azzari is the son of Storm the weather-powered X-man and T’challa the Black Panther. This Prince grew up in a dystopian future where he never knew the love of either parent. He appears to somehow have the skills and abilities of his father (maybe he got to the heart-shaped herb?) and a limited form of his mother’s weather manipulation which he uses to control and channel electricity. He made his debut in “Next Avengers heroes of tomorrow (which we highly recommend) and has found his way into comics in the newly relaunched Avengers title written by Bendis.


  1. Carapace

Created by: Tod Dezago (Writer) and Jason Craig (Artist)

1st appearance: Wolverine #900, May 12, 2010

Carapace was a mutant Morlock who had the ability to produce a hard, insect-like armor, that was near impenetrable. Her speed with generating said shell was near instantaneous. Attacked by Sentinels, she was injured. Beast had to perform surgery using Wolverine’s claws in order to remove a piece of shrapnel from her side, saving her life.


  1. Lil’Bro

Created by: Joe Quesada, Joshua Middleton

1st appearance:  NYX #6 (September, 2005)

Lil’ Bro is a Psionic mutant, capable of reading the minds of others, projecting his thoughts, contact the dead, create solid constructs of psionic energy capable of affecting the real world, etc.

Lil’ Bro is the seemingly autistic younger brother of Bobby Soul.


  1. Junction

Created by: Chris Claremont, Leinil Francis Yu

1st appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #106 (November, 2000)

Junction was a member of the mutant-offshoot known as the Neo, they were Homo sapiens superior who decided to live reclusively, waiting for humanity to self-annihilate, and developed their own warrior culture. Joining the Warclan they battled the X-men. She had the power of teleportation.


  1. Randall Jeffferson

Created by: Mark Waid, Brian K. Vaughan, Doug Braithwaite

1st appearance:  Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #5 (January, 1999)

Randall was a mutant with an uncontrollable ability to hear the thoughts of others. His power driving him insane, he was consigned to a mental hospital for treatment, in which he began ranting about various United Stated government secrets. SHIELD sent Captain America undercover in the hospital to investigate him.


  1. Hayes Isaac

Created by: John Francis Moore, and Ron Lim

1st appearance:  2099 A.D. Genesis #1 (November, 1995)

Hayes Isaacs was a mutant whose mother worked for Alchemax on their Mars project. He is able to absorb sound from his environment and convert it into energy blasts. Under unknown circumstances, he was separated from his family and met up with another lost mutant named Nostromo. The two friends made their way to Halo City after President Doom opened it as a haven to mutants and outcasts. After a run in with the Wild Boys, they found a home at the Xavier Shelter for Indigent Children. Clarion developed a crush on his classmate Twilight, so was jealous when she and the new kid Metalsmith fell for each other. Clarion died when X-Nation confronted the ancient mutant Exodus.

102. Third Eye

Created by: Victor LaValle, and Leonard Kirk

The mysterious Third eye’s real name is unrevealed but he is a Psionic mutant with unspecified but seemingly varied abilities. He can Astral project, teleport others to the Astral plain, link minds and also limited precognition. After being sentenced to “The Pit” after violating Krakoa’s law of making more mutants, he joined Sabretooth and the Exiles before escaping and becoming a fugitive. After the mutant Massacre at the 2023 Hellfire Gala this may be a blessing in disguise. He also has unspecified links to the occult and magic.

103. Abeni

Created by: Saint Bodhi, Danny Lore, Alitha Martinez

First Appearance: Black Panther (Vol. 7) #23 (February, 2021)

Abeni was a small mutant girl whose geokinetic powers manifested after a band of tormentors killed her family and her scream of pain was psychically sensed by Storm who ran to her rescue just as Abeni was using her powers against the tormentors. By talking to her about what had happened to her as a child, Ororo was able to calm Abeni and took her with her to the safe haven of Krakoa.

104. Adewale Ekoku

Created by: Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely

First Appearance: New X-Men #126 (May, 2002)

A student at the Xavier’s school for the Gifted after he had made it known publicly that he was a mutant and after he had switched bodies with Cassandra Nova. He had the mutant ability to bulk up his muscles to grant him superhuman strength of unknown upper limits. He lost his powers on M-Day and has not been seen since.

That’s it for now, check back regularly, updates coming soon…

NEXT: 10 Forgotten Black Marvel Mutants Who Should Be Revived

There you have it!

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If you enjoyed this list be sure to check out

the Top 30 Black Superheroes- Traffic Edition,

the Top 30 Black Superheroes-Fan Edition,

the Top Black Power Rangers

the Top 20 Black Superheroes-Milestone Comics editions.


The Top 50 Black Superheroes- Fan Edition