Savage Dragon #209 Review

Malcolm Dragon gets married. His new life begins here!
Dedicated to Black superhero News, Reviews, Previews, Sales figures, Interviews, Galleries and the people who bring them to us.
Malcolm Dragon gets married. His new life begins here!
LUNELLA LAFAYETTE is a preteen super genius who wants to change the world—but learned the hard way that it takes MORE than just big brains. Fearful of the monstrous INHUMAN genes inside her, life is turned upside down when a savage, red-scaled tyrant is teleported from prehistoric past to a far-flung future we call TODAY. The pair are many things, and together the most amazing Marvel Team-Up. MARVEL PRESENTS… MOON GIRL & DEVIL DINOSAUR!
Guess who’s coming to the simply magical Arrow season 4 in 2016?! Black Superhero Vixen, THAT’S WHO!?
Thanks to “Total Film” magazine and CBR for the concept art below which pits hero against hero in straight up Mortal Kombat Style. The image also comes with a nifty bit of info on the heroes motivations during the conflict. We also
Endowed with superhuman strength, endurance, durability, resistance to injury, stamina, vigor,superhuman regeneration and the ability to manipulate the his molecules in order to increase his density. He is STAMPEDE! Member Team Genesis and 2015’s newest Indy Black Superhero!
They’re each the sole survivor of a lost Earth and they’ll do anything to protect this one, whether you like it or not. The Squadron Supreme — comprising Hyperion (Avengers), Nighthawk (Supreme Power), Dr. Spectrum (the Great Society), Blur (DP7) and Power Princess — are a team that doesn’t ask permission or what the rules are. To them all that matters is the safety of Earth and if you stand in the way…that’s your problem! Tell that to the Squadron’s first target — Namor, destroyer of Dr. Spectrum’s homeworld, who will have to pay for his crimes…but at what cost to the people of Atlantis…?
A new era for the Black Panther starts here!
Written by MacArthur Genius and National Book Award winner Ta-Nehisi Coates (“Between the World and Me”) and illustrated by living legend Brian Stelfreeze, “A Nation Under Our Feet” is a story about dramatic upheaval in Wakanda and the Black Panther’s struggle to do right by his people as their ruler….
Mutantkind is teetering on the brink of extinction and the X-MEN are in dire straits!
STORM and ICEMAN defend the last remaining mutants from a demonic attack!
The world’s newest mutant discovers she has a terrifying power!
And OLD MAN LOGAN and JEAN GREY meet for the first time…
The Avengers are dead–long live the Avengers! Earth’s Mightiest Heroes–Captain America, Thor, Vision, and Iron Man–are living separate lives, not tied to any team–but when a threat from beyond the stars targets our world, fate draws them together once more, alongside Nova, Ms. Marvel, and Miles Morales a.k.a. Spider-Man!
This epic new trailer of Fox’s X-men: Apocalypse offers a closer look at the titular villain Apocalypse, black superhero Storm and a whole lot of action as Apocalypse makes a bid to destroy all life with his horsemen!?
Galactus is beyond good and evil. Galactus is a necessary part of the universe. When Galactus hungers — living worlds must die.
The Ultimates have heard it all before, and respectfully… they don’t agree.
But can even the ultimate superteam end the threat of the devourer of worlds for good? And if they do — WHAT will take his place?
Created by: Dennis Hopeless and Mark Bagley 1st appearance: All New X-men #1, December 2015 Nationality: Unknown Aliases: Firefist Team Affiliations: Ghosts of Cyclops Height: 5’8 Weight: 130 Eyes: Brown Hair: brown Relatives: Unknown Skills and abilities: Unknown Powers: She
Hated and feared more than ever, the world is a dangerous place for mutants. As the few remaining X-MEN retreat into seclusion, a handful of mutant teenagers refuse to allow their destiny to be decided for them. CYCLOPS. BEAST. ICEMAN. ANGEL. THE ALL-NEW WOLVERINE. KID APOCALYPSE. OYA. Stepping out of the shadows of their predecessors, the ALL-NEW X-MEN are striking out on their own, determined to write their own futures!
Check out the big reveal of tonight’s Supergirl, which is that Hank Henshaw is actually John Jones, aka J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter, who comic fans will recognize as a founding member of the Justice League. Check out the screen caps below: The
As suggested by more than a few fans I have decided to create a list of my top fifty independent published Black superheroes. Indy/Independent in this case will be used to signify not associated with or connected to the big three: Marvel,
It’s hard not to get excited after watching this trailer. There is a fair bit of humor, dynamics between Bruce Wayne, Clarke Kent and Lex Luthor, the appearance of Doomsday and an epic shot of Wonder woman. The only thing missing
This is Black Panther in his younger years, where he maybe is a little bit more fiery than I think how they write him in the comics because he’s very much in the nascent stages of being a hero! He’s also mysterious like James Bond!?
Tuskegee Heirs is a futuristic sci-fi adventure that follows a small squadron of young gifted aviators who are forced to become earth’s last line of defense against a highly advanced military faction bent on destroying civilization as we know it.
The fate of mutantkind is decided here! Staring down the threat of extinction once more, veteran X-Man Storm pulls together the team she’ll need to ensure her race’s survival. Together, these EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN will struggle with the familiar burden of being hated and feared, while facing threats the likes of which they’ve never seen. Here’s hoping they survive the experience!