Real Name: Tamara Devoux
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Jonothan Hickman
1st appearance: Avengers (2013) #1,
Nationality: Unknown
Team Affiliations: Avengers
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 5’8 Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Relatives: Unknown
Skills and abilities: Unknown
Powers: The Uni-Power is a symbiotic force theorized to have existed from the dawn of creation. Unlike the Phoenix or Goblyn force it is benevolent often assisting the universe or various individuals in times of need. The Uni-Power enhances the hosts natural abilities to varying degrees depending on what is required of them. it also typically grants Energy Blasts, Psychic-Blasts, telepathy, Matter Manipulation, Molecular Manipulation, Flight and just about any power required to accomplish it’s ends. As a limitless source of knowledge and power a wielder easily becomes one of the most powerful beings in creation.
The latest host of the Uni-Power if Tamara Devoux a woman of African descent who got pregnant for a man who wanted nothing to do with herself or her child. As a single mother she grew her child as best she could. One day while in the car a mysterious event took plac, leaving her in the hospital for ten years. The uni-power chose her as it’s newest host becuse like it she was broken and dying. (Avengers [2013] #6)
She was recruited by Captain America and Iron man into a new global Avengers task force(Avengers [2013] #1). Along with Sunspot/Roberto Dacosta, Eden Fesi/Manifold and others she went to mars to rescue captured teammates. Once there she proved to be the deciding factor in the battle as she dispatched Aleph while convincing both Ex Nihilo and Abyss to spare earth and remain on mars. She is also the only being known to understand the “New Adam” created by Ex Nihilo’s language. (Avengers [2013] #3)
Her past was revealed while meditating with Shang Chi (Avengers [2013] #6). She bore witness to the “white event” where Adam became NightMask [Avengers [2013] #7]and Starbrand was born [Avengers [2013] #8] after this she returned to a dormant state. When Thor and Hyperion schooled the new creatures born from Ex Nihilo in the savage land [Avengers [2013] #11]. Captain Universe then took Eden Fesi to Galadoor to witness the beginning of the Infinity Even where the Builders cut a swath through the universe heading for earth to destroy it (Avengers [2013] #15 and Avengers [2013] #16). During Infinity she was captured and later rescued by her Avenger teammates and awoken by the Ex Nihili to end the threat of the builders (Avengers [2013] #21).
I’m personally excited about the new capt. Universe because this is the first super powered cosmic celestial black hero,at least that I can remember. I guess that’s one step forward now we just have to wait for the two steps back.
Capt. Universe is straight outta the 60’s so maybe a name change is in order but I would love to see her and Photon do a team up. Now that’s some serious black power!