Real Name: New Adam
Alias: Adam, BlackVeil
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Jonathon Hickman
1st appearance: Avengers (2013) #2, 2013
Nationality: Martian (Born on mars)
Team Affiliations: Avengers
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 6’2 Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Brown Hair: none
Relatives: Ex Nihilo (Father/creator), Abyss (Mother/Creator)
Skills and abilities: He apparently has knowledge of a lost language called “Builder Machine Code” and a profound understanding of the universe and celestial based events.
Powers: Adam has advanced knowledge of the universe and universal principles only surpassed by celestial beings such as the Uni Power which is the living embodiment of the universe. He also appears to able to communicate and gather information as well as communicate with machines.
Created on Mars by Ex Nihilo and Abyss as the first of a new human race to repopulate earth after it’s destruction. He speaks a language only known to the current wielder of the Uni Power Captain Universe who serves on the Avengers team. After the defeat of his creators he was taken back to earth with the Avengers.(Avengers [2013] #3)
On Earth Iron Man/Tony Stark subjects him to a great many tests to understand his language but to no avail even with the help of the Superior Spider-Man. It is only when Universe steps in that his language is fully revealed right before he makes the ominous prediction that “the white event is upon them”. [Avengers (2013) #6]
Why Adam? I mean,if he is supposed to be from mars then why use the biblical name for a man that the Jews created?why not create a Martian name or a historically ancient name of more significance and mystery like the much older kemetic name of Atum or the ancient Sumerian name of Adamu. Adam is so plain like Martian man hunter’s J’onn J’onzz.C’mon man!
Like Adam and Eve. You need to read the Story. He was there “New Adam”. He’s probably extremely powerful.
I read the story, that’s why I said it
Isn’t night mask kinda generic for such an omnipotent being? I don’t think he’s gonna be around long or make much of an impact in the marvel universe.