Publisher: Milestone Media
Created by: Dwayne McDuffie, Matt Wayne and John Paul (JP) Leon
1st appearance: Shadow Cabinet #7, 1994
Real Name: Stella Maxwell
Nationality: American
Team Affiliations: Shadow Cabinet
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 5’8 Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Relatives: unknown
Skills and abilities: Skilled mathematician.
Powers: She can manipulate and project various electromagnetic energies
Stella was a girl who always had an aptitude for mathematics, to this end upon graduating from High School she enrolled in a college-level degree of said subject. It was here that she witnessed her college professor using an experimental Tachyon telescope for a teleportation experiment. It went horribly wrong and he was being bombarded by cosmic rays. Fearing for his life she pushed him out-of-the-way and took the full brunt of the cosmic rays and radiation. She was transformed into a human pulsar. She was found by Hardware who used his technology to help stabilize her powers and help her control them. Hardware also introduced her to the Shadow cabinet team which she joined (Shadow Cabinet #7). Here she gained control of her powers somewhat and was the crush of Payback. When Darma went mad she joined with a few teammates and Static to form “Heroes” the first public superhero team in Dakota (Heroes #1).
When Star breaker wrecks havoc in her world she joins a newly formed shadow Cabinet with Icon, Rocket, Hardware and boyfriend Payback to aid the JLA in ending his threat. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
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