Real Name: Paul Morris
Publisher: Milestone Comics
Created by: Dwayne McDuffie
1st appearance: Static #9, 1993
Team Affiliations: None
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 6’3 Weight: 210 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Unknown
Relatives: Unknown
Skills and abilities: Unknown
Powers: Biological Fission allows him to split into several proportionately sized copies of himself, from twins half his original size to thousands of thumb-high replicas.
After his father left them both, Virus followed his mother into the streets where she became a crack addict who abused him constantly. Despite his large size he suffers from an unspecified mental illness that gives him the mental ability of a child. He eventually joined the force syndicate, Dakota’s “Misfit” Gang because they treated him with care. For this surrogate family he began stealing. Then came the Big Bang, his gang was killed and he discovered he had been granted super powers. Virus then lived under a mall where he stole to survive. Befriended by Static he was taken to St. Peter’s mission where he still resides.
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