Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by:Christopher Yost, Matt Fraction and Cullen Bunn
1st appearance: Battle Scars #1, 2012
Alias: Marcus Johnson, Nick Fury, Black Nick Fury
Nationality: American
Team Affiliations: U.S army
Legal Status: US citizen
Height: 6’3 Weight: 225 lbs
Eye Color: Brown Hair color: Black
Relatives: Nia Marie Johnson (mother, deceased), Nick Fury (Father),
Skills and abilities: Trained by the military in armed and unarmed combat.
Powers: Slowed aging, healing factor and peak human physical attributes.
Marcus Johnson grew up with a single mother who was a social worker. In College he played Football after which he joined the us military and did two terms in Afghanistan. After Fear itself he returned to America to attend his mother’s funeral where he was almost assassinated by a Russian assassin and later taskmaster. He was saved by Captain America and secured by SHEILD. When they refused to tell him why his life was unraveling he escaped and made his way to an old friend, Coulson. While tracking Taskmaster for information he was attacked by Deadpool and the Serpent society including Puff Addler and Bushmaster. Marcus managed to find and secure Taskmaster and escape but was then confronted by his biological father, Nick Fury.
They were then confronted by more mercenaries who captured and took them to “Orion” who drained Fury of his blood to restore himself to youth. Marcus had to save his dad and escape though he was tortured first and lost his left eye (the same as his father). Back at SHEILD he was given Steve Rogers old costume; the one he wore as head of SHEILD and an eye patch. As a SHEILD agent he was teamed with Coulson after his birth name was revealed as NICK FURY JR.
During Marvel Now he heads SHEID and leads the Secret Avengers.
I’m sorry guys,I just can’t get with this guys origin.I mean first you got a guy who’s mother was basically a jump off for good ol Nicky,then his obviously all black kid grows up with a single parent (how’s that for more black stereotyping) then he looses his eye just so he could look even more like his pop,then he finds out he’s junior to a white daddy! Why couldn’t he just been a superior solider who worked his way up through the ranks?is hawk eyes daddy black?what about Franklin Richards,did Namor ever get some of Susie? C’MON MAN!
Yeah Straight Garbage! SMH He is a quickie character to replace the old one…WEAK!
The Marvel movies take a lot from the Ultimate Marvel comics, including a Nick Fury who looks like (and was eventually played on screen by) Samuel L Jackson.
To draw in the movie fans and not confuse them with the old white guy, Marvel introduced a never before seen long lost son. Not the worst idea… but the execution was bloody terrible. Him having no dad makes sense, as his dad was busy fighting supervilains, being a spy, and running SHIELD and dying over and over (and being a hit man for the Watcher too, it seems), but everything else about this screams terrible writing. To make it worse, Coulson didn’t even go by Coulson, they used his nickname: Cheese.
How high were they?