March 27, 2025
11 11 11 AM
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Static Shock and Mister Terrific Cancelled!?!

Straight from the source comes the news of DC comics second wave of “New 52 series”. Nothing we know so far has any indication or implications for new Black Superheroes, but we remain ever optimistic.

DC COMICS-THE NEW 52 “Second Wave” includes:

  • BATMAN INCORPORATED – Writer: Grant Morrison. Artist: Chris Burnham. The acclaimed ongoing writer of ACTION COMICS, Grant Morrison, presents a fresh take on BATMAN INCORPORATED, in which the Batman brand is franchised globally in preparation for a major international threat.
  • EARTH 2 – Writer: James Robinson. Artist: Nicola Scott. The greatest heroes on a parallel Earth, the Justice Society combats threats that will set them on a collision course with other worlds.
  • WORLDS’ FINEST – Writer: Paul Levitz. Artists: George Perez and Kevin Maguire. Stranded on our world from a parallel reality, Huntress and Power Girl struggle to find their way back to Earth 2. Perez and Maguire will be the artists on alternating story arcs.
  • DIAL H – Writer: China Miéville. Artist: Mateus Santoluoco. The first ongoing series from acclaimed novelist China Miéville, this is a bold new take on a cult classic concept about the psychological effects on an everyman who accidentally gains powers to become a hero.
  • G.I. COMBAT – Writer: J.T. Krul. Artist: Ariel Olivetti. Featuring the return of a classic DC Comics series, THE WAR THAT TIME FORGOT, along with rotating back-up stories and creative teams – including THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER, with writers Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti and artist Dan Panosian; and THE HAUNTED TANK, with writer John Arcudi and artist Scott Kolins.
  • THE RAVAGERS – Writer: Howard Mackie. Artist: Ian Churchill. Spinning off from TEEN TITANS and SUPERBOY, this series finds four superpowered teens on the run and fighting against the organization that wants to turn them into supervillains.

The six new series will replace BLACKHAWKS, HAWK AND DOVE, MEN OF WAR, MISTER TERRIFIC, O.M.A.C. and STATIC SHOCK, all of which will conclude with their eighth issues in April.

“Many of the characters from our canceled books will appear in DC COMICS-THE NEW 52 titles, and in some very surprising ways,” said Harras. “We’re developing stories that reach from cultures around the globe to parallel worlds. We’re just getting started.”

Sad to see Static go and it’s bad taste all around by Static and Milestone fans. Where are the thousands that clamored for a new static series? Where are the thousands who want Milestone comics to make a triumphant return? Where are the Millions of fans Static got from the tv series? Where is the support? (Shakes head) Sad day indeed!

Mister Terrific? Can’t say we’ll miss that crappy book. More as it breaks guys!

[Source: DC Comics]

12 thoughts on “Static Shock and Mister Terrific Cancelled!?!

  1. Awww man..i was hoping both titles would get progressively better with time. Shm, its all about the dollar bill..

  2. The book was kind of blaaah…. The stories we’re not good. Very little actin and the I don’t think writer Eric Wallace knows much about science to write a science oriented book. The villians he chose to oppose Mr. T coul have been stopped with a rolled-up newspaper. No antagonist was fleshed out well, and there was no building to a climax. Instead of running a story line over maybe 3 or 4 books, each on lasted two books with contrite conclusions. The artwork was also very inconsistent, just look at the covers of each issue as proof. In summary, Wallace made the book of 3rd smartest man on Earth an intellectual saltine devoid of any flavor whatsoever, so even a can of mental spray cheese would not have helped. That’s why Black Superheroes’ books have low sales and get cancelled– poor writing and a lackluster effort producing quality artwork. As a brother, whose been reading comic book for 30+ years, I believed Mr. T deserved better. I saddened by this.

  3. Mr. Terrific failed because DC didn’t give him a good creative team. Eric wallace’s writing was horrible and the art was even worse. The only reason I stuck with it was for the mystery surrounding Karen Starr/Power Girl. Mr. T will be showing up in JLA and we know Geoff johns knows how to write the character.

  4. Voodoo has been a surprisingly good read. Not the best thing out there but better than I expected. It has proven interesting more interesting than Batwoman in the long run.

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