Wolverine and the X-men #8 Review

The hottest new supercouple Wolverine and storm go on a long overdue date and save the world too?! Aint love grand!
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The hottest new supercouple Wolverine and storm go on a long overdue date and save the world too?! Aint love grand!
Date Night! Kitty and Iceman! And… Storm and Wolverine? Summary Above the Jean Grey School Storm speaks with now ex-husband T’challa/the Black Panther as they play chess. Before the finish however T’challa tells her to stay away from Wolverine. At the school
Summary Broo is about to be killed by the alien from last issue who reveals he’s Professor Xanto Starlord a very famous intergalactic writer who Broo is a fan of. He plans to kill Broo because he disrupts the natural order of
Summary Wolverine has taken kid omega to an un-policed section of the Milky Way galaxy in hopes of cheating in an intergalactic gambling den so he can finance his school. The secret weapon is Kid Omega’s telepathy. At the school the creature
Summary At Worthington industries the board has relived Warren/Angel of all his powers over them and locked him out of his accounts since they think he is no longer mentally balanced. Outside Wolverine tracks a member of the hellfire club while Iceman
Summary Wolverine meets with the senior staff at the school to discuss current problems after which Kitty teaches future history 101. Deathlok guest lecturers and tells a few students how he sees their lives unfolding in the future. Angel now reborn and
Summary Wolverine gives Prof-X the tour of the school and gets his blessings. The rest of the issue is spent giving two school inspectors the tour of the school, of course in typical X-men fashion it goes badly, and at the end
Fresh off the press comes new details of Wolverine’s X-men team post X-men schism.Our first image is a standard teaser with a few exceptions not seen in the full team reveal a few weeks back there’s a blonde woman beside Idie is
Ive been lamenting for awhile whether I should report or even mention this since the x-men has been the most contrived and token place for black characters in the marvel universe in recent years. Despite strong characters like Storm, Cecelia Reyes and