News trickling in all day (I was at work thus why your just getting the news) claims that Fialkov who was the writer on the Green Lantern Corps book staring the uber popular on Stewart/Green Lantern has resigned because editorial wanted to kill said character and the writer refused.
Now bear with me here. Marvel’s most poplar black character is Storm but for DC clearly that title would have to be given to this John Stewart thanks to his long running stint as the sole GL in the Justice League cartoons. In a supposed “new state of affairs” where Static Shock, Mister Terrific, Voodoo and Batwing have had solo books launched in the new 52 why would DC think it was a good idea to kill their most popular Black Superhero?!
What do you guys think of that revelation? Racism? Good idea?
Send us your thoughts below or on our facebook page.
[Source: CBR & BleedingCool]