Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Brian Michael Bendis
1st appearance: All New X-men #1, 2012
Real Name: Christopher Muse
Nationality: American
Team Affiliations: X-men
Legal Status: Wanted by the authorities
Height: 5’7 Weight: unknown
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Relatives: Unknown
Skills and abilities: Unknown
Powers: Christopher’s mutant power is the ability to summon and freely manipulate the life forces of himself and other living creatures at will. It is believed that all of his other powers are a byproduct of his ability to control life forces. It has been stated that Christopher has the ability to heal other’s wounds, and possibly bring them back from death. Christopher can also reanimate dead bodies after death by manipulating the life force energy within them. This ability cannot reverse the effects of decay and limits them to whatever state their body had been at the moment of death. He has also shown signs of immortality. This was during their second encounter with the Brotherhood when he was stabbed in the neck by Raze (and left for dead). He, however managed to come back to life in a few minutes.
One of the new mutants who were activated after the events of Avengers Vs X-men. In this new world he finds himself the target of anti mutant hysteria after he apparently brought a man back to life during Avengers Vs X-men. Taken to a local police station where he was rescued by Cyclops, Magneto, Magik and Emma Frost. He was later taken to their new base of operations, the now defunct Weapon-X facility.
He remained with Cyclops’s X-Men through the incident in Limbo flirting with several female members then later assisted in the battle against the Blockbuster Sentinel by healing the civilians caught in the crossfire.
Later, he was detained and coerced into using his powers for O*N*E; however, when he eventually refused and spit on his boss, he was forcibly administered the X-gene cure, which led to his death for which O*N*E had little remorse.
He was later ressurected by the Five in Krakoa and joined the mutant nation.
another blk hero-but meh powers…