After 1 week of honeymooning on a secluded island given to them by Namor. The couple departs for Latveria. T’challa suspects a trap but in his arrogance he goes anyway to prove a point to doom. Once they arrive they are taken to his castle where verbal spats rub doom the wrong way. After extending an offer to Panther to have an alliance, T’challa walks out which sets off doom. He attacks and they wrangle. T’challa sets of an and disables doom country. Doom allows him to leave but seeds are planted for future conflict.

The Good
This is the issue T’challa pride and a conflict with Doom put him at the top of Doom’s “to kill” list. It was amusing to hear the banter between T’challa and Doom both brilliant men sizing each other up.
Art was ok.
The Bad
Jokes were corny…especially that last one.
The Ugly
2.5/5 stars
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