The vampires have taken over and its up to blade, cage, panther and Voodoo to stop them cold. Our Black Superhero squad is busy fighting off vamps. Until Panther locates Photon. With her solar base powers she makes short work of all the vamps in town. When it’s all over Blade takes off and our rag tag band of heroes takes a cruise through the streets.

The Good!
This band of heroes have crazy chemistry! We have a leader in T’challa, strong man in Cage, the loner in blade and great power in Photon. That right there could be a black superhero team easy. Anyway, the story was not the greatest and was just an excuse to get everyone together but I liked it. The art had a dark murky tone but it matched the story. It was not perfect again but it was completely passable.
The Bad!
This team does not appear together again 😛 bummer.
The Ugly!
3/5 stars