Avengers Vs X-men #12 Review

BE SURE TO READ OUR PREVIOUS AVX COVERAGE BELOW! Avengers vs X-MEN # 0 Avengers vs X-MEN #1 Avengers vs X-MEN #2, #3 AND #4 Avengers vs X-MEN #5 Avengers vs X-MEN #6 Avengers vs X-MEN #7 Avengers vs X-MEN # 8
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BE SURE TO READ OUR PREVIOUS AVX COVERAGE BELOW! Avengers vs X-MEN # 0 Avengers vs X-MEN #1 Avengers vs X-MEN #2, #3 AND #4 Avengers vs X-MEN #5 Avengers vs X-MEN #6 Avengers vs X-MEN #7 Avengers vs X-MEN # 8
There can be only one who wields the Phoenix Force and the Avenger/X-Men war leads to a fatality. Summary Captain America recruits Hulk to his cause while the X-men who have realized that Scott has been corrupted also join the Avengers. Together
From the powerhouse creative team of Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Matt Fraction, Jonathan Hickman, Ed Brubaker, John Romita Jr., Adam Kubert and Olivier Copiel comes a groundbreaking event pitting Earth’s Mightiest against the X-Men with the entire Marvel Universe at stake.
Summary Domino is tracking a sentinel sale to the nation of Puternicstan which borders both Latveria and Symkaria. On Utopia Cyclops summons Storm to marshal a team to Investigate when a new set of players enters the fray. Jubilee, Warpath, Psylocke, Colossus
Summary In San Francisco Mr. Sinister takes control of the Sleeping Celestial. On Utopia Cyclops Gathers his “extinction team”: Storm, Hope Summers, Colossus/Juggernaut, Magik, Danger, Magneto and Danger. He lets them know what the team’s purpose is while we see the day