Batman: Rebirth #1

Alfred receives a visitor at mansion who has come inquiring about an offer, meanwhile Batman is facing off with calendar man who has released spores in the air and ominously warns Batman that he cannot stop what is coming. The young man, Duke Thomas, is offered a chance by Batman to work with him. Batman, declares, “I’m trying something new”, and with Duke’s acceptance and a new uniform, the hero Lark is born. their first mission, try and stop one of calendar man’s machines from emitting spores. How will our heroes fair?
The Good
Art– the artwork of Mikel Janin is very befitting of Batman. Janin is very detailed, so scenes like Bruce doing one armed pull ups from the helipad of the Wayne building or the accompanying expressions by Lucius Fox as he watches become that much more intense.
Black Hero– After enjoying Duke Thomas in the We are Robin series it is good to see him not only carry on, but get his own new identity. Take note Marvel, it’s not a bad thing to take an existing character and give them their own new identity, instead of shuffling around a name that already has high mileage.
Cover– Janin’s cover of Batman and his trademark scowl holding a batarang is classic!
The Bad
Story– ”I’m trying something new” says Batman, only, this doesn’t seem like a new thing. Batman has always taken in wards, and taking Duke in and sticking him in a uniform is no different. We saw him do this to both David Zavimbe and Luke Fox (both Batwing), as well as his other sidekicks. Batman is always willing to give someone a chance to make a difference, even if it’s as a vigilante.
Costume- Bright yellow? Is he Kid Flash? While it is indeed different and something new, there are a plethora of darker shade to choose from so as our new hero doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb.
The Ugly
Although this is the first in the Rebirth line of books, it doesn’t feel any different than any other Batman book. Maybe that will change in later issues. 3/5 stars