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Wolverine and the X-men #8 Review

Wolverine and the X-men #8 1

What’s it like to be a rich, famous, teenage mutant? Just ask Quentin Quire!

Logan and storm go on a long overdue date!

And when the headmasters are away, villains come out to play.


Wolverine’s healing factor has ceased working and with time running out he takes Storm to “the World” where times moves differently than the real world. They spend a year together building a kingdom, being lovers, warriors and revolutionaries. At the end of their year they are closer and they leave a new school in their wake- the James Howlett School of the World.


What I thought

This was a surprisingly enjoyable read.  It’s rather strange that I loved having Black Panther and Storm together but also have a soft spot for Storm and Wolvie together. This issue captured the two being lovers, warriors and generally playing off each other really well. They have always had this natural chemistry and daresay Jason Latour has delivered one of my favourite Wolvie and Storm tales of the past year. The art meanwhile started out well with Paco Diaz but becomes ugly and totally uneven by the  time David Messina and Gaetano Carlucci take over the rest of the book.



I truly enjoyed Wolverine and the X-men #8 though the art was uneven and lacked polish. 3/5

stars- 3 good

26 thoughts on “Wolverine and the X-men #8 Review

  1. I Agee! I fail to see the attraction between these two. Surprisingly, I haven’t seen any fan outrage over this union as it was when she married Black Panther. I wonder why?

  2. This is a failure in so many ways for the characters, for their image, as well as for the message it delivers to those reading it. While it sounds like it was fantastic writing (according to your review), it does not remove the foul taste of once again… an opportunity is lost.

    This concept would have made more of an impact if this would have been Storm spending a year with her husband, The Black Panther, to work through and save their marriage.

    Storm is ‘supposed’ to be strong, smart, companionate, and spiritual. When she loves, her love is strong, fierce, and deep. This is displayed within so many of her achievements… and yet, the only thing she is not loyal to, is herself.

    Marvel has positioned her to be the ‘pass-along’ call-girl for any character that wants something ‘exotic’ to kiss and sleep with in order to pump up sales. She’s been with most of the members of the X-Men and has been shared amongst their friend, colleagues, alien-buddies, or whatsoever as though she was a streetwalker on sale for $3.99.

    When it comes to Storm, they have made her on the deepest level… a White man’s dream toy.
    List the guys they’ve had her kiss or have sex with…
    I would love to see Luke Cage, Falcon, Brother Voodoo, or heck, even Warmachine in the list, instead… you’re going to find yourself scribbling down crap like Wolverine, Beast, and Forge (at the least). Not only did they pass her around the team, but they were the first faces popping up to smile in the Black Panther’s face when she married him as though they were saying…

    “Out scraps is what you consider, your best!”

    This is an African goddess shared amongst a crew of degenerate fools, that has been positioned by Marvel to turn on her husband during a STOOPID-ASS conflict, in which she wasn’t needed (there will ALWAYS be a resurrected form of Phoenix creating bullcrap situations for the X-Men and the world as long as Cyclops is around). Instead, they used it as a reason to prove that one of the potentially most powerful couples in the entire Marvel line-up, that happed to be Black, couldn’t make it.


    Heck, even Sue Storm (The Invisible Woman) got back with her buffoon of a husband after his actions during Civil War. The results of his decisions during that conflict led to the death of Black Goliath (which is another racial topic I prefer not to go into). Not only did Sue forgive Reed, but they took time off to work on their marriage and had Black Panther and Storm fill in the gap of the Fantastic Four while they were away doing what responsible couples do.

    Now, could you imagine Marvel allowing Sue Storm to sleep with The Thing and multiple members of the Avengers? Could you imagine Sue Storm spending a year in a virtual world or whatever, screwing Namor (The Sub-Mariner) without a second thought of her husband?

    In fact… could you imagine the impact on her character, if they made her sleep with as many Black characters as Storm has slept with White? How would Marvel fans react to Sue Storm waking up with Luke Cage, having a cover kissing The Blue Marvel, sneaking off in the night with Blade, or fighting her hidden attraction to The Black Panther… then, eventually giving in for a year of ‘African favors’?

    What message doe this send?

  3. Consider this, what is Wolverine without powers? A normal man!

    With powers, he was an arrogant, cocky, jerk which embraced being an impulsive alcoholic with a crappy attitude. Women were playthings that he went through in droves and respect was something he rarely had to worry about because he would outlive most of those he didn’t want to waste his time giving it to.


    Without his powers, he is compassionate, humble, regretful, and careful. He is a character commanding sympathy and praise from his readers while being positioned as one to be remembered for his nobility.
    He is man with a history of killing, hurt, and regret that Marvel believes is deserving of true love and friendship from one of their greatest ‘exotic’ concubines, in order to validate his rise to greatness.
    Hence, a year with Storm.

    This is the man she chose over her husband… a King, a master strategist and tactician. The Black Panther IS strong, intelligent, noble, compassionate, driven, and human. He trains and studies for his gifts. He leads his people and prides himself on protection and loyalty. He has stood toe-to-toe with some of his greatest foes and the world’s greatest enemies and bested them using intellect and patience…

    …And yet, for some reason, he is all-but second in thought and choice to his wife, whom Marvel found it would be better to have sleeping with a Canadian redneck seeking a ‘pity-party’ just before his death that has been long overdue.

    After all, how many innocent people has Wolverine killed?
    If he was normal, he would have been on death row, long before now.
    I just can’t grasp Marvel’s decisions with their characters.

    What message does this send?

  4. I’ve always loved the relationship between Storm and Wolverine, far more than the Black Panther one which I think was just done for the sake of it. I’ve never liked the idea, no I’ve always hated the idea of putting two characters together simply because they’re black. It’s ridiculous and backwards. And in regards to your argument, that’s the result of different writers over several decades taking up the X-Men story, and Storm isn’t the only one that’s been passed around: if you look hard enough you’ll find that Rouge, Psylocke and other members of the team have been shared quite a bit, including the male heroes. If anything, race shouldn’t be a reason whatsoever for characters getting together. Heroes are meant to represent the best of people; they can do things we can’t, I hope looking pass skin colour is an easy feat for them, however I do blame the writers for the poor decisions regarding the partners of Storm, but they’re people and they make mistakes.

    The relationship between Wolvie and Storm is one that’s been prevalent in the comics, animation and film for decades now, even in the Ultimate X-Men run. I think it’s about time these two had a issue dedicated to their chemistry, and they’re relationship has always felt natural to me, and it’s been one of my favourite aspects of the X-Men ever since I started reading the comic. Honestly, I think Forge, Beast and especially Black Panther should have never been lovers of Storm, but rather her and Wolverine had an on-and-off relationship throughout the comic’s run like Rouge and Gambit. Anyway, I’ll definitely be reading this issue! (By the way Ryn, I think a four star review would’ve matched your positive response to the issue more than a three.)

  5. The relationship between Storm and Black Panther was almost insulting, there are more women in Africa than the entire population of the USA and T’challa thought the only woman suitable for him was Storm? Is there no other powerful, queen like mutants in Africa that T’challa couldn’t find? It isn’t reality, but all logic says that there definitely is. I feel like Marvel (or the writer who made that poor decision) used Storm because they couldn’t be bothered to develop a character that had the same depth and strengths (not in mutant power but in spirit) as Storm. The whole idea was beyond cheesy, and I’m glad some one had the sense to end it.

  6. Not cool. They should have let her stay married to black panther if for nothing us to establish some sort of african american nuclear family roots aka the fantasic four. With the exception of the recently created character blue marvel, marvel has done zero in creating the family structure among the few recognizable black supers they have created. Black panther. Falcon. Storm. Misty Knight. Luke Cage. Come on marvel. Lets have one mainstream black family with structure . Dad. Mom . Son. Daughter. They do exist you know.

  7. I agree Storm was a convenient and, quite possibly, not the best choice for Black Panther… but once the choice was made and they became married a commitment was created. How one handles their commitments and vows states a lot about their character.

    Rogue, Psylocke, Kitty, and the other were not married. They were single. Their liberties of ‘messing’ around were viewed and handled much differently than Storm.

    When Spider-Man and Mary Jane became committed… did she sleep with others?
    When Reed Richards became committed to Sue, how hard did Marvel struggle to control their image as the symbolic superhero family?

    Once again, we find an agreement in the aspect of Race. It ‘SHOULDN’T’ be a factor in this quagmire of fantasy storytelling, but the brutal reality is that it is. You see… in this cold-dark-place we call the Real World, it is well-whispered amongst those of color…

    “We have to do 300 percent in order to equal a White person’s 100 percent.”

    Anything less than 300 percent and a minority becomes the pitiful representative of all the stereotypes of their Race. This is NOTORIOUS when the minority is either alone or of a few within a larger group of Whites.

    Storm was… and/or…. Is NEVER of equal comparison to Emma Frost, Kitty, or Rogue. Each of them can sleep with a freight train of losers before someone would entertain the thought of them being considered ‘loose’ women. Each of them would still quietly be forgiven.

    Heck, Rogue and Emma were villains and the readership is perfectly fine with them.

    Now Storm? That’s a different beast of a topic. She basically represents and speaks to all of the young Black female comic fans that are TOTALLY underrepresented. Just as the males can find Spider-Man stories and Captain America slogans that stayed with them for life and guided them into maturity, ask yourself what Storm has been positioned to softly say to her main demographic?

    She is an extremely prolific character who has been placed in a display case as one that prefers to make herself secondary to the whims of White guys, Mutants, and Aliens in comparison to her commitment to the vows she’s made to her husband… her BLACK Husband that happens to be the most powerful king on the planet.

    Sue Storm would never do this.

    I can understand attraction, but it is the ACTION taken from a want that displays the strength of resolve.
    Wolverine slept with multiple women on the team. Could they NOT have made Storm strong enough to understand how it belittles her to become another ‘notch’ on his belt? Would it not have made her character more powerful by standing against his advances and her desires because of love and promise to her husband?

    Ask yourself… how would it have hurt her to be this compelling?

    Wolverine is NOT a catch. He is a loser with an attitude. I like him as a character, and I think he is awesome… but, let’s be honest… what future could they EVER have. Do you honestly think he would settle down and be loyal? He would stop killing, smoking, drinking, or being a chauvinist? Even worse, what does it say that Storm can’t see this when she is ‘supposed’ to be a master strategist?

    Just because one may be attracted to another and have a long friendship, does NOT make them the perfect person for marriage… nor for cheating. It does not give them a free pass to ‘creep’ or to break their word.

    ‘When one has made a promise and that promise is tested, does the value of one’s traits and the depth of their soul become defined.’

    To the young and old Black women that ONLY has Storm as their ‘favorite’ Marvel character… we as writers, artist, and creators have to ask and answer the eternal question of…

    “What message does this send?”

    -Blackmage, “Heroes aren’t made during good times!” – The Elite Forces Division


  8. BP/Tchalla did nt just choose Storm out of d sudden blue…dey hv history, Storm fell in luv with him looong b4 she joined d Xmen. 2 both of dem dey were each othrs 1st luv & it was a brilliant idea nt only based on their luv & history but also their marriage wud hv beend perfect bridge btwn Avngrs, F4 & Xmen. Truely, Orolla/Tchoro wud hv bn d most pwrfully influential couple in d MU with all those connexions & resources. 2 bad othrs preferrd Ororo 2 b anothr crack on Logan’s bedpost, now Ororo is just a another simple Logan bunkmate in his long line of supposed luvrs & apparently dats an ‘upgrade’ compared 2 BP/Tchalla. WAT A COMPLETE JOKE!!!!

  9. It seems like many people on here are from America, not Africa where black nuclear families are represented in the mainstream regularly. I don’t see it as Marvel’s responsibility to create a black nuclear family for black Americans to relate to. In response to SilverZeal’s reply to my comment earlier, the relationship, or rather Chemistry, between Wolverine and Storm was there long before BP and Storm, and I don’t know anyone who’s called it an upgrade, but as a fan of the X-Men for two decades now, it’s always seemed a logical step for Logan and Ororo to get together. Again, despite the slight interest Storm and BP showed in each other before the marriage I still think their relationship was orchestrated simply because Marvel didn’t have many strong, black male characters or female ones and decided to put the two of them together.

    The people commenting here are placing a STRONG emphasis on race for some reason, and are more bothered with Storm being with a white male, then her being with Wolverine, but they don’t seem to see how it doesn’t make sense for the king of Wakanda to fall in love with and marry Storm, and not a woman in Africa. Forget status or Storm being a powerful “African queen”, would it have made sense for Sue Storm to have married someone from Thailand? When it comes to black characters, Marvel seem to think it’s okay to stick anyone of them together as long as they’re black, but pairing BP with Storm ignores all logic. Black Panther should have never got with Storm – that was an obvious decision to make – but rather a strong, African woman who lived and reached adulthood in Africa, like BP, and Marvel don’t have many female heroes like that, so maybe that they’ve freed BP from that embarrassing relationship with Storm, they can focus on developing a new, strong, African female-hero that BP can show interest in, who isn’t an X-Man or ex-Avenger but her own hero, with her own villains and own story, better yet, they could make a character like that regardless of BP’s interest, still, I don’t expect Marvel to do so (seeing as the majority of people writing for Marvel white Americans).

  10. Two characters being together because they are black… so what about the ‘all white’ relationships? Is that not insulting to us blacks who are in relationships and have children?
    Name one black superhero family/couple? (In a stable relationship. Superhero problem don’t count. And Frozone from The Incredibles don’t count.)

    Rogue and Psylocke are not main characters. Storm, as one of the first black (and female) comic book characters, to play either a major or supporting role in the big two comic book houses, Marvel and DC, should not be passed around. It degrades her value . . . Writing 101.
    And – In order to represent the best of people, you must represent all the people.

    I could see if Wolverine and Storm got together when he was spurned by Jean for Scott, back in the day that made sense. But to do it now, when Storm has evolved and is a leader in her own right. Naw.

    As for Storm and Black Panther. Sorry but yes, there needs to be a powerful and lasting black couple. At least attempt to pretend to care that T’challa and Ororo are one of the top powerful minority superheroes and give them some due respect.

    As for the logic of T’challa finding a ‘queen like mutant in Africa’ . . . that’s like the logic of saying Storm will be attracted to a short redneck beer drinking killer over the king of a nation in the country that worships her as a goddess.

    And the writers of both Marvel and DC haven’t created any black female characters with depth and strength. As the saying goes in the real world; a black woman who has depth and strength is considered an angry black woman. At least that’s what society has force everyone to believe, even our black men. Nothing is more frustrating that when a black man says black women are aggressive. So Storm better stay subdued. I mean, let’s look at DC’s Hawkgirl. Aggressive as hell. But if she was black… swinging that mace and knocking sucka’s out . . .whoa.

    I don’t think that T’challa should have chosen Storm at all. Simply because I don’t consider her black anyways. But truthfully, Marvel left no other choice. Even if he chose a woman from his homeland, she would never be a good enough character.

  11. Funny how Reginald Hudlin put a black super power couple together who commands respect throughout the marvel universe and the first chance marvel get they go back and break them up,put them at war with each other and if that wasn’t enough they all but destroy the most advance country on the planet. After all that we get hints here and there that their union might’ve bore them offspring sometime in the future or in a different time line but despite the obvious they seem to hav a problem saying that T’Challa is the father. However we’re subtly reminded that Storm has been with numerous partners from Forge to Beast to Night Crawler?!? Every now and then I hav to take solice in knowing that both Storm and Black Panther were created by white creators after all and written from a white writers perspective so why should we be surprised? No matter how much diversity talk and how many white HEROS both marvel and DC reinvent as people of color they will never be seen as racially balanced or fair until they hire people of color as writers and creators.

  12. You are absolutely right, Erik. I have found that it is ultimately up to us to make the change.

    I began as a storyteller in which the visual adjective to my creations began as art, from there I have worked to become a wordsmith. From that, it has given me a deeper respect for writers and creators alike.

    I really do struggle to give the White writers at the ‘Big-2’ (Marvel & DC) the benefit-of-doubt when it comes to creating, writing, and storytelling with a different Race. I have found myself encountering the same challenges while doing the same.

    It is HARD writing a chase scene with a vicious masked serial killer chasing a white girl, because the industry dictates that she must trip, the car with the key ALREADY in the ignition shouldn’t start, and if she hasn’t had sex with anyone while being B&B (Blond-and-Blue)… she must survive the encounter no matter how bloody it gets.

    You see… policies like that doesn’t make sense to many Black writers whose women carry a weapon and/or have no fear in making anything around them INTO a weapon… Not to be outdone by, ‘if she is running’… you can hang it up! She ain’t tripping and you ain’t gonna catch her! PERIOD.

    There is a very different mentality when handling the differences.

    We are caught on the opposite side of the Storm, Wolverine, and Marvel trap… mainly because, we want a strong racial and ethnic presence, but we have to follow a different set of rules when storytelling.

    – There can be no more than 2 Blacks on a superhero team without it being considered a Black comic/story.

    – If the leader is Black, he must be balanced by a White influence to keep the comic/story from being considered Black. Hence, throw them into an interracial relationship or make their leadership assigned (authoritative) by a greater power. Otherwise, the Whites won’t follow by their own free will.

    – If the team has either a Black leader OR two-or-more non-leader Blacks and deals with ‘street-level’ crimes or villains… sad to say… the comic/story is considered BLACK.

    Remember, there is absolutely nothing wrong with an ALL White super-hero team (The Avengers) but the reverse is NOT allowed. You can even escape the ‘Black-token member’ rule if you make their main advisor/consultant/liaison is Black… after all, ask yourself… how many Blacks were in The Avengers movie excluding Nick Fury (who really isn’t a team member).

    When Marvel released The Mighty Avenger with a culturally diverse team, I lost my mind and fell in love.

    When I went to pick it up at the book store, I asked if they had it and the instant response was, “We have The Avengers, The New Avenger, Uncanny Avengers, Avengers World… oh, and those Black Avengers.”
    I was simply like, “Yea, those ‘Black’ Avengers… can I get a copy of them?”

    It is going to be an uphill fight, but more importantly, we have to strive NOT to become what they have perfected.

    -Omen, Visual Adjectives!

  13. Yes a married commitment is made, but just like real life, people will still sleep with other people even though they have separated from a spouse but are still considered to be married because there has not been an official divorce.

    I agree your statements about 300%, but I don’t see how you can successfully relate this to Storm in the comics, I’ve never met anyone who thought she wasn’t as good as Emma Frost, Kitty or Rouge. In fact, I’m sure people think she’s better than them despite this issue. In comics it’s easier to look beyond race and see someone’s qualities without immediately undermining them because of their colour, so I really do believe Storm is still far more respected and loved than many other female X-Men characters.

    I have to disagree with you there, I’ve always, and plenty of others who I know to read X-Men, considered characters like Kitty, Emma Frost and Jean Grey even to be a bit loose. I have never considered Storm to be.

    The fact Storm speaks to and represents many young black females is good and bad, she’s a strong character, but her appearance? No. Super slim (which is fine but not all women are), with hair that is anything but African? That’s a big no for me.

    Storm has been handled badly relationship-wise because writers don’t know what to do with her, most of them are male, usually white and American. This can (not definitely as many comic writers do their research) effect the writing behind a black, female super hero who was born in Africa and moved to the US. And the fact she represents all these young black female readers (who probably aren’t old enough to have grasped or even know about all of Storm’s relationships in the comics) is sad in itself.
    There shouldn’t be one character to represent them, if you ask me that is the issue; Marvel haven’t bothered giving another black female as much attention as Storm so they’re forced to try and do everything with her, like you just said:

    “. . . who has been placed in a display case as one that prefers to make herself secondary to the whims of White guys, Mutants, and Aliens”,

    but I doubt this is intentional or part of a grand scheme to make Storm a whore, but due to a lack of choice in characters and at the same time trying to keep a lot of fans happy they have to compromise. For example: people wanted Storm with a black man, they put her with Black Panther, that wasn’t the best decision, but people always wanted Storm and Wolverine to get together so they did just that.

    Marvel didn’t care who Black Panther was here. They just wanted to please readers, but if they wanted to pair him with a black woman it would have been better if they had another strong, African, female-hero established, who had grew up and lived in Africa, and as you say, hadn’t been passed around the X-Men. Why should the King of Wakanda get with a character some people think to be loose?

    Yes it would’ve been stronger for Storm to have stuck with her vows, but comics are fantasy and reality, so if anything Wolverine’s dangerous attitude and history could be part of the reason why Storms finds him attractive.

    I agree with you here:

    Just because one may be attracted to another and have a long friendship, does NOT make them the perfect person for marriage . . .”

    and just because two characters are black does NOT make them the perfect people for marriage.

    We also have to tell ourselves why are we pulling this one character in several directions? Let’s just make more of the character’s we need so we don’t have to.

  14. Yes she did, but that relationship was just as ignorant as the decision to have them married: Marvel had two strong characters, but because they were both black it made sense for them to put them together, or to build foundations to bring them together, no, I don’t agree with that. I don’t think Storm is another notch in Wolvie’s belt, instead I think it’s the fulfilment of a relationship that I, and I’m sure many others, wanted to happen more than any other Storm relationship. I never saw any reason for Black Panther to have married Storm when there are, or should be more like, an abundance of African, female heroes, with their own stories and villains who would have been better than Storm for him to pair with.

  15. You will not see a black male character with a white female in a relationship that is healthy or productive with either companies. So what can you expect when they write about a black female and her relationships. I read the comments and I think of a quote from the show Tyrant. The main character stated, “When whites start to love blacks, that’s when the blacks start to hate whites.” I interpreted this as when one tries to overcome the hate while, the other will only see flaws and wrongdoing. So no matter what whites do in the comic book world it won’t truly feel like justice has been done for the black community. Especially with or top superheroes, their teams and relationships.

  16. HUNH?!?

    Your quote:
    ‘I interpreted this as when one tries to overcome the hate while, the other will only see flaws and wrongdoing. So no matter what whites do in the comic book world it won’t truly feel like justice has been done for the black community.’

    This presents a question – If a car has a flat tire and sitting on the side of the road, is it wrong to say that the car is broken and the tire needs to be changed in order to get the car back on the road?

    Your premise was understandable, “You will not see a black male character with a white female in a relationship that is healthy or productive with either companies.” but treating the symptom while ignoring the problem is what this issue is mainly about.

    Storm was made into a whore.

    Blacks ARE ‘less-than’ in comparison to their White counterparts in the fantasy/comic universe.

    The young impressionable minds reading these stories, loving these tales, and believing in their underlining messages grow to believe these messages.

    Now, that those children are older and have had a ‘true’ taste of this ‘real’ world and their minds expanded, they have decided to bring attention to this problem, by exploring the symptoms.

    This is NOT about creating a medicine to treat the symptoms, by whining about the pain… this is about finding a cure, so that the symptoms can cease.

    In the military, we have a saying, “Whining is complaining without a proposed solution.”

    WE need to cure this ailment by applying what we have learned; and work NOT to replicate these identified faults. There is nothing worse than an ALL Black story which is the reverse of its White predecessor made for revenge/payback, while lacking a Theme or a Moral.

    Small-published and self-published comics RARELY surpass their third issue. Trust me when I say, this is not an accident, nor the fault of the White man. This comes down to us.

    The rules of Black fantasy storytelling is burned into our being subconsciously. We have to take what is embedded in us, surrounded by the darkness and guide it to the light. We have to use the Black rules and limitations as a tool instead of crutch, reformed into a weapon of anger.

    Can’t have three Blacks in a team story that sells to White? Then make two that have the qualities to move the Whites while inspiring hope to all.

    We can’t have a Black leader lead Whites unless he is given the authority to? Heck, hire Samuel L. Jackson and keep it moving. Once he’s fully accepted, throw in a couple of other Black characters.

    White men with a desire to get a piece of the ‘exotic’ Black woman? Let them wonder and actually work to earn a kiss while actually acknowledging her Race, struggles, and relationship challenges with the men of her OWN Race first (which is rarely addressed with Storm).

    And if that is STILL not enough, to make then slow their desires and want to taste the fruit of our ‘exotic’ Black women… then create more Black female characters/superheroes, so they don’t all have to ‘gang-up’ and share the main one!

    WE have to find a creative way to solve this, because depending on ‘them’ (Marvel-and-DC) is like hoping global peace without war.

    It ain’t gonna happen without prayer and personal accountability.

    -Omen, “Heroes aren’t made during good times!” – The Elite Forces Division

  17. So . . . back to the label of black women being aggressive and less-than….

    Chief TV Critic for the New York Times Alessandra Stanley, labeled Shonda Rhimes, a writer for some popular shows on ABC television, and her characters as the “angry Black woman.”
    – – – – –
    In the first paragraph of her piece Stanley writes:

    When Shonda Rhimes writes her autobiography, it should be called “How to Get Away With Being an Angry Black Woman.”
    On Thursday, Ms. Rhimes will introduce “How to Get Away With Murder,” yet another network series from her production company to showcase a powerful, intimidating black woman.

    – – – – –
    Yes, that was what the article started with. Like I said in my past post….a black woman who has depth and strength is considered an angry black woman.

    Now, as a black woman, not born in this country, I am absolutely fed up with these labels. I watch plenty of shows where white families are proud to be ‘Jewish’ ‘white trash’ ‘serial killers’ ‘rednecks’ ‘airheads’ ‘sluts’ ‘whores’ ‘cheating husbands’ ‘desperate housewives’ and not one word is mentioned about these characters or their show’s creators.

    In Scandal, Quinn became a murderer, and the black woman who tried to help her, and got a knife pulled on her is considered the bad one.

    I mean come on…. am I the only one who thinks that the creator of Dexter needs evaluation??
    Or that a show where white guys raising a kid is called a cute name like Two and a Half men, when one who is a womanizer, and the star of the show was a drug abuser. Still role models though.

    Mind you, Shonda Rhimes also created Gray’s Anatomy, but because there are no ‘powerful, intimidating black woman’ leads, it’s all good. The lead character has a series of one night stands, and sleeps with a married man, but she’s not black so it’s ok. Seriously people.

    Basically, being complex for everyone else is considered good writing, being complex and black is considered angry.

    Anthony Anderson and Laurence Fishboure has ‘Black’ish’ coming out and they have to be the ‘fake funny’ ‘teddy bear black men’ show.

    Let a black man play a lead role, such as in Dexter . . .

    link to the article:

  18. Maybe a moot point, but Storm dated Beast in Ultimate Marvel, not the normal Marvel continuity, and Nightcralwer had romantic feelings for Storm that were never returned. Prior to the current post-AvX comics that abruptly put Storm and Wolverine together with no direct lead in, Wolverine has stated on panel that he never slept with Storm although he wanted to (and I do have the comic where he states it). I’ve been reading X-Men since 1991 and I’ve read every issue of Uncanny X-Men since then… I haven’t read every single Storm appearance but I’m not sure where this “Storm has been passed around” thing is coming from. She’s had maybe a handful of confirmed or suspected partners. Even her seduction by Dracula was explained away during the “Curse of the Mutants” storyline. Even with Wolverine now, she’s not as passed around as people are making it seem. She’s got a little ways to go before reaching Halle Berry/Stacey Dash status.

    And people can say there was years of build up all they want, but they pretty much got to together in the course of one comic “just because”, by Jason Aaron no less, who writes ALL adult X-Women as girlfriends or love sick puppies…Kitty (Iceman), Husk (Toad), Etc…don’t take my word for it, check out his run for the proof, he otherwise doesn’t know what to do with the X-Women. I believe if it wasn’t for Jason Aaorn putting them together, they wouldn’t be together. He wrote the scenes detailing the break up with Black Panther. He’s a trusted writer at Marvel, so they let him do it. Jonathan Hickman, Avengers writer, stated he was going to use her in New Avengers and have Black Panther still secretly seeing her, but he couldn’t because another writer had plans for her… Jason Aaron. We see those plans, but now that Wolverine’s dead, this brief blip off a relationship did nothing to improve upon either character and was a waste of time. All it did was make Storm look like an idiot while Wolverine was sleeping with Pinch behind her back.

  19. Not to sound racist but it’s normal for a black woman or any woman of any race that isn’t white to be with a white man. It’s the only interracial that is seen as ok and safe around the world. Or at least in the USA. Has long has the man is white it’s all good. I frankly hate it but think of the first movie that had an interracial affair. I beieve the man was white and the woman was safe black(halle berry.)

  20. Sleeping with Pinch, but all the while thinking of Jean Grey… Remember her? Storm’s best friend? The one that she referred to as her “sister”?

    Because ALL women desire to get with the guy that still fantasizes about their DEAD best friend.

    Guys. STOP thinking (and writing) with your dicks. Seriously.

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