On one side, X-Men team leader, Cyclops. On the other, X-Men mainstay, Wolverine. Between them lies the fate of mutantkind, and surrounding them, the foes who want to end them forever!
Wolverine and Cyclops fight over the bomb detonator as the Sentinel attacks. Cyclops manages to get a hold of the detonator and the children rally around the Sentinel to fight. Wolverine and Cyclops join in and they manage to defeat it just at the X-men away teams arrive an Emma is Freed from the creature which held her power in check.
In the aftermath Wolverine decides to leave and those who want to leave join him. On Utopia Cyclops rallies his troops while Wolverine plans to rebuild the school.
The Good
The Split- I’ve always been a fan of having multiple x-men books for the simple reason that typically some characters will always get overlooked. Wolverine taking a contingent of X-men and leaving works in this way, more books means more characters get spotlighted. Meanwhile without Wolverine Cyclops must find a new confidante and rebuild his inner circle. On another note things were getting stale with everything involving Utopia, don’t you think?
Cover- Pretty straight forward, Cyclops and Wolverine fight as the giant Sentinel bears down on them.
Art-Adam Kubert is on art duty and the seamless fight and action scenes make the more sparse sections of the book passable.
Idie Okonkwo– All hail the girl who broke the X-men! From useless stereotype to game changer, I salute the shift!
The Bad
The Fact that the children proved the deciding factor in defeating the Sentinel proves Cyclops point and why I sided with him throughout and after the conflict. Wolverine……..
Regenisis- This issue had so much wasted space I’m sure we could have gone into details on who sided with who, instead marvel forces us to buy X-men Regenisis to find out who went where!
The Ugly
For loads of potential 3/5
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