Publisher: DC Comics

Created by: Len Wein and Irv Novick,
1st appearance: Batman #313, (July, 1979)
Alias: The Vulture
Nationality: American
Team Affiliations: Terrible Trio
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 200 lbs Weight: 6’
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Relatives: Lucius Fox (Father), Tamara Fox (Sister), Tanya Fox (Mother), Tiff Fox (Sister), Luke Fox/Batwing (Brother)
Skills and Abilities: Unknown
Powers: Unknown
Born to Lucius and Tanya Fox at an unknown time into Gotham’s Fox Dynasty. It is suggested that he never got along with his father who he blamed for never giving him the acknowledgment or the attention he desired [DC Retroactive: Batman – The ’70s #1].

His first foray into crime was when he joined Ron Watkins’ gang. Watkins worked for Gregorian Falstaff, a business competitor of Bruce Wayne, who fabricated evidence that Bruce was a slumlord. Timothy was taken in by these accusations, and because his father worked for Wayne, had a public falling out with his father.
As a member of the original ‘Terrible Trio’ he was the Vulture.
When Tim finally learned the truth about Ron Watkins and his thugs, he apologized to his father as he knew that it would take time to heal the wounds caused by his bad judgment.[Batman #333]
New Trio

He returned to crime once more as the vulture with a new costume capable of flight with a new villainous Terrible Trio. They attacked his father and committed various crimes before being defeated and unmasked by the Batman [DC Retroactive: Batman – The ’70s #1].
After the Fox family acquired the Wayne Family fortune, Tanya urged his father Lucius to call Timothy home.[Batman: The Joker War #1] He seemingly reconnected with his family, returning to Gotham City.[Batman (Volume 3) #101]
(Future State)
Timothy Fox is the son of Lucius Fox and his wife Tanya, along with his siblings Luke, Tiffany, and Tam. His father, Lucius, was the President and CEO of Wayne Enterprises, making their family one of the wealthiest in Gotham. Becoming estranged from his parents and siblings, Tim was sent to a military academy. After graduating from the academy, he seemingly put off going home. Tim would later return to Gotham, now going by the name of Jace.

Gotham City became a police state under the rule of the Magistrate, a private security force patrolling Gotham. The Magistrate would hunt anyone wearing a mask with deadly enforcement including the original Batman, Bruce Wayne. After the apparent killing of Bruce, Jace would take on the mantle of Batman. Donning a suit reminiscent of the original Batman, save for a mask that fully obstructed his face, he would go on to fight crime, placing himself at the top of the Magistrate’s kill list.
The Next Batman
Jace chased down a criminal, defeating the man after a brief skirmish. Confronted by two police officers, Jace took out his grapple gun. He would take the criminal’s mask, saving his life, before leaving him in the hands of the police, to their surprise. Afterwards, perched on the top of a ledge, Jace briefly contemplated the state of his life. He would conclude that he was Batman and Gotham was his to protect, before heading into the city once more.

The next day, Jace would head to the hospital, intent on spending time with his sister, Tam, who was in a coma as the result of a relapse. His brother Luke arrived, shocked that he was there. After an argument with Luke, who admonished Jace for his decision not to return sooner, Jace left.
Later, Jace would confront the Bane-Litos gang in Hype territory. They were initiating two brothers, Eddie and Nestor, through the drive-by shooting of a rival gang member. After the kids failed to shoot a member of the Hype gang, Jace intervened, saving the man from the gang members’ attempt to run him over. Distracting them into ramming their car into a truck, Jace took down the gang members while Eddie and Nestor escaped.
Chasing them into an alleyway, Jace pleaded with the two to let him help them before the Peacekeepers arrived, asking for their gun. Eddie gave Jace the gun, though the Magistrate’s Peacekeepers were already there. With the use of a smoke bomb, Jace blocked the Peacekeepers’ vision as they opened fire. Using his grapple gun, Jace saved both kids, escaping from the alley to the top of a building. When questioned about taking the pair to jail by Eddie, Jace replied with his intention to take them both to Children’s Services.