There’s someone new in the Invincible costume, but why – and for how long? Answers to all these questions and more in this monumental status-quo-altering issue!
In the past Zandale Rudolph is about to pick his superhero costume. He tries to get the invincible suite but can’t instead he settles on one of Invincible’s rejects and makes his debut.
In space Invincible lies comatose while his friends can do nothing to help. With Invincible out of commission his girlfriend recruits Bulletproof to be his replacement. Zandale accepts in the very costume he originally wanted to make his debut.
What I liked
This series always has reliable art and great character development and interaction, this issue continues in that grand tradition. I’m pretty psyched to see Zandale move from supporting, to main cast member In this book because we know so little about him. The cover is also very slick and simple showing Zandale in the invincible costume; he looks far cooler than the original in this one!
What I didn’t like
This is not a series you would be reading with your kid. It’s bloody, violent and over the top at times.
Black Superhero replacement for invincible has arrived, Knock em dead Zandale! 3/5

Everything is different now.
What I liked
Zandale’s personality starts to shine in this issue, that of a womanizing philanderer. Sure he’s a good superhero but like Bob Marley himself a Lothario of the highest order. We also meet his very insecure girlfriend. We also meet a new development on the original Invincible as his a$$hole dad tries to kill him but he’s saved by his dino friend. This issue is bloody and over the top on a few pages but very well illustrated.
What I didn’t like
The cover wasn’t as strong as last issue and the blood and gore prevent this from being read with the kids.
Good art, weak cover and character development 3/5

The new Invincible will not back down, will not give in, and he is not going to play nice. What happens when Mark Grayson isn’t happy with his replacement? All this and… What exactly happened between Robot and Monster Girl in the Flaxan Dimension?
What I liked
This cover was a step up from the last showing Bulletproof/Zandale facing off with Dino while the original Invincible tries to stop them. More of Zandale’s personality continues to come to the fore, his girlfriend is a broken woman in many ways victimized and abused (through his cheating, not the Chris brown kind) by Zandale. It’s tragic how toxic their romance is, it reminds me of a very bad but very sexually exciting tryst I had before University. This can’t end well, everyone looking on can see that but those locked in the thralls of supposed “love”. This scene gave the book some emotional weight the others lacked. We also have Zandale “rescuing” Invincible by facing off with Dino and then we realize that Invincible’s body is far weaker after being comatose than we originally thought.
What I didn’t like
No complaints
Good interior art, good cover art and emotional to boot! 5/5
What has been going on with Monster Girl and Robot? What happened to them while they were in the Flaxan dimension? All answers will be revealed – starting now!
Meanwhile, trouble is brewing in the present and the New Invincible is already in over his head! All this – and where is Mark Grayson?!
What I liked
The moments involving Zandale and his Girlfriend are the highlight of this issue everything else was secondary and really didn’t spark my interest, mostly filler and clearly buildup for what comes next. The art and cover were as usual good.
What I didn’t like
Issue felt like filler so I was most underwhelmed from start to finish.
Good art but non noteworthy 2.5