Publisher: Malibu Comics
Created by: Steve Englehart
1st appearance: The Strangers #23, 1995
Real Name: Paul Ntumbo
Nationality: African
Team Affiliations: TNTNT
Legal Status: Wanted in Africa for unspecified crimes
Height: 6’1 Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Relatives: Unknown
Skills and abilities: Unknown
Powers: Due to a magical curse he can transform into a feral beast with the amalgamated abilities and strengths of the jungle. This amalgamation is of the animals and plant life found therein. The strength of an Ape, speed of a cheetah and he could even be as poisonous as a snake or various plants in the jungle.
Paul Ntumbo grew up in one of the few remaining rural tribes of Africa located in a deep jungle. His parents had died when he was young and as a result he grew up with his grandfather who adhered to the “old ways”. As he grew up him and his grandfather had a falling out as he wanted to leave the tribe and make a life for himself away from “tradition”. He thrilled at the technology and education denied him while in the jungle. On his eighteenth birthday he left the tribe much to his grandfather’s dismay to lead a modern life. At twenty five he returned to the village to make amends with his grandfather. Once back he discovered the village shaman about to kill him. Interfering Paul was cursed by the magic man, changing him into the creature called taboo.
Leaving the village in shame he decided to use his newfound abilities to amass riches. As a criminal however he was under constant pursuit of the police. After a close call he left Africa and went to Andorra to lay low. There he came into conflict with the Strangers including Yrial. Defeated and embarrassed he contacted TNTNT and joined with them in a failed attempt to defeat the strangers. His current whereabouts are unknown.