Publisher: DC Comics
Created by: Kelley Puckett and Jim Aparo
1st appearance: Green Arrow #0, 1994
Alias: Green Arrow, Robin Hood, The Bowman, Connor Oliver, Stoic Warrior, Tiger Woods, The Bow slinger, Con’
Nationality: American
Team Affiliations: Brotherhood of the Monkey fist, Justice League, Green Arrow Family.
Legal Status: US citizen with no criminal record
Height: 5’10 Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: Green Hair: Blond
Relatives: Unnamed Black Grandfather (status unknown), Unknown Asian Grandmother (status Unknown), Oliver Queen (Father), Sandra Hawke (Mother)
Skills and abilities:
Martial Arts: Connor is a world class master martial artist easily one of the top five martial artist on DC Comics Earth. He fought Lady Shiva who taught Batman/Bruce Wayne and Tim Drake/Robin to a near standstill, even batman noted even he was never able to accomplish this in unarmed combat. Other notable feats include his defeat of the Paper Monkey of the monkey fist clan, Shiva also a member was the only other person more skilled than paper monkey. His defeat of the Bamboo Monkey is also noteworthy as Bamboo had defeated both Tim Drake/Robin and Dick Grayson/Nightwing who had been trained by the worlds best fighters as well as Batman/Bruce Wayne. He also fought Richard Dragon to a draw. Richard is regarded as DC Comcis greatest martial artist having been trained alongside a young Lady shiva and went on to teach Catwoman, The Question, Nightwing and even the Huntress. Connor is also able to mimic any fighting style he sees also giving him an edge in combat.
Archery: His skill with the bow and arrow are not as refined as his father but he has displayed abilities such as speed and precision with a bow which made him worthy of the “dragon’s blood tournament” which gathered the DC Comics best archers together. He was crowned champion at its end edging out the assassin Shado who’s skill rivaled his father Oliver Queen.
Powers: At one point he possessed a healing factor and high resistance to pain and injury.
The DNA tampering they did was splice him with Plastic Man. As a result he “lost” his archery skill. Yeah, gone was the kung fu fighting philosopher marksman, and in his place was a super strength having, healing factor bearing, naive as a newborn babe thug….I gave up on him then. DC did a good job of tearing down all the good the “Arrow Family” had built up, and between that story and the end (start of New 52) Connor and all the rest of the family got a raw deal.
Some how Connor showed up in the New 52 title: Earth 2. He dies.