Publisher: Marvel Comics
Real Name: Antoine Delsoin
Created by: Bill Mantlo and Frank Springer
First Appearance: Spectacular Spider-man #24 (1978)
Nationality: American
Team Affiliations: None
Legal Status: US citizen with criminal record
Weight: 180 lbs. Height: 5’ 11”
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Skills and abilities: Skilled at playing the electronic guitar and genius level intellect in the field of engineering, used to create hypnosis devises and others.
Powers: Technology which can induce mass hypnosis. Boots which house retractable blades and various gasses.
The hypno-hustler and the mercy killers were a band who used their technology and mesmerizing music to hypnotize a crowd and then steal all their valuables. They met with Spider-man one night when he needed to unwind and visited a club. Their wiles proved unable to turn him however and he defeated them. Undeterred by defeat the group continued on their criminal ways only to be jailed years later in a special prison for supervillains.
He later pays Deadool to break him out of prison and kill Spider-man. He almost won but betrayed Deadpool leading to Pool and Spider-man teaming up. defeating him and sending him back to jail. While there he was shown to be in contact with Spider-man’s nemesis Mysterio who even sent him an autographed poster.
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