In case you missed it…as I’m sure most of you did 😛

Reginald Hudlin writer of Spider-man and Black Panther opened his Reggie’s world store with a bang on Wednesday February 23rd at Golden Apple In California. Celebs were out and about as those in attendance rubbed shoulders with not just Reggie Hudlin himself but Adam Glass & Mike Benson (Luke Cage Noir), Rashida Jones (Frenemy of The State), Denys Cowan (Black Panther), Shannon Lee (Bruce Lee Foundation) and Ziggy Marley (Son of Bob Marley) among others. The recently departed Dwayne Mcduffie was set to make an appearance but…alas that never happened.
Lucky for you BH fans Dangerman the urban superhero was on hand to meet and greet and send us a healthy helping of pictures. More will follow so keep checking back!

Congrats on the new store! Also condolences on the passing of Dwayne McDuffie. The man is gone but the works live on. BTW hope you do online sales.