Mari McCabe is many things: superhero, model, activist; but can she add god-killer to the list? Vixen teams up with Dr. Mist and Impala of the Global Guardians to face down an ancient deity that’s taken over the body of a scientist investigating powerful magical artifacts. Vixen will need to dig deep and use all the abilities in the animal kingdom to face down this powerful primeval threat!
Writer: Geoffrey Thorne Art: ChrisCross
My Thoughts
The debut of the brand new Impala/Charles Mokose thanks to Geoffrey Thorne of independent comic’s fame. The art is courtesy of ChrisCross who is a legend in the field. Wil Quntana is on color duty and this is one dynamically lighted and colored piece of work. No expenses were spared in the coloring and art department for this book. Geoffrey Thorn’s work with the African heroes reminds me of the world building that was done by Judd Winnnick during the original Batwing series. Africa and the African heroes found therein are treated with a level of gravitas not normally found in a “black” DC book.
Part 1 of the story finds Vixen at a photoshoot when the new Impala/Charles Mokose recruits her to aid in the Global Guardians mission. She accepts and they speed off. Dr. Mist uses his telepathy to fill her in on the mission. They engage with Nyame which causes a massive explosion which causes Impala to have Dr. Mist, question whether or not they should have called in the Justice League.
Part 2- Backstory on the gods who imprisoned the god Nyame. Vixen gets this from a vision and awakens. Her Tantu totem has been shattered; Dr. Mist plans to repair it. They find Nyame and again they fight. Vixen is possessed by one of the artifacts and becomes a vessel for the goddess Yemaya.
Part 3-Yemaya and Nyame face-off with Olympian 2, and Impala. Inside Yemaya Vixen faces the god. Her blood of Anansi allows her to take control of the god. Ripping the chain off Nyame the host is freed and disintegrates from the possession. She then removes her own chain and survives right as Dr. Mist arrives and gives her the repaired Tantu Totem. Satisfied she flies off as the gathered heroes contemplate her leading the Global Guardians.
There are a few repeated panels, here and there not a major issue.
I loved the story from start to finish Geoffrey Thorn is currently white hot on the DC Comics line. So proud of this brotha! Rock on with your talented self! 3/5