March 26, 2025
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Batwing #32 Review

Batwing #32 Cover

  The final showdown between Batwing and Menace is here! And can Gotham’s Fox family rebuild from recent tragedies which has forever left them shattered?


The Good

Cover– This month we have Luke Fox in his Batwing suit smashing through glass which reflects Gotham’s Fox family. Batman, Tiff, Tam, Lucius, Tanya and even Zena Zlenko are here. I dig this cover.

Art-Eduardo Pancisca is still on art and things look awesome! Noteworthy pieces this month include the Mice under the command of Rat catcher and their creepy hive like movements. Rat catcher came off very creepy.

Gotham’s Fox FamilyTiff is one bad ass chica! After she stabs Rat Catcher ast issue and bolts this issue she damn near escapes by herself only to be rescued by her brother, after he unmasks himself. I like this kid! Luke is also going through changes highly reminiscent to classic Tim Drake (RIP original Tim Drake). The trauma has destroyed his family, he is now questioning batman and he’s also getting “darker” in his world view, even questioning god. It’s a pity this book is on the chop block because given time Luke could have become something special.

Emotional– The art and story also expertly conveyed the sheer magnitude of the happiness experienced by big daddy Lucius when he got his baby girl back.  Also close to the surface were the emotions of Luke Fox as he wheeled his sister into that church.


The Bad

Batman talk– The issue ends a few pages too early I think. Batman and Batwing have a brief exchange at the end which would have been perfect if it had lasted perhaps even a single page longer. Luke is reeling from the tragedies of the superhero life and Batman is giving him a pep talk but the “talk” needs more pep and more talk to truly have the emotional impact that was needed. The writers missed out big time by rushing through this pivotal moment.

The Ugly

Overall I thought the issue was still pretty good. It was emotional, had great interior and cover art while tying up the first big storyline of Luke Fox’s superhero career. We give this issue a 3/5

stars- 3 good