The New Black and Blue team-up of Blue Devil and Black Lightning continues!
Blue Devil’s suit is the source of his power, and it’s out of control!
Black Lightning has to stop him…hey, maybe killing him will do the trick!
A bunch of young men are hanging out when one proposes they try this new drug. The others have him go first but he starts bleeding and faints. They take him into a nearby church and he literally explodes into a bloody mess. Black Lightning’s dad makes plans to meet with the dealer while his son and Blue Devil makes plans to track him. His dad is captured and they face whale and his demonic ally. Blue devil loses his costume to the demon and Black lighting is shot in the chest saving his father.
The Good
Art-Eduardo Pansica’s lovely art is the main draw of this series and it continues to dazzle on every detailed level.
Black Hero- Black Lightning created by Tony Isabella and Trevor Von Eden is our star along with his new 52 created father Pierce.
Cover- The main antagonist Tobias Whale is in the background pulling strings connected to Black lightning and Blue Devil while being surrounded by a deluge of demons
Dynamic Duo-This issue shows interesting personality pay of both our heroes’ Blue devil is the hot head while Black Lightning
Action- Bodily explosions, black lightning electrocutions and zombie eviscerations, oh yes this one had it all.
Origin- This issue we learn the origin of Blue Devil’s living costume, which is the real live supernatural flesh of an actual demon.
The Bad
Rated A- This is not the book you should be reading with your children that bloody explosion as the issue opens guarantees
Step Back- I’m still not convinced reducing Black Lightning in age was the best move. He had developed so much as a force and legend in the black superhero community that making him young seems to be one hundred steps backwards instead of any form of progression. I’m still pissed we lost Thunder and Lightning for this…….
The Ugly
A marked improvement over the very first issue which found our heroes meeting, it’s pretty entertaining. 3/5