Publisher: DC Comics
Created by: Judd Winnick
1st appearance: Batwing #0, 2012
Nationality: African (Unspecified location)
Team Affiliations:
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 260 lbs Weight: 6’4
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Relatives: Unknown
Skills and abilities: Military training in armed and unarmed combat.
Powers: Deathjack has the metahuman ability to create intense heat and fire from his hands. He can also shoot this fire from his hands in projectile form.
A former soldier in a warlord army until he acquired metahuman abilities. He then set up a gang and the persona of Death Jack to scare the natives of Tinasha and make himself a drug lord. In his bid to take power he targeted “Child Aid” organizations this lead him to kill David Zavimbe‘s maternal figure Rene and severely injure Matu Ba who lost an eye to his attack. David tracked him down and severly beat him before turning him over to the authorities. (Batwing #0).