Publisher: DC Comics
Real Name: Jill Carlyle
Created by: Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins
1st appearance: Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. #9,
Nationality: American
Team Affiliations: Justice Society
Legal Status: US citizen with no criminal record
Height: 5’7 Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Relatives: Unknown
Skills and abilities: Vast knowledge of the legal system and field thanks to time as a criminal attorney.
Powers: As the crimson avenger she can become intangible, teleport, and can take on the skills and abilities of those who need to be avenged. Her teleportation powers are not completely under her control however as the guns usually take her to the locations of those who need to be avenged.
Growing up in a middle class family she excelled academically and knew from an early age she wanted to be a lawyer. After graduating from college she became a criminal attorney but became disenfranchised with the field when she saw that money and corruption usually impeded real justice. One day she chanced upon the guns of the original crimson avenger. Drawn to the weapons she bought them from the pawn shop with plans to use them in enacting true justice on a man who had corrupted the courts to get away with murder.
Once she had killed this man the power of the guns fully manifested. An ever-bleeding and painful bullet wound manifested in the center of her chest. This served as a macabre emblem for the new crimson avenger. She also opted for a blindfold motif as opposed to a mask as an ode to lady justice. She briefly was a member of the Justice Society but then returned to the life of an avenger and was last seen during Infinite Crisis.