Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Louise Simonson and Rob Liefeld
1st appearance: New Mutants # 86, 1990
Real Name: Heather Tucker
Nationality: Unknown
Team Affiliations: MLF-Mutant Liberation Front, Accolytes
Legal Status: Criminal record in the US
Height: 5’6 Weight: 112 lbs
Eye Color: Brown Hair color: black
Relatives: Unnamed mother (deceased), Unnamed father (deceased), Unnamed 1/2 sister, Unnamed stepfather (deceased)
Skills and abilities: Unknown
Powers: Tempo has the mutant ability to slow or accelerate time within her vicinity. She can also fly.
Nothing is known of her past before she became a member of the Mutant Liberation Front and fought X-force. Despite being a member of this terrorist team she saved many lives by betraying her team and having X-force save a building full of people. During the “X-ecutioner’s song” storyline she was defeated and imprisoned along with her MLF teammates. Reignfire broke them out to form a new MLF and they tried to kill Henry Peter Gyrich. Again they fought X-force, again she tried to thwart her teams evil plans by saving his life and was kicked out. She declined an offer to join X-force at Cable’s behest and went back to school to lead a normal life.
On M-day when most of the world’s mutants lost their powers she retained hers. She joined Exodus’s Acolytes along with Frenzy with whom she became best friends. On this team she allied with the Marauders and fought the x-men. When Exodus disbanded the team she went to Utopia and joined the X-men. When Legion warped time she was killed in “Age of X”.
She had an awesome power and I always wished they had done more with her. Hopefully she’ll find a writer who can use her well.