A mechanized miniaturized world theme park goes array and the robots start killing everyone. JJ is dropped in to save the day and get the scoop. He saves them as thoughts of the turn his life has taken runs through his mind, guilt over his girl’s father’s death, the end of their relationship. He stops the mechs and returns back to base. Pissed he decides to resign. That’s when his employed reveals himself as Ed Stargard aka Baby Brain.
The Good
Story- JJ gets pulled into the seven soldiers story here on the last page with the big reveal and revelations about the newsboy army come next issue.
Characterization- JJ’s life parallels real life in many ways here. His success at work and his enjoyment of it isolates and alienates his girlfriend. His guilt over the death of his father in law and his girl’s blaming him for it all culminates into a huge fight on what should have been the day they get engaged “a flood in one area leads to a drought in another”. His reaction to her preferring him as “broken” and “lonely” is also telling. From her perspective he needed her, he was more attentive + she never had to worry if would come home dead. Now they have money but she worries constantly and they are not happy. I loved every moment of that!
Lots of action in this issue.
The Bad
Shitty cover art!
The Ugly