Stark is on his way to the meeting of the illuminati, he gets briefed by Jessica drew about having located one of the supervillains who had escaped from prison. She plans to take a contingent of avengers to his location. Stark arrives at his meeting where they ask him about the formation of the new team its implications on his finances and the fact that he had apparently kept this information and the info concerning the prison break from them. He then asks them to tell him everything they know about the sentry.

Back at long island the Wrecker holds a young girl hostage after he retrieves his costume and crowbar from her basement. Her father is a villain costume collector. The contingent of avengers arrives- luke, wolvie, spidey and Jessica. Fight ensues and the team gets beat up with only spider woman standing between him and victory.
In the desert cap and stark arrive to speak with Mari Hill director of Shield. She takes them to the Sentry who’s huddled on a wall lamenting that the void is coming. Cap then shows him his though to be dead wife and even Paul Jenkins the man who created a comic book character called the sentry.
The Good
I don’t think ill ever get tired of Steve McNiven’s art and the complimentary colors of Morry Hollowell. Just breathe taking stuff every issue. This one in particular had some two page spreads that were just gorgeous.
On the story side we get good banter all around from all the various character groupings and man the mystery of the sentry really begins here. Also of note was Spiderwoamn at this point my fav avenger who is having a hard time “trusting” shield (lol) man re-reading this in relation to secret invasion gives me all kinds of goosbumps. This early stage build up was quite lovely if I do say so myself.
Also loved poor ole Wrecker. Him and his team really are the underdogs of supervillainy, sure they can defeat the avengers sure they can kick thors ass but they are normally so DUMB! They get no respect and never get the accolades of say Kang the conquerer or a magneto BUT make no mistake they can and will crush you. I never get tired of him and his teams b-movie banter, good stuff!
The Bad
This Sentry mystery is still mounting even today….sure it makes him a far more engaging character but not a very human one….its hard to like or root for Sentry when he’s a bit convoluted for such a newly created character. That’s my only real nitpick
The Ugly
4/5 stars