As expected Ultimate Spider-man #1 which saw Miles Morales debut as the new webslinger of Marvel Comics, Ultimate line Debuted to much fanfare, critical acclaim and record breaking Sales! Availability on digital platforms same day as print has lead to the highest charting first day digital sales in comic book history!
Bendis had this to say:
“I am completely humbled by the support and success of Mr. Miles Morales in both print and digital” said writer, Brian Michael Bendis. “Nothing frustrates an author more than his work not being able to get into the hands of the people that want it, and now with the Marvel Comics app we can!”
“We’ve been doing the day and date comics for about a year now since the launch of Ultimate Comics Thor #1, and each subsequent release has not only seen increased sales within the app, but we’ve also seen a great trend in which the print comic reorders increase exponentially,” added David Gabriel, SVP of Sales. “We’ve been pushing to make Ultimate Comics Spider-Man our top release to date, and the results we’ve seen both here and in print certainly show us that we’re heading in the right direction.”
Hopefully sales will remain consistent! Here’s to a successful debut and hoping Miles Morales will be here to stay!
[Source: CBR]
Bendis sales books