Publisher: Boom Studious
Created by: Brendan Fletcher and Kelly Thompson

First Appearance: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink #1, June 1, 2016
Alias: Red Ranger
Notes: Her ranger team is notable for being the first to have three rangers of African descent on one team. She is also the first female red ranger of African descent.
Height: 5’5 ft Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Skills and Abilities: Unknown
Powers: He has the power to Morph via the Morphin grid which grants superhuman speed, strength, endurance, etc.
Brief Biography
Kimberly met her brother Serge in St. Moineau after he helped her get away from the Fish Monsters. Alongside her family, she was kidnapped by Goldar and Verto. Her brother Serge later tricks Kimberly, Zack, and Trini into coming to the cave in exchange for Britt’s release… until it turns out to be another trick.
The Rangers help Serge and Britt to escape, and the siblings help lead the remaining citizens out of the cave. Serge and Britt then go back to help the rangers and are chosen by Kimberly and the Sword of Light to become the New Red Ranger.