Publisher: Marvel Comics

Created by: Kelly Thompson and Stefano Caselli
1st appearance: West Coast Avengers #1, 2018
Nationality: Wakandan
Team Affiliations: West Coast Avengers
Real Name: Ramone Watts
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 5’7 Weight: 145 lbs
Eye color: Brown Hair color: Brown
Relatives: Zobae (Mother, Deceased), Fuse (Brother), Unknown Father (Status Unknown)
Skills and abilities: Capable hand to hand combatant trained by his mother who was Dora Milaje.
Powers: She has fused with Vibranium and has it cover her body like living armor. She can shape this Vibranium like liquid metal in blades and tendrils at will.
Her mother Zobae was a Dora-Milaje the events surrounding her departure from Wakanda are shrouded in mystery. She was either exiled or ran away and made her way to California, USA after becoming pregnant. It is alluded to that her father is Atlantian (West Coast Avengers #9, 2018).
They grew up in the US and her mother died when her brother was fifteen. It was tricky to stay with her sibling after that but they managed (West Coast Avengers #9, 2018).
Before her mother’s death she left her children a handmade Bureau which contained her Dora Milaje Spear, her clothes, her cloak and some Vibranium artifacts’ (West Coast Avengers #9, 2018).
Ramone was the older of the two siblings and she went on to become a surfing champion who owns and operates a successful small business. After her brother started dating Kate Bishop/Hawkeye she rented space to Hawkeye Investigations as the West Coast Avengers (West Coast Avengers #1, 2018).
She initially tries to get on the team and is shot down. After her brother was captured she confided her history before bonding with her keepsake Vibranium ring and emerged as a superhero. She used her new powers to save her brother and the West Coast Avengers (West Coast Avengers #9-10, 2018).