Real Name: Olisa Kobaki
Alias: Examplar of the mind, One of the Eight, Avatar of Mind and Madness
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Created by: Dan Jurgens, John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson
1st appearance: Thor #17, 1999
Nationality: Kenyan
Team Affiliations: The Exemplars
Legal Status: Unknown
Height: 5’5 Weight: 112 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Relatives: Unknown
Skills and abilities: Unknown
Powers: Bedlam has vast psionic powers. She has telepathy, which enables her to read minds, communicate mentally with others, control of other people’s minds, alter personalities, and erase specific memories of others. She also has telekinesis, enabling her to move, lift, and manipulate most forms of physical matter using only her thoughts; she can levitate herself and others upwards into the air into flight, create shields and barriers of pure psychic force, and fire blasts of concussive psychokinetic energy, with sufficient strength to crack steel. She can combine her telepathic and telekinetic powers into bolts of sheer psionic energy as concussive blasts that can stun an opponent (or even render them brain dead), and induce mental illusions in other people.
Notable feats of her power include defeating Professor Xavier of the X-men in psionic combat and puling his physical body through the psionic plane to her location.
Olisa Kobaki was a girl to be avoided by her fellow villagers in Kenya due to a disorder of the mind which quelled her youthful search for knowledge. As a direct result she led a solitary and lonely life. She would have been destined for asylum if not for the miracle of medication. One day however she received an intense mental cal which cut through the stupor0inducing medication. Listening to the voices in her head she followed them to the Great Rift Valley where she came upon the Ivory Idol of Ikonn. As Cain Marko did become the Juggernaut, so did she become Bedlam, Avatar of Mind and Madness.
As Bedlam she joined with her fellow exemplars and wrought havoc on the earth before being stopped by the Avengers. When they appeared again they pursued Juggernaut for his betrayal. Despite being the silent member of the Exemplars she was the one moved by the words of the Avengers and took herself and her team deep into space.
They have not been seen or mentioned since.
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