Hancock was a box office hit with Hollywood heavyweight Will Smith at the helm so it’s only a matter of time before a sequel is made. Recently the director spoke with Comicbookmovie about the possible sequel and had this to say.
“We’ve been talking about the sequel between us, Will Smith, [producers] Michael Mann and Akiva Goldsman and myself,” said Berg. “We’re all interested, but we literally just have trouble getting into the same room at the same time. We did have a series of meetings last year and started to hash out an idea for sequel — and Will Smith actually had the idea — so I think it will happen, it’s just a question of timing.”

This was only the most recent talk of the inevitable sequel. If you’ll remember back in 2009 Peter Berg spoke to MTV about the sequel and how the story would play out.
We’re looking at exploring their relationship prior to when we first met them and seeing a bit of what happened as a prequel,” Berg said. “I think we danced around the concept of an origins and we settled on something that is very substantive. That will part of the sequel.”

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