Storm meets with Reed while Panther and the rebels plan their next move. Shield attacks the wakandan embassy and the rebels save them. Fight ensues between both sides Ragnaroc shows up and him and storm duel and sue helps her. The wakandan embassy is destroyed. Hercules off panel then deals with ragnaroc and then everyone realizes Cap has surrendered making the conflict moot.
The Good

The story’s premise and execution were average at best.
I didn’t mind the interactions between BP and Monica or even storm and reed.
The interior art was ok.
Awesome cover art.
The bad
Ok 1 small problem….when since can storm “beam” her powers into minds? I feel like the line was pulled from a really old star Trek episode (beam me up Scotty!)
The panels that followed were filler, Sue and Storm would NEVER react in this manner to Hercules beating up Ragnaroc. NEVER it was so out of character it made an otherwise average story cringe worthy. Slapstick comedy? yes! Appropriate? Hell No!
The fight between storm and ragnaroc was anticlimatic and very underwhelming especially in light of the awesome cover which promised a fight to shake the heavens.
The Ugly
2/5 meh