In 2013, we published our first Indie comic pull list. We were in the process of putting more focus on indie comics and creators than we had done in previous years. Over the next few years, we reached out to many independent creators and have put in the time to not only get to know more about their characters and comics, but to get to know more about them on a personal level. The results of that new focus have been more inclusion of indie characters in our database, more reviews of indie comics, and most importantly. A better relationship with both fans and creators of Independent comics.
To that end, instead of doing another interview, we decided to go back and list the comics that are not only represented in the various interviews we have done, but also mention a few comics from some of the creators that we have worked to build solid relationships with during that time as well. This is by no means an all inclusive list, nor does it come close to representing the various relationships we have built over the last four years, instead, this is a sampling of the books that were brought to our attention by both fans of the website and the many creators out there. Like wise, we cannot begin to list all the Comic companies and publishers that we have made contact with, but believe me when I say, we appreciate each and everyone of you, and we are looking forward to a continued successful relationship. We know you all will at least recognize many of the titles, and if you have yet to dive into them, please take the time to do so and also, continue to support indie comics/creators.

The comics are not in any special order or ranking and do not represent all the independent books/creators we made contact with.
1. Nowhere Man (Forward Comix) by Jerome Walford
2. The Keeper’s: Origin (Aza Comics) by Jazmin Truesdale
3. Stealth (Red Band) by William Satterwite
4. Waso: Will To Power; Waso: Gathering Wind (Stranger Comics): Project: Wildfire: (The Operative Network) Menthu: The Anger of Angels (Black Inc Imprint); Watson and Holmes Vol 2 (New Paradign Studios) by Hannibal Tabu
5. Bayne by Chyna McCoy
6. The Horsemen; 4 pages 16 bars; Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers: (Griot Enterprises) by Jiba Molei Anderson
7. Legend of the Mantamaji (And Action Entertainment) by Eric Dean Seaton

8. The Eight (AHR Visions) by Abdul H. Rashad

9. Superhero Huff (Engendering Strength) by Yorli Huff
10. Hotshot; Vigilance (Freestyle Comics) by Michael Watson
11. Quincredible; Airwolf (Lion Forge)by David Gorden
12. Team Genesis (FarCorners Studios)by Lincoln Farquharson
13. Titan: Black Star Line; Cosmos (Advent Comics)by Tony Kittrell
14. Route 3; Daddy’s Little Girl (Terminus Media);
Stealth (Red Band) by Robert Jeffery II
15. Titans/Divinity by John Garrett
16. Brotherhood of the Fringe (NS Works); Ajala: A Series of Adventures (Xmoor Studios); Watson and Holmes Vol 1 and Vol 2 (New Paradign Studio

s) by N. Steven Harris
17. Galtow; Ajala: A Series of Adventures; Hero Born; Tool Boi; Inheritors (Xmoor Studios) by Robert Garrett
18. P.B. Soldier (PBS Medis) by Naseed Gifted

19. Dreadloks the Origins; Blackwatch; Jihad A.D. 2166; (Urban Style Comics) by Andre L. Batts
20. Vasion; Vasion: Exposed (2nd Coming Comix) by Christian Hall
21. Jonathan Fox in The Monster of Egypt by John McClellum
22. Spirit’s Destiny; (Red Band) by Dorphise Jean
23. Knight Seeker; Star Enforcers by Eric Cooper
24. Might of Guardian Prime; Avonome by Comic Republic
25. The Blood Seekers (MVmedia Publishing) by Milton Davis and Kristopher Mosby
This is a good list for anyone that wants to get started supporting African American comic properties. I hope to be a part of your next post 2018 – 2021 titles.
We are looking forward to the revamp of Tribe!