The Shield has fallen. The Black Panther and his armies march on Doomstadt. As Battleworld gives way to a new Marvel Universe…no one will come out the other side unscathed, if they come out at all. Who lives? Who dies? Find out in this penultimate chapter!
Prison break. Stealing a worldkiller. The fall of Attilan. The Good Art-The space bits were the best illustrated, the other section were not terrible but were not of the same quality. Cover– This month’s Infinity book follows the trend of an all
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What comes after “Marvel NOW!”? Whatever it is, it starts HERE. The vile face left movie audiences in shock after last summer’s Marvel Studios’ “The Avengers” movie, but who is this eerily disturbing villain? Thanos rises as the unrivaled rogue of wretchedness
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PANTHER + STORM + KRAVEN THE HUNTER = “STORM HUNTER” PARTS 1 & 2! From the rooftops to the subway tunnels, why is Spider-Man’s deadly foe stalking T’Challa across the city…and how long until the prey targets the pursuer? Plus: will the world’s greatest predators have anywhere to hide when Ororo arrives and rips the skies open? It’s the first meeting of husband and wife since the Panther’s new status quo…in the two-part thriller that will show why says this series is “the gritty, violent action romp the character needed.”
Background: When Grant Morrison ended his run on X-men I was scared as all hell in what would happen with the characters he had literally ushered into the new millennium. When Joss created Astonishing even though it was always late
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