March 28, 2025
10 54 14 PM
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Knight Seeker (Character)

Publisher: Seeker Entertainment / Chocolate Nation Studios 

Created by: Eric M. Cooper

1st appearance: May 5, 2005      

Nationality: Black American

Team Affiliations: Self Reliant 

Legal Status: Vigilante

Height:  6’1                  Weight: 220 lbs

Eye color: Brown / Orange when transformed            

Hair color: Black / Shaved Head

Relatives: Mother: Celine Spinner

Skills and abilities: DNA fighting skills are oriented to that of a Seeker in armed and hand to hand combat.  5 times faster recovery rate from injuries. Can sense if he is being watched.

Powers: Has the ability to lift up to 2 tons and 6 tons with an adrenaline rush. Electron Shielding Technology. Sonic Sword. Spikes Bones in Upper Wrists and Calf Areas that launch out and are attached to his muscle structure. Motion and Heat Detection. Targeting Capability. Alternative Weapon- Spinal Whip Sword. Rift Porting for instant Teleportation. Protective Suit Armor against light weaponry.  


Nygel Spinner is a 24 year old college student and a New Jersey. He works part time for a television news network as an assistant tech. One fateful night he was involved in a battle between two aliens during one of his night shifts. Both aliens died in the conflict but one of them was a galaxy officer and passed along his technology and abilities to Nygel. This unexpected human was tasked to complete the alien officer’s mission that may lead to the destruction of Earth if Nygel fails.