There’s going to be hell to pay as ATROCITUS continues his lone search for ABYSMUS and more poisoned members of his corps die!
With the entire corps poisoned, only a handful of RED LANTERNS are left alive!
The Good
Cover- It’s my girl Fatality vs Bleeze with dynamic pink being the major highlight.
Bleeze and Fatality- While trapped in the crystal sphere their personalities shift as Bleeze calms to love and Fatality starts to exhibit anger and rage.
End of the Red Lanterns- That ravaged planet was gorgeous in its grotesque, ravaged and utterly desecrated in every possible way. That ladies and gents was perfect in its depiction.
Action- The battle between Bleeze and Fatality was not what I would have expected and Atroticus vs Abysmus is something to look forward to.
The Bad
Fatality– The art honestly makes Yrra look like a horse. The once stunning space faring warrior was hideous and that really was a roadblock to enjoying the tale
Cover- Fatality lacked her trademark and distinctive elf like ears.
The Ugly
I liked it despite the art and Fatality so rarely gets the spotlight so that was a sure fire plus for this issue! 3/5