ENTER: DOCTOR STASIS! The X-Men’s new nemesis finally makes himself known to them, bringing his creations to bear. Mutants may have conquered death, but their foes are all too living…
What I thought
The story opens with the X-men defeated and unconscious. The New reavers stand triumphant. While the villains did come with mutant dampening darts they failed to tag every mutant present. Dr. Polaris wakes up and is pissed, not just because her teammates have been roughed up but because the villains wrecked her gasses and spilled her coffee. She puppeteers New Wolverine/X-23 to dispatch her foes. In the aftermath, the X-men share the bounty of Krakoa with the homeless. It is here that Ben Urich speaks with Cyclops about the apparent immortality of the mutant race and how he is about to break the story.
The art was inconsistent but used well in the story. Synch was relegated to background this entire issue which sucked but at least he was here. Laura finally decided its time for them to talk as well. Hopefully, it happens on the panel and not off. Quite a few adventures get glossed over in this issue but what can we do.
Jean Grey/Marvel Girl is here revealed as having messed with the voting results. It’s played off as she simply used Lorna’s subconscious but this is the same chick who smashed through Emma’s thoughts instead of questioning her damn husband and let’s not forget how she lead to the end of Forge and Storm back in the 90’s thanks to her indecision. The sacred cow everyone.
This was a Polaris issue at heart. Here we get the revelation that she has completed her PhD. Her powers are on display in a major way. I loved the flexing. Eletro magnetic sight, radiation containment etc.
While I did enjoy this issue, it was just your average comic book. 2.5/5 stars