Ebon, real name Ivan Evans, was a juvenile delinquent and gang banger from Dakota. He was affected by the Quantum Vapor, gaining a silhouette appearance and shadow-based powers. Ebon was one of Static’s arch-enemies in his years as a young superhero. Desiring control, Ebon continually tried to recruit Bang Babies to join his Metahuman gang, the Meta-Breed.
Powers and abilities
Ebon was a self-proclaimed master of shadow and darkness. After being affected by the Big Bang, Ebon became a living shadow, able to flatten against any surface and move silently and speedily wherever he wanted. He could glide along walls, slip under doors and through cracks, create portals to a location of his choosing, and travel from one shadow to another, as well as absorb other people or objects, carrying them with him. He also possessed inter-dimensional powers, allowing him to disappear in one spot and reappear in another, using this power to kidnap his victims. Ebon also had the ability to shape-shift his physical body, capable of shaping himself any way he wants, much like his younger brother, although Adam preferred to use his powers for good, unlike Ebon.
Ebon’s primary weakness was an intensely bright light, especially Static’s intense electric powers, which could paralyze and temporarily obliterate Ebon’s shadow form.