Publisher: Marvel
Created by: Chris Claremont, Leinil Francis Yu

1st appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #106 (November, 2000)
Powers: Teleportation.
Junction was a member of the mutant-offshoot known as the Neo, they were Homo sapiens superior who decided to live reclusively, waiting for humanity to self-annihilate, and developed their own warrior culture. Every member of the neo was born from two mutant parents as they believed in their inherent superiority.
Like her people, they were happy with their solitary life, until tragedy struck. Due to the actions of the High Evolutionary temporarily “turning off” the mutant gene to transform all mutants into “baseline” humans on Mister Sinister’s proposition. Many of the Neo perished.
Junction sided with Domina, their leader, and other Neo who survived swearing vengeance on the X-Men and Mister Sinister. Now calling themselves the War clan. After facing the X-men and the death of Jaeger they departed with n understanding [X-Men (Vol. 2) #106(November 2000)].
Magneto later recruits them into his Genoshan army. They Neo resist but Magneto dismembers Rax and Salvo, proving himself to the clan. Domina bows before her new leader and Junction follows suit. She was thought killed in the Genoshan genocide but showed up with her powers after the M-Day, and attacked the mutants at San Francisco alongside other members of the War clan, confronting the Young X-Men [Young X-Men #12].