A WORLD WITHOUT AVENGERS! Welcome to a world where Tony Stark never built an Iron Man armor. Where Thor is a hard-drinking atheist who despises hammers. Where Wakanda is dismissed as a myth. And where Captain America was never found in the ice because there was no Avengers to find him. Instead, this world has always been protected by Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the Squadron Supreme of America. And now the Squadron faces an attack from some of their fiercest enemies, like Dr. Juggernaut, the Black Skull, the Silver Witch, and Thanos with his Infinity Rings. But why is the Daywalker Blade the one man alive who seems to remember that the entire world has somehow been…reborn?
What I Thought
Jason Aaron writer and Ed McGuiness give us a world without Avengers. Blade tries to find his teammates in this altered world but everyone has been altered to fit into this new reality. Blade realizes that the world was changed because Captain America was never discovered and thus Earth’s mightiest never assembled. In this world, the Squadron Supreme the premiere heroes of Earth. Many subtle changes occur because of this simple fact. Dr Doom is now Dr. Juggernaut, Scarlet Witch is now Silver Witch, etc. By far my favorite hero is Nighthawk who is even more of a Batman analog than before. Love the design; is he…a black guy? Sure seems that way. Hopefully, this version survives whatever this is. Which Dr. Spectrum is this though? I like the purpose and agency Blade has been getting recently. He has been a member of the Avengers, sheriff of the Vampire nation, now the man who saves the altered world by reassembling the Avengers. I got AOA Bishop Vibes as Blade mysteriously just knows something is wrong with the world. Blade’s subtle influence has already sent shockwaves through this world. Thor’s hammer, Discovering Steve Rogers in ice, etc. Things will return to normal s always but this opening salvo has given me enough to see what happens next!

I give this issue 3/5 stars