Publisher: Boom Studious
Created by: Kyle Higgins and Kelly Thompson

First Appearance: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 29
Alias: Tanya Sloan
Height: 5’5 ft Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Skills and Abilities: Trained martial artist
Powers: The power to Morph via the Morphin grid which grants superhuman speed, strength, endurance, etc.
Brief Biography
As Zeo Ranger II Yellow, Tanya followed her original timeline until the Shattered Grid event, which for her, occurred shortly after the events of Good as Gold.
“Shattered Grid”
Tanya was seen with the other Zeo Rangers, throwing a farewell party to their former Gold Ranger, Jason Lee Scott. Shortly after the party ended, unbeknownst to Tanya and the other Zeo Rangers, Lord Drakkon stole Adam’s Zeonizer and murdered a captive Tommy in his bedroom [Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2018 Annual]
Receiving Zordon’s call through the Morphin Grid, Tanya was among the Rangers who rallied to his pocket dimension for the last stand against Lord Drakkon. [Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 29].
After having her Morpher reinforced by Doctor K, Tanya took part in a mission to Lord Drakkon’s fortress to rescue captured Rangers, and was subsequently aboard the Promethea when it was trapped in an unknown dimension known as “The Void”. [Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 30 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid Finale Issue 1].
“Beyond the Grid”
Trapped on the Promethea for over 4 weeks, Tanya was willing to board the Promethea ship on a mission to find life aboard on an unknown vessel. While dealing with hostile forces on the vessel, Kimberly saves Mike from attempting to send himself out of the airlock with them. Tanya criticizes his reckless behavior and the two of them develop a bond [Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 32].