Publisher: Constant Hustle Comics

Created by: Lawrence King and Charles Simpson
1st Appearance: The Last Line #1
Real Name: Miles Sihls
Nationality: African American
Team Affiliations: The Last Line
Legal Status: US Citizen
Height: 5’8 Weight: 150lbs
Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: None
Relatives: Kala Sihls(Mother) deceased, Carson Sihls (Father), Sydni Sihls(Sister), Magnus Sihls ( Brother)
Skills and Abilities: He has “Khungu” alien tech skin that is bonded to him on a molecular level and it enhances him to be the best version of himself.
Powers: he can lift over 20 tons with no exertion and fly at almost light speed and stamina. He has a bow and arrow made from pure energy. He is almost invulnerable
Miles is a victim of circumstance and he wants to get approval from his father. He wants vengeance for his mother’s death as well. He was a junior in high school and try to navigate life as an African American gay male. He made a goal to keep his father safe at all cost thus leaving school and putting everything on hold to do so. The power actually finds him and once his bond with the “Khungu” power he realizes that people need his power to keep them safe.