Publisher: Constant Hustle Comics

Created by: Lawrence King and Charles Simpson
1st Appearance: The Last Line #1
Real Name: Carson Sihls
Nationality: African American
Team Affiliations: The Last Line
Legal Status: US Citizen
Height: 6’0 Weight: 300 lbs
Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: None
Relatives: Kala Sihls (Wife) deceased, Miles Sihls (son), Sydni Sihls(daughter), Magnus Sihls (son)
Skills and Abilities: Fluent in over three forms of martial arts and MMA variations. Also he has been trained in pain management and mitigation to withstand interrogation. He has Alien tech weaponry.
Powers: He carries a rifle named Kala after his wife, that fires a multitude of different ballistic types and its ammo is converted from any matter around it. He has a voice activated shield that is virtually indestructible. He also has an alien tech arm that increases strength and emits a low level concussive blast.
Carson was a top-level captain in the navy seals, specializing in interrogation and hand to hand combat. After his wife’s death, Carson became a “power hunter” looking for objects throughout the world that would grant him powers. He plans to use these powers to take down the villain Pyro that is responsible for his wife’s death and to be the hero the world needs.