March 04, 2025
11 11 11 AM
BLEED (Character)
Absolver (Character)
Tribal Tuesday: 10 reasons why Larry Stroman and Todd Johnson’s Tribe is iconic!
Columbia: The Spirit of America (Character)
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Tribal Tuesday: Ten reasons why Larry Stroman is an artistic icon
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Black Glory (Character)
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Nkosazana (Character)
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Obeah Man (Character)
Papa Midnite (Character)
Hunter’s Moon (Character)
Bratgirl (Character)
Kimura (Character)
Ghost (Character)
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BLEED (Character) Absolver (Character) Tribal Tuesday: 10 reasons why Larry Stroman and Todd Johnson’s Tribe is iconic! Columbia: The Spirit of America (Character) 10 ways in which Milestone Media’s Icon is Different from Superman The Black Perspective: Black Panther’s Bast and Colonial Undertones Tribal Tuesday: Ten reasons why Larry Stroman is an artistic icon 23 In 2023-Black Superhero Edition Black Glory (Character) 22 Comics To Read in 2022: Black Superhero Edition Assemble! The Black Avengers Listing X-Men: 14 Greatest Black Members, Ranked Nkosazana (Character) List of Haitian Superheroes! Obeah Man (Character) Papa Midnite (Character) Hunter’s Moon (Character) Bratgirl (Character) Kimura (Character) Ghost (Character)

Avengers and X-men #7, #8, #9 Review

Avengers and X-men #7 Review




The villains battle the X-men . Deadpool tries to bring Evan to the fore in Apocalypse to no avail. Elsewhere the Scarlet Witch casta a spell that reveals that Magneto is not her and Quicksilver’s father. Before she can kill Doom he escapes. The inverted Avengers meet up to discuss what will be doen about the villains and the X-men. The X-men stand triumphant and the gene bomb reaches zero.

What I thought

I liked the cover with the AXIS logo splashed across the middle of the book. I particularly liked the half which showed Deadpool in his tao/Buddhist garb facing off with Apocalypse with a kitten hopping over lava below. This was also an action heavy issue which I’m sure some will like. The battles themselves though pale in comparison to what took place in AVX.

I hate the revelatiuon that Magneto is not the father of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. This has been a central part of their characterization for years and not thanks to Joss Whedon’s Avengers Age of Ultron we get  a retcon which will enrage long time fans. It feels cheap. If this is temporary or simply because she has remade this small bit of reality or because Doom cast a spell to protect Magneto it will convolute the Scarlet Witch’s already convoluted history. I’m not a fan of this at all

Overall I was not impressed by this issue at all. It’s just another senseless fight between heroes just for the hell of it. 2.5/5

stars- 2.5 Average

Avengers and X-men #8 Review
Avengers and X-men #8 Review



The ending from last issue gets completely negated by Caranage smothering the bomb with his body and seemingly dieing in the process. The Avengers and X-men engage in battle. Nomad and Steve Rogers watch from elsewhere and make plans to secure the Red Skull. In Latveria the Scarlet Witch is still on a rampage Dr. Doom makes his retun with DOCTOR VOODOO and DANIEL DRUMM! They quickly dispatch the witch and take control of her. On the battlefield Steve Rogers in battle armor escorting the skull out of the X-men’s clutches.

What I thought

AXIS is a huge disappointment on almost every conceivable level. This issue was big on the action and light on character development. There are a few moments clearly meant to be “cool” but I’m so disengaged from the whole thing I find it all lacklustre. Thor and his age get the lion’s share of cool moments and everyone else is just fodder. On the up side though we got a cool cover and some of the best art this series has seen yet. The saving grace of this issue was the return of Doctor Voodoo and Daniel Drumm after the later sought revenge on the Avengers after the first saved the world in a heroic blaze of glory. Having the drums back made this cringe worthy tale mildly bearable.

Overall at best this issue was average like the one before it so it gets a-2.5/5

stars- 2.5 Average



Who will live? Who will die? Who will remain inverted? A shocking climax that promises to crack the Marvel Universe to its very core!

An old foe must claim the mantle of his greatest enemy to save the lives of all he cares for!

An X-Man’s horrifying fate! An Avenger’s appalling choice! If you read only one comic this century – This is it!


All New Captain America battles the old Steve Rogers in armor while the Avengers and X-men who were inverted try to kill each other. Sabertooth and Mystique shows kindling of feelings for each other, Thor and Loki face off on the moon with Loki managing to lift Thor’s Hammer. Jericho Drumm controlling the Scarlet witch alongside Doom and Red Skull reverse the inversion process but Tony Stark blocks the effects on himself Sabertooth and Havok. With most back to normal the inverted flee leaving Creed. In the aftermath Creed goes to Jail to pay for his crimes, Havok joins up with his brother Cyclops and Stark continues to party. A new Avengers Unity squad is formed and life goes on.


What I thought

This is it the end of the most disappointing event of my modern marvel life. I liked the cover and the issue contained a fair bit of action which at the end of the day is what having the X-men and Avengers together is all about. The tale ends with a new Uncanny Avengers which is comprised of the reborn Daniel and Jericho Drumm alongside Rogue, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and All New Captain America. I like the line up and will be adding this book to my reading list because with Age of Ultron on the horizon this is the book to watch with the twins! Other developments include Havok, Sabertooth and Iron man remaining inverted. Havok was evil briefly in 1996-1997 so no big excitement there (Yawn). I also predicted that Iron Man would remain “superior” so again (yawn). We have already had a “good” Sabretooth in many tales from 1995 to now so can’t say that’s exciting either. The art was all over the place and was the very worst this series has had to date. Overall AXIS disappointed me big time. If I had not been given these books free by my comic shop I would be pretty damn pissed right now. If you need to read a marvel crossover this year read Original sin if crossovers are your thing then Godhead from DC comics is superior. As a follow up to Avengers vs X-men it also dissapointed across the board. AVX had tension and a level of urgency that frankly AXIS just lacked. It was illustrated well from start to finish and was decently characterized. I give this closing issue a disappointingly average 2.5/5 stars

stars- 2.5 Average